Montira Achavanuntakul
Research Interest: International Arbitration
Dissertation Committee:
Prof. Hannah Buxbaum
Prof. Charlie Geyh
Prof. Victor Quintanilla
SJD, Maurer School of Law, Indiana University, US 2018–
Master of Laws, University of Michigan Law School, US 2017
Master of Laws, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany 2006-2008
Bachelor of Laws, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand 2001-2005
Scholarship award: The Office of The Higher Education Commission’s Scholarship, a government Scholarship granted to qualified lecturers to pursue the Master of Laws Degrees and the Scientiae Juridicae Doctor in a foreign country.

Salman Mufleh R. Al-Kahtani
Research interest: Contract law
Dissertation committee:
Donald H. Gjerdingen
Jody L. Madeira
Bachelor of Laws (2007-2010), King Saud University, College of Law & Political Science, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Master of Laws (2014 -2015), University of Florida, Fredric G. Levin College of Law
Muhamad Abdulrahman Alshehri

malshehrilaw@gmail.com and muabalsh@iu.edu
Research Interests: Public International Law, International Humanitarian Law, Refugee Studies
Dissertation Committee: Professor Stephen A. Conrad
King Abdulaziz University (Bachelor’s Degree in Law)
DePaul University (LLM in International Human Rights Law)
Lecturer in law
Qin Chen

Research interests: Comparative Criminal Law
Dissertation committee:
Prof. Joseph Hoffmann
Prof. Ryan Scott
Prof. Jessica Eaglin
LLM, South China Normal University
LLM, Indiana University Maurer School of Law
The Boarder of Criminal Law’s Intervention in Athletics Violence, Journal of Physical Education, 2019(2) (CSSCI: Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index).
Discussion on the Fit of Reconciliation of the Litigants and Traditional Theories of Criminal Law, Journal of Hubei University of Police, 2017(2) (Extracted and compiled by Xinhua Digest, 2012(6)).
The Analytic Paradigm on “Crime-Punishment” Relations: Crime Evaluation Structure, Journal of South China Normal University (Social Science Edition), 2013(1) (CSSCI: Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index).
Chinese Criminal Policy on Counter-Terrorism Should Walk out of the Pitfall of Perfecting Legislation, Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law, 2017(2).
Determination of the Criminal Nature of Match-Fixing Behaviors, Journal of Physical Education, 2014(4) (CSSCI: Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index).
On Post Hoc Self-Rescue in Criminal Law, Journal of Political Science and Law, 2014(1) (National Chinese Core Journals).
The Legal Risk and Its Precaution of Electromagnetic Radiation Pollution, Journal of Shaoguan University, 2013(5).
Optimistic Mistake on Justifiable Cause: Based on the Analysis Sample of Imaginary Defense, Criminal Law Review, 2013(2).

Ahmed S. Enani
Research interests:
Administrative Law
Comparative Administrative Law
Government Contracts
Constitutional Law
Comparative Law
Dissertation topic: Proportionality Review of Administrative Actions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Dissertation committee:
Robert L. Fischman (Chair)
Alfred C. Aman, Jr.
Jayanth Krishnan
Gabrielle L. Goodwin
- LLB., King Saud University – College of Law & Political Science, Class of 2013.
- LLM., Cornell University – Law School, Class of 2017.
- SJ.D. Candidate, Indiana University – Maurer School of Law, Class of 2022.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aenani/
Chieh Huang
Research interests: Intellectual Property Law, Law and Technology, The Law and Policy of Artificial Intelligence
Dissertation committee:
Prof. Marshall A. Leaffer
Prof. Mark D. Janis
Prof. Michael Mattioli
S.J.D. Candidate, Indiana University Maurer School of Law
LL.M., Intellectual Property Law and Policy Program, University of Washington, Seattle
LL.M., Graduate School of Culture and Educational Law, National Taipei University of Education
LL.B., National Taipei University
Journal Article:
- 論我國著作權法第十七條禁止醜化權保障規定之「著作人之名譽」The Author’s “Reputation” in Article 17 of Taiwan Copyright Act], Intellectual Property Right Journal (Nov. 2013) (Traditional Chinese version only). Available at Taiwan Intellectual Property Office: https://goo.gl/NrQmMP
Academic Presentation:
- 人工智慧生成作品與著作權保護 The Copyright Protection of AI-generated Works, The Institute of European and American Studies (IESA), Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 2019 Conference on AI Development and Challenges in the EU and the USA, May 9-10, 2019 (Nankang, Taiwan).
- 論我國著作權法中禁止不實歸屬權與禁止醜化權之區別 A Study on the Right to Against the Misuse of Work and the Right to Object to Certain Modification, National Chiao Tung University School of Law, 2013 National Conference on Technology Law, Nov. 21, 2013 (Hsinchu City, Taiwan).
- 論我國著作權法中禁止不當利用權與禁止醜化權之區別 A Study on the False Attribution Right and the Right to Object to Certain Modification, National Taipei University of Technology Institute of Intellectual Property, 2014 Conference on Theories and Practices of Intellectual Property, Jun. 20, 2014 (Taipei City, Taiwan).
Yage Huang

