Ticket sales are now closed.
Select a table and seat
Ticket-holders may select their table and seats online Tuesday, February 18 – Sunday, February 23, with priority access given to 3L/4L and Graduate Legal Studies students on the first day. Access for second-year students will be added on the second day followed by first-year students on the third day. Ticket confirmation numbers for both the registrant and their guest are required in order to select a seat. Tables will seat 8 – 9 people and selection is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once selected, changes will not be permitted except in emergency situations.
Select your table and seat.
Registrants who sell or donate their ticket(s) to another person must provide the new ticket holder with the original confirmation number for seat selection. If exchanging tickets after seat selection has occurred, send the names of both the original and new ticket holder(s) to no later than 5:00 pm on February 24. All new ticket holders are obligated to the original ticket holder’s meal selection and seat selection.
Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for a pre-function cocktail reception. Guests should use the East Entrance upon arrival. Dinner will start promptly at 7 p.m. and the cash bar will close until all entrees are served. IDs are required for bar service. Please note that alcohol purchased outside of the venue is strictly prohibited while attending the event. Attendees caught with these items are subject to removal from the premises and may be subject to a fee following the event.
IU Ride, a free shared-ride service for IU students, is available for smaller parties (1 – 2 people) going to the same place. Request a ride through the IU Ride App available on both iPhone and Android. Familiarize yourself with IU Ride's Rules for Use before requesting service.
For more information