Barristers' Ball

37th Annual
Rapheal M. Prevot, Jr. Barristers' Ball

“A Starry Night Masquerade”

While this is a masquerade, you do not have to wear a mask.

Saturday, March 1, 2025
6:30 - 11 p.m.

Woolery Mill
2250 West Sunstone Drive
Bloomington, Ind.

Entrée options

  1. Mediterranean Stuffed Chicken (D, GF) with Herb Roasted Baby Potatoes (GF, VN) and Bourbon-Glazed Carrots and Parsnips (GF, VG, D)

    (200 maximum quantiity)
  2. 5 oz. Petite Sirloin (prepared medium) (GF) with Horseradish Mashed Potatoes (D, GF, VG) and Buttered Broccoli with Grated Grana Padano (D, GF, VG)
  3. Roasted Salmon (S, GF) with Horseradish Crème (D, GF, VG) with Basmati Rice (GF, VN) and Lemon-Roasted Root Vegetables (GF, VN)
  4. Blackened Tofu (GF, VN) with Mango Salsa (GF, VN) with Basmati Rice (GF, VN) and Lemon-Roasted Root Vegetables (GF, VN)

Dietary key

D contains dairy; GF gluten free; N contains nuts; P contains pork; S contains seafood; VG vegetarian; VN vegan.



String quartet featuring performance by Jacobs School of Music students
Arthur Traelnes, violin; Gabriel Fedak, violin; Seung A Jung, viola; John Sample, cello.


  • Walk-up professional readings by Yale Bowman (Tarot) and Lina Natale (Numerology).
  • Music by DJ Stylistic
  • Group photos by Anna Powell Denton