Student complaints implicating compliance with ABA standards
The law school is subject to the American Bar Association (ABA) Standards for Approval of Law Schools. Any law student who would like to bring a formal complaint to the Administration of the Law School regarding a significant problem that directly implicates the school’s program of legal education and its compliance with the ABA Standards should do the following:
- Submit a written complaint to the Assistant Dean of Students;
- Describe in detail the action, program or process complained of, and explain how it implicates the school’s program of legal education and its compliance with a particular identified ABA Standard, and
- Provide in the complaint the name, official IU email address, and mailing address of the complainant for further communication about the complaint.
Please note that this policy only applies to student complaints implicating compliance with ABA Standards.
A. Procedure for Addressing Complaints
- The Assistant Dean of Students should generally acknowledge the written complaint within seven (7) business days of receipt.
- Within twenty (20) business days of acknowledgment of the complaint, the Assistant Dean of Students shall either meet with the complainant or respond to the substance of the complaint in writing. The student should either receive a response to the complaint or receive information about what steps are being taken by the law school to address the complaint, or receive a statement indicating the complaint needs further investigation.
B. Complaint Records
A copy of each complaint and a summary of how it was investigated and resolved shall be kept in the Office of Student Affairs for a period of seven (7) years.