Indiana Law Annotated for September 19, 2016 (51:5)
- This Week in the Law School
- Monday, September 19
- Tuesday, September 20
- Wednesday, September 21
- Thursday, September 22
- Friday, September 23
- Sunday, September 25
- Faculty News
- Staff News
- Announcements
This Week in the Law School
We host Stanford Law's Pamela Karlan today at noon for a timely look at this year's presidential election. On Wednesday, the Stewart Lecture in Labor and Employment Law kicks off our endowed lecture series. And you can learn all about our exciting exchange programs on Friday. Who wouldn't want to spend a semester in Dublin? Students with Macs, see the announcements for an important message on why you shouldn't update to Sierra this week.
Monday, September 19
"The Hydraulic Election of 2016: The New Voter Denial, Political Parties, the Rise of Donald Trump, and the Courts"
Professor Pamela S. Karlan, the Kenneth and Harle Montgomery Professor of Public Interest Law and Co-Director of Stanford's Supreme Court Clinic, will present this Constitution Day lecture. Karlan is recently back to Stanford after serving in the Obama Administration's Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. This event is cosponsored by Indiana University Provost Lauren Robel and the IU Maurer Law School American Constitution Society, Law Students for Reproductive Justice, OUTlaw, and Women's Law Caucus. Lunch provided. Moot Court Room, noon.
International Law Society 1L Elections and General Body Meeting
Calling all ILS members: please join us for our 1L representative elections and general body meeting to discuss upcoming events. Room 124, 6 p.m.
Tuesday, September 20
Black Law Students Association General Body Meeting
Please join BLSA for a general body meeting to discuss upcoming semester events, sign-up for BLSA buddies, and elect our 1L representative. Lunch will be provided. Room 124, noon.
Federalist Society Presents: "Why the Text Matters: Originalism"
Join the Federalist Society for an exciting and robust discussion around originalism, the controversial interpretive framework famously advocated by the late Justice Antonin Scalia. We'll feature a speech by Josh Blackman of the Harlan Institute, with commentary by Indiana Law's own Prof. Steve Sanders. Free delicious catered lunch. Great food, great ideas, great friends. Room 122, noon.
Law Students for Reproductive Justice First Meeting
LSRJ is having its first meeting for new and past members. The discussion will revolve around introductions, reviewing staple events for the year, sharing ideas for new events, and talking specifically about collaborating with All-Options for Abortion Week Coverage, which takes place at the end of September. Come meet some new people, check out our plans, and get excited to make a positive contribution to this school and community! There will also be pizza.
LLSA Screening of Cruz Reynoso: Sowing the Seeds of Justice
In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, the Latino Law Student Association will be hosting its second annual screening of Cruz Reynoso: Sowing the Seeds of Justice. Reynoso was the first Chicano associate justice of the California Supreme Court. Abby Ginzberg's (UC-Berkeley) documentary explores Reynoso's life from his work with the California Rural Legal Assistance program in 1968 to his involvement in protecting voter rights during Bush v. Gore in 2000. It is a powerful, inspirational documentary, and we hope to see you all there to celebrate the contribution of Hispanic leaders in the law. Moot Court Room, noon.
Wednesday, September 21
Stewart Lecture in Labor and Employment Law: NYU's Cynthia Estlund
Join us for the annual Stewart Lecture in Labor and Employment Law as we host New York University School of Law's Cynthia Estlund. Professor Estlund will present "A New Deal for China's Workers?" Lunch will be provided and one hour of Indiana CLE credit is offered. Moot Court Room, noon.
Make-Up Training for the Protective Order Project
If you missed the first round of new member training for the Protective Order Project but still want to get involved in a wonderful pro bono organization, join us for a make-up training session. Dinner and dessert from Noodles & Co. will be provided. Room 124, 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 22
Career Services Office Workshop: Public Interest Opportunities
The CSO will be having a workshop with Dean Rachel Dawson and David Main to discuss public interest opportunities. Room 125, noon.
BarBri for LLM Students
More than 1.2 million students worldwide have succeeded with the BARBRI Bar Review course. We teach you exactly what it takes to pass the bar on the first try. Our almost 50 years of bar exam-specific experience means you won't be left wondering if you're ready. We understand the unique difficulties of a new school environment and culture. American concepts of law, and how they are taught, are fundamentally different from many international legal systems. Our law professors have extensive experience in LLM training, including sensitivity to the challenges international students face. Room 216, noon.
CACR Security Seminar Series: Patrick Traynor
The Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research will host Patrick Traynor (University of Florida CISE) who will be presenting an article titled, "Who Do I Think You Are? Challenges and Opportunities in Telephony Authentication." Faculty Conference Room, noon.
OWLS Kick Off Meeting
Did you take time off between undergrad and law school? Worked a job? Traveled the world? Started a family? Got a degree or certification in something else? Or do you have a spouse, significant other, and/or children now and are looking for an outlet to include them and figure out work-life balance as a law student? Come join us for our kick-off meeting for OWLS (Older Wiser Law Students), a group for professional and social support for non-traditional law students. Feel free to bring family or friends. We'll be planning social events for the year and would love to have your input and participation. Email any questions to Emily Grothoff ( Snacks provided. Student Lounge, 5 p.m.
