Indiana Law Annotated for September 12, 2016 (51:4)
- This Week in the Law School
- Monday, September 12
- Tuesday, September 13
- Wednesday, September 14
- Thursday, September 15
- Friday, September 16
- Saturday, September 17
- Faculty News
- Announcements
This Week in the Law School
We've got lots of exciting events this week, from call-out meetings to a moot court training session. Those interested in spending the 2017 summer in China, India, Japan, or South Korea are encouraged to attend Friday's session on Stewart Fellowships. And as we look to next week, Constitution Day is Monday, Sept. 19. We'll welcome in Stanford's Pam Karlan, but you can get a head-start on Constitution Day activities Friday afternoon. Finally, registration is now open for Socctoberfest (Oct. 21). Details in the announcements.
Monday, September 12
Environmental Law Society Call-out Meeting
Interested in environmental law, conservation, or the outdoors? Come join us for our first meeting of the year to learn more about different environmental opportunities and events around the law school, IU, and the Bloomington community. Lunch from Noodles & Company will be provided. Room 124, noon.
Feminist Law Forum Meeting
Feminist Law Forum is hosting its first general meeting of the semester during the lunch hour. This meeting is for all returning members as well as anyone who is interested in joining this year. We will be discussing our events for the semester as well as providing information for those interested in applying to be a 1L representative. Food will not be provided, so feel free to bring your lunch with you. Room 120, noon.
IJLSE Notes Meeting
Mandatory meeting for Indiana Journal of Law and Social Equality associates to discuss the note requirement. Room 213, noon.
Christian Legal Society Bible Study
Join us for our first weekly Bible study of the semester. Bring your lunch and discuss God's word with us. We hope to see you there. All are welcome. Room 216, noon.
Tuesday, September 13
Steve Crawshaw: How Much Can We Change the World?
Steve Crawshaw, an internationally recognized human rights expert, will be addressing News-Decoder's first interactive webinar of the new academic year next week. This is a great chance to stimulate thinking and discussion about the crucial human rights issues of today, issues that underpin international diplomacy in so many parts of the world. Crawshaw has held leadership positions at both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. Faculty Conference Room, 10 a.m. Register here.
Supreme Court Roundup
Come join the Federalist Society for a delicious catered lunch to hear about the Supreme Court's "Year in Review." Hear distinguished guest speaker Greg Katsas, as well as several of our own Indiana Law faculty give their thoughts. This is one of our most popular events of the year; don't miss out. Moot Court Room, noon.
Labor and Employment Law Society Call-out Meeting
This will be the official call-out event for the Labor and Employment Law Society. Room 120, noon.
PILF Call-out Meeting
Join the Public Interest Law Foundation for our call-out meeting. You can learn how to become eligible to receive a summer scholarship, more about what PILF is, and ways to get involved. We will also have information about the application process for serving as a 1L representative. We will try to move quickly through the information so that you can attend other call-outs. Non-pizza lunch will be provided. Room 215, noon.
Tenant Assistance Project Call-out Meeting
Come to the Tenant Assistance Project's fall training and learn how you can get hands-on legal experience while helping very low-income Bloomington residents keep their housing. Refreshments (in the form of cookies from Baked) will be provided. No RSVP necessary. Contact Justin Nalos ( with questions. Room 213, 6:30 p.m. Room 213, 6 p.m.
LLSA Meeting
Join the Latino Law Student Association for its second general meeting. Agenda items will include: Accepting LLSA membership dues; 1L photos (please wear business attire); 1L representative elections; discussing "Welcome Weekend" (Sep. 16 - 17); and discussing Hispanic Heritage Month and events. Room 120, 6pm.
Wednesday, September 14
Moot Court Training Session
Participants in the Sherman Minton Moot Court competition are invited to come to this Jerome Hall Law Library training session. Come find out the best ways to research cases, statutes, and more so that you can write a phenomenal moot court brief. Learn how to save time in your research, how to find the best sources, and how to know when you're done. Moot Court Room, noon.
Thursday, September 15
Professional Development Series: Networking and Cross-Cultural Skills
In collaboration with the Career Services Office (CSO), the Office of Graduate Legal Studies (GLS) offers career-related programming for international students — the Professional Development Series. Participation in the Professional Development Series is voluntary, and while students who complete the series are not guaranteed placement in a job or internship, they will earn a certificate of participation and, more importantly, they will learn and use job-search skills that will be invaluable to them. Brief descriptions of the workshops and info sessions that are part of this series follow and complete details will be posted to Indiana Law CareerNet. If you plan to attend an event, please use CareerNet to RSVP. (Please note that the schedule is subject to change, and workshops or presentations on other topics may be added, depending on interest.) Sessions primarily for students in graduate programs but any international students in the law school are welcome to attend. What is networking and what are cross-cultural skills? Why are these skills important to employers? How do you build your network? How do you develop these skills? Learn more at this presentation by Dean Rachel Dawson from the Law School's Career Services Office, in cooperation with the Office of Graduate Legal Studies. Room 213, noon.
