Employer resources
The Career Services Office at the Maurer School of Law connects law firms and legal organizations with talented students and graduates, who are professional, proud, and practice-ready. We remain in contact with our alumni, so you can share opportunities for interns, entry-level candidates, and experienced attorneys.
You can meet our students by visiting campus, collecting résumés, videoconferencing, or by posting a job on CareerNet. For more information about any of our recruiting options, call our office at (812) 855-0258, create an account on CareerNet, or e-mail us at lcareers@iu.edu.
On-campus interviews that give you the opportunity to interview and select candidates from a diverse group of highly qualified students who meet your specifications.
Résumé collects: Our office can send résumé packets to you based on your screening criteria.
On-location recruiting and networking opportunities: We bring Maurer talent to your location to network and explore opportunities at your organization. Interviews may also take place during these visits. Previous trips have included Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Indianapolis. If you are interested in hosting student visits at your organization, please let us know.
Programming: Participate in panels, info sessions, mock interviews, career fairs, tabling, and other professional development and career events to connect with Maurer students and identify candidates for your organization.
Recruiting conversations and check-ins: Let us meet with your recruiting team to discuss your recruiting process and needs, determine your screening specifications, share market information to help you remain competitive in the legal recruiting market, and receive feedback about our candidates.
We are pleased to partner with you on these programs, or to tailor a program that suits your hiring goals. For more information, contact Randi Edmonds, Director of Employer Relations, at (812) 855-3712, or redmonds@iu.edu.
You can download our recruiting guidelines here.
Nondiscrimination policy
In accordance with applicable state and federal laws and university policies, the Indiana University Maurer School of Law provides equality of opportunity for all persons, including faculty and employees, with respect to hiring, continuation, promotion and tenure, applicants for admission, enrolled students, and graduates, without discrimination or segregation, on the grounds of race, ethnicity, color, citizenship, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender (including identity and expression), disability, age, marital status, veteran status or other legally protected status. It is the policy of the Law School to seek to have a student body, faculty, and staff that are diverse with respect to race, color, and sex. Law School facilities are open only to employers whose practices employ this policy.