Research interests: Criminal Law and Procedure, Evidence
Dissertation committee:
Prof. Aviva Orenstein (Advisor)
Prof. Joseph Hoffmann
Prof. Ethan Michelson
- Bachelor of Arts, major in English, Qilu University of Technology, Shandong, Jun. 2014.
- Bachelor of Law, major in law, Shandong University, Shandong, Sep. 2014.
- Master of Juris, major in criminal procedural law and evidence, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), Beijing, Jun. 2017.
- Ph.D. Candidate, major in criminal procedural law and evidence, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), Sep. 2017–
- Visiting Scholar, major in criminal procedural law and evidence, Indiana University Bloomington, Aug. 2019
- SJD Candidate, major in criminal procedural law and evidence, Indiana University Bloomington, Aug. 2019–
Huang Yage (黄亚鸽), Chongfu Gongshu Paichu Wenti Yanjiu Ping Yange Paichu Feifa Zhengju Guiding Di 5 Tiao(重复供述排除问题研究——评《严格排除非法证据规定》第5条) [Research of Excluding Repeated Confessions Issue——comments on Article 5 of Strict Rule of Exclusionary Rule of Illegal Obtained Evidence], 1 Fada Yanjiu Sheng (法大研究生) [Journal of Postgraduate CUPL] [ Postgraduate CUPL] 322 (2019) (China).
Huang Yage (黄亚鸽), Lun Lüshi Shifou Wei Xingfa Di 306 Tiao Shige de Fanzui Zhuti (论律师是否为《刑法》第306条适格的犯罪主体) [A Research of Article 306 of The Criminal Law of PRC on Whether the Lawyer is Eligible Subject of Legal Perjury], 15 Fazhi Yu Shehui (法制与社会) [Legal System and Society] [Legal Sys Soc’Y] 125 (2016) (China).
The Guarantee of Confidentiality and the Attorney Disclose the Client’s Information, ISSN: 2413-2071, Aug. 2016.
Sungbum Kwon

ksb1016@gmail.com (preferred)
Research Interests: Corporate Law, Corporate Governance
Dissertation Committee:
Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt (Academic advisor)
William D. Henderson (Second reader)
Brian Broughman, Vanderbilt University Law School (Third reader)
- Indiana University Maurer School of Law, Bloomington, Indiana, USA , SJ.D. (Doctor of Juridical Science) candidate, Jan 2018 –
- Indiana University Maurer School of Law, Bloomington, Indiana, USA , L.L.M. (Master of Laws), Aug 2016 – Dec 2017
- Sungkyunkwan University Law School, Seoul, South Korea, Master of Laws, March 2002-Aug 2014
- Sungkyunkwan University Law School, Seoul, South Korea, Bachelor of Laws, March 1999-Feb 2002
A Legal Study on the Internal Control System for Direction of Legislation in Korea, Master’s Degree Thesis (Indiana University Law School in the U.S.), December 2017
A Legal Study on the Improvement of Corporate Governance of SOEs in Korea, Master’s Degree Thesis (Sungkyunkwan University Law School in Korea), August 2014
- “Excellent Work of the year” by CEO of Korean Broadcasting System, Sep 2008
- “Excellent Work of the year” by CEO of Korean Broadcasting System, Mar 2011
- “Excellent Work of the year” by CEO of Korean Broadcasting System, May 2014
- “Research Assistant Scholarship” at Sungkyunkwan University School of Law, Spring 2002
Virgil Yuguang Lu

