Ways to give
There are many ways to support Indiana Law. Every gift is important, genuinely appreciated, and a sound investment in our future.
- Annual Giving: The Fund for Excellence provides current-use funds that support critical, otherwise unfunded programs within the Law School. Gifts renewed each year allow general student scholarship support, career services, faculty enrichment, alumni events, as well as other strategic opportunities.
- Student Giving: Class support for the Maurer School of Law is a long-standing tradition. Third-year law students are encouraged to make their first pledge to the school and are invited to the graduate recognition party in the spring.
- Planned Giving and Major Gifts To create a lasting impact, consider naming the Law School in your will, a charitable gift annuity, or a gift of retirement plan assets. Major gifts provide the margin of excellence in all areas of teaching, research, and service. Leadership and major gifts include significant gifts of cash and appreciated stock, deferred gifts, and gifts of real estate and other gift vehicles.
We will be pleased to discuss ways in which we can assist you with your investment in Indiana Law. Contact Lisa Hosey, Executive Director of Development, lhosey@iu.edu, or call 812-855-9953.
Click here to make your gift to Indiana Law