Friday, September 23
International Fridays: Semester Exchange Programs
Indiana Law has a large number of exchange opportunities around the globe: Auckland, Barcelona, Beijing, Dublin, Hamburg, Hong Kong, New Delhi, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Seoul, Shenzhen, and Warsaw, among others. Learn more about the options from Dean Lesley Davis (International Programs & Graduate Legal Studies) as well as exchange program alumni and current students on exchange from many of these institutions. Please note that applications for semester exchange for fall, spring, and year-long programs during the 2017-2018 academic year will be due early in the Spring 2017 semester. Room 124, noon to 2 p.m.
Graduate Colloquium Faculty Series: Professor Joseph Hoffmann
Prof. Joseph L. Hoffmann will give a talk on the method of legal writing and share his research experience as part of the Graduate Colloquium Faculty Series. Lunch will be provided. RSVP to Kai-Chih Chang ( no later than Wednesday at noon. Room 122, noon.
Sunday, September 25
Women's Law Caucus Brunch
Join the Women's Law Caucus for brunch, where we will be announcing our 1L representatives. This will also be a great opportunity to network with other women in the organization. FARMbloomington, 108 E. Kirkwood Avenue, 10 a.m.
Faculty News
Prof. Steve Sanders was invited to contribute to the National Constitution Center's online "Interactive Constitution." For each provision of the Constitution, a pair of scholars - one nominated by the American Constitution Society, the other by the Federalist Society - wrote a joint essay about that provision's history and meaning. Then the scholars wrote individual essays describing their divergent perspectives on that part of the Constitution. Prof. Sanders, together with Prof. Stephen Sachs from Duke Law School, wrote about the Full Faith and Credit Clause. Other contributors to the Interactive Constitution project include such prominent scholars as Randy Barnett, Marci Hamilton, Orin Kerr, Sanford Levinson, Michael McConnell, and Geoffrey Stone.
Staff News
Carl James from the Maurer IT team will be joining Michael Jasiak and Nate Pairitz from UITS to deliver the lightning talk "Using Video to Capture the Mind" at the 2016 IU Statewide IT Conference on Tuesday, September 20, at 3:30pm in the IU Auditorium. Carl will present on how the Maurer School of Law integrates video as part of the learning experience-in and outside the classroom.
Brittany Terwilliger, coordinator in the Center for Constitutional Democracy, has left the Law School to pursue other interests. A search for her successor is under way.
Spring 2017 Judicial Externship Applications Due Friday
Students (2L and 3L) interested in applying for a judicial externship during the spring 2017 (one day a week, two credits) in Federal Circuit Court, District Court, and Bankruptcy Court, as well as the Indiana Supreme Court, the Indiana Court of Appeals, the Indiana Tax Court, and Indiana Trial Courts, should check posting in CareerNet and apply to Prof. Inge Van der Cruysse ( by Sept. 26.
Mac Users: Refrain from Updating to Sierra
Next week, Apple will release its newest operating system for Mac computers called macOS Sierra. As this is a brand new version of macOS (version 10.12), it will not be supported with ExamSoft which is the software used exclusively for Law exams. In the coming weeks and months, please refrain from updating your computer to macOS Sierra as you may not be able to take a Law Exam with your Mac when the time comes.
Welcome to the 14th Annual JD/LLM Socctoberfest
This year's soccer match will take place on Friday, October 21st at 4:30 p.m. at Karst Farm Park, fields 1 and 2, on the west side of Bloomington. It is a co-ed event that welcomes all ability levels. After the games, which will end at approximately 7:00 p.m., we will have a cookout in the area adjacent to the soccer fields. Participants, fellow students, and family are all welcome to attend. If you are a JD or LLM student interested in playing, please e-mail Rhea May (, and indicate your ability level based on the following categories and your shirt size (Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, 2XL; note, these shirts have an athletic fit):
A. I played competitively in college or high school
B. I know how to play and have some athletic ability
C. I can still run and kick things
D. I can kick things
E. Can you play goalie?
Saudi Arabia National Day
Join fellow Graduate Legal Studies students for the 86th Saudi Arabia National Day, presented by the IU Saudi Student Club. All faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend. Friday, Sept. 23, 5 to 8 p.m., Cedar Hall Auditorium in Union Street Center.
How to Schedule an Event
An online form is available to plan and schedule meetings. Please use this form to request a room, notify Indiana Law Annotated, and send other information about your event. You will receive confirmation that your room has been reserved after your request has been processed. When filling out your event description, please provide all information possible, especially if you are requesting that the event be publicized.
ILA Submissions
Indiana Law Annotated is published every Monday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Submit information and articles for ILA to by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Monday's edition. Length of submission is limited to 150 words, unless otherwise approved. Entries may be edited to ensure consistent presentation. If you're requesting a room, submit all information (including the room request) by emailing ( If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact James Boyd (; phone 855-0156). Indiana Law Annotated is archived online.
Audio-Video Services
Send requests for AV services to Carl James ( Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.