Research interest: Criminal Litigation (Procedure)
Dissertation committee:
Prof. Joseph Hoffmann
Prof. Ryan Scott
Renmin University of China/China University of Political Science and Law
Celso Maziteli Neto

Research interests: Real Estate Law, Land Registry Law, Banking Regulation, Securities
Dissertation committee:
Prof. Christiana Ochoa
Prof. Sarah Jane Hughes
Prof. Fred H. Cate
Justice Luís Paulo Aliende Ribeiro
Universidade de São Paulo (JD in Law), Cumberland School of Law (Master of Comparative Law)
Maziteli Neto, Celso; Brandelli, Leonardo. Blockchain e o Registro Imobiliário (Blockchain and Real Estate Recordkeeping), in Revista de Direito Imobiliário (RDI), Ano 42, vol. 87, p. 63-95, (Editora RT – São Paulo) (jul.-dez. 2019).
Leonardo Brandelli; Enéas Costa Garcia; Celso Maziteli Neto; José Marcelo Tossi Silva. Direito Imobiliário VII – Condomínio e Incorporação Imobiliária. [Real Estate Law VII - Condominiums and Real Estate Development] (Editora RT -São Paulo) (2020).
Chieh-Li (Jerry) Pai

Research interest: Intellectual Property Law
Dissertation committee:
Prof. Marshall Leaffer
Prof. Mark D. Janis
Prof. Michael Mattioli
LLM, Indiana University Maurer School of Law
LLM, Soochow University (Taiwan)
LLB, National Taiwan University
- Why companies from British overseas territories are not eligible to claim patent priorities in Taiwan, Taiwan Patent Attorneys Journal, Issue 20, P.18-29 (2015).
- A Study of Prior User Rights Defense against Patent Infringement–Comparison of Systems in Taiwan, the United States and Japan, Intellectual Property Right Journal (Tipo), Issue 174, P.52-83 (2013).
- The Legal Application of Patent Indirect Infringement-Introduction to a Judgment of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales in Grimme v. Scott, Intellectual Property Right Journal (Tipo), Issue 166, P.6-28 (2012).
- The Publication of Patent Information vs. The Protection of Personal Data, Intellectual Property Right Journal (Taiwan), Issue 154, P.6-38 (2011).
- A study of the Patent License Recordation System, Intellectual Property Right Journal (Tipo), Issue 142, P.5-32 (2010).
- A Study on the Definition and Effect of Patent Exclusive License, Intellectual Property Right Journal (Tipo), Issue 130, P.5-39 (2009).
2016 MOE (Taiwan) government scholarship for sponsorship of overseas study
Eka Putra

Research interests: Cybercrime, Cyber Law, Free Speech, Media Law
Dissertation committee:
Dean Austen Parrish
Prof. Joseph Tomain
Prof. Anthony Fargo
LLB at University Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia (2009), LLM at University Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia (2012)
“Protection of Academic Freedom is the Guarantee for Indonesian Democracy” (Perlindungan Kebebasan Akademik adalah Jaminan Demokrasi Indonesia) IDN Times, July 23, 2020.
“Persons with Disabilities are Vulnerable and Overlooked from COVID-19 Mitigation” (Penyandang Disabilitas Rentan dan Luput dari Mitigasi COVID-19) The Conversation, April 28, 2020.
“Beside its Ineffectiveness and Democracy Threatening, Internet Shutdown does not have Valid Legal Ground”(Selain Tidak Efektif dan Mengancam Demokrasi, Blokir Internet oleh Pemerintah tidak punya Dasar Hukum yang Kuat) The Conversation, September 17, 2019.
“Cut Retaliation Value in Criminal Law," The Jakarta Post, February 26, 2019.
“E-mail Spam Transmittal As A Cybercrime” (Pengiriman E-mail Spam Sebagai Kejahatan Siber), On Journal Cakrawala Hukum, Faculty of Law University of Merdeka Malang Volume 7 Number 2, December 2016.
“The Role of Mass Media in Criminal Policy” (Peran Media Massa dalam Penanggulangan Kejahatan) On Journal Cakrawala Hukum, Faculty of Law University of Merdeka Malang Volume 7 Number 1, December 2016.
“Cyberporn on Crime Without Victim Perspective” (Cyberporn dalam Tinjauan Kejahatan Tanpa Korban) On Journal Cakrawala Hukum, Faculty of Law University of Merdeka Malang Volume 6 Number 1, June 2015.
Fulbright Scholarship (2018)
American Institute for Indonesian Studies-Henry Luce Fellowship (2019-2020)
Law Lecturer at University Merdeka Malang, Indonesia (2012)
Legal Advisor at Bully ID (2019)
Research Fellow for Human Rights and Democracy Program at International NGO Forum for Indonesian Development (2021).
Simon (Chieh Jan) Sun

Research interests: First Amendment, Privacy, Cybersecurity, Cybercrime, Artificial Intelligence
Dissertation topic:Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and Internet Intermediary Liability: An Algorithmic Approach
Dissertation committee:
Prof. Joseph Tomain (Chair)
Prof. Anthony Fargo
Prof. Asaf Lubin
LL.M., Duke University School of Law
LL.B., National Chung Cheng University
Simon (Chieh Jan) Sun, An Introduction to the Chinese Internet Regulation, Triangle Privacy Research Hub (August 5, 2020).
Simon (Chieh Jan) Sun, Cambridge Analytica: A Property Based Solution, Cognitio-studentisches Forum für Recht und Gesellschaft (April 24, 2020).
Graduate Colloquium coordinator; student ambassador; Co-founder of Law as Science, https://www.facebook.com/LawasScience; Scribe Award for Excellence in Academic Legal Writing.
Attamongkol (Atta) Tantratian

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/attamongkoltantratian/
Research interests: Technology policy, intellectual property, data privacy
Dissertation topic: In progress
Dissertation committee:
Michael Mattioli (Advisor)
LLM, Indiana University Maurer School of Law (2019-2020)
LLB (1st Hons), Thammasat University, Thailand (2016-2020)
Tantratian, Attamongkol, Copyright's Fixation Requirement: Is It Still Needed? THESES AND DISSERTATIONS 89 (2020).
Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/E), IAPP (2020)
Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, Indiana University Maurer School of Law (2020)
Jiaxiang Wang

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/嘉祥-王-20633212b
Research interest: Contract law
Dissertation topic:A Comparative Study on Unenforceable Contracts Between Chinese and American Contract Laws
Dissertation committee:
Christiana Ochoa
Michael Mattioli
J.D., Indiana University Maurer School of Law
L.L.M., Indiana University Maurer School of Law
Bachelor of Laws, University of International Business and Economics (China)
Paola Gabriela Zaragoza Cardenales

Research interests: Intellectual Property and Corporate Law; Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
Dissertation committee:
Prof. Norm Hedges
Prof. Mark Janis
Prof. Christiana Ochoa
BBA and JD, University of Puerto Rico
LLM, University of California–Berkeley
Member, New York Bar
- Non registered trademarks fall down the drain (Marca que no se registra, se la lleva la corriente); DIDASKO Magazine, (Issue 2, 2018)
- Even trademarks will die one day (Toda marca tiene su final, nada dura para siempre); DIDASKO Magazine, (Issue 2, 2018)
- When talking about your business, the name is not enough (El Nombre no hace la cosa y negocio), El Nuevo Día newspaper: Negocios (2018)
- Not for profit organizations: comparative analysis between the P.R. and the U.S. tax treatments. (Organizaciones sin fines de lucro: Análisis comparativo del tratamiento fiscal y el control del estado a nivel federal y estatal) , 86 Rev. Jur. UPR 168 (2017).
- Series LLC, Looking for Guidance in the Delaware Law, Rev. Jur. UPR (In Rev 2017).
- Blogger of Culinary Road Trips Puerto Rico 2008–
- Earned highest grade in Dissertation Fundamentals, Fall 2019
- Earned highest grade in Academic Legal Writing (Spring 2020)
- Member: Student Organization for Advanced Legal Studies and Berkeley Law Society
- Top 10 students with the highest GPA in entering class
- Awards: Honor Student from 2008-2013 and magna cum laude 2013