Andrew Davis Clothing Event
Want to look your best for interviews and other events? Want to learn how tailoring can improve your suiting and shirts? Connect with Kelley MBA students and your Indiana Law colleagues for this inaugural event at Andrew Davis, one of Indiana's finest clothiers. Food and beverages will be provided. RSVP to Andrew Davis rep Kyle A. Van Slyke ( by Wednesday. Andrew Davis, 101 W. Kirkwood Avenue (in Fountain Square Mall), 5 to 7 p.m.
American Constitution Society Elections and Mixer
ACS members are encouraged to attend elections for this year's 1L representatives and organization mixer. The Tap (101 N. College Avenue), 7 p.m.
Friday, September 16
International Fridays: Stewart Fellows Overseas Opportunities in China, India, Japan, and South Korea
1Ls and 2Ls are invited to this information session focused on the Stewart Fellows Overseas Externship Program placements in China, India, Japan and South Korea. Learn about the application process and procedures from Ms. Lara Gose (Center on the Global Legal Profession), and hear from program alumni about their experiences. Please note that applications for these placements will be due in January 2017 (submitted through Indiana Law CareerNet). Room 124, noon.
Business and Law Society 1L Representative Elections
BLS will be hosting elections for 1L representatives, with lunch provided. If you are interested in running for a 1L representative position on the e-board, please reply to by Thursday, September 15, to express your interest. Your interest statement can be very short as you will be giving a short bio/speech to the larger group when elections occur today. Room 120, noon.
Voting Rights and Wrongs: Minority Voting Rights and (Dis)Enfranchisement
On the eve of Constitution Day, join an expert panel (our own Profs. David Williams and Luis Fuentes-Rohwer, along with SPEA's Beth Cate) for a lively discussion of the challenges and opportunities in ensuring ballot access and political voice by minorities in America's forthcoming elections, and how other nations approach similar issues. Co-sponsored by SPEA's Law and Public Policy program, the Maurer School of Law's Center for Constitutional Democracy, the Black Law Students Association, and the pre-law division of BLSA. Reception to follow the event. Room 125, 4 p.m.
Saturday, September 17
BLSA/LAA Advisory Board Meeting
Our Black Law Student Association Alumni Advisory Board and Latino Alumni Advisory Board members will gather for their annual meeting and luncheon with BLSA and LLSA students. For questions please contact Andrea Havill ( Faculty Conference Room and Faculty Lounge, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Recruiting Former AMTA Competitors to Coach
Calling all former American Mock Trial Association competitors! Are you interested in getting involved in legal education at the collegiate level? Consider coaching undergraduate mock trial here at IU. IU Mock Trial is a competitive, steadily growing program with a promising future. We are seeking a few more coaches before the season kicks off mid-September. If interested, please contact Megan Hansen ( for more information. Room 122, 4 p.m.
Faculty News
IU Bloomington Provost and Executive Vice President Lauren K. Robel, '83, was recognized Wednesday at Barnes & Thornburg's 2nd annual Shirley's Legacy Event honoring Indiana's trailblazing women. Robel is the former dean of the Law School and is the Val Nolan Professor of Law. Congratulations, Provost Robel!
Last week, Prof. Pamela Foohey delivered the opening lecture of Southern University Law Center's 2016-17 Speaker Series. Her talk was titled "What Happens When Your Place of Worship Goes Bankrupt?" Prof. Foohey also delivered a talk of the same title to the Baton Rouge area bankruptcy bar and bench at the United States Bankruptcy Court of the Middle District of Louisiana.
Prof. Sarah Jane Hughes was a featured speaker on two vastly different subject at the American Bar Association's Business Law Section's Annual meeting in Boston on September 8-10. First, and most unexpectedly for those of you not reading ILA last year, she was on a panel about Daily Fantasy Sports and Payments. First part makes no sense, but wait a minute, "payments" you say, ah … now it makes sense. On the second panel, a range of instructors who are grappling with how to teach banking regulation after the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act will share views on how they adapted courses to take into account not only Dodd-Frank's 2300+ pages of text and the regulatory changes it spawned.
Welcome to the 14th Annual JD/LLM Socctoberfest
This year's soccer match will take place on Friday, October 21st at 4:30 p.m. at Karst Farm Park, fields 1 and 2, on the west side of Bloomington. It is a co-ed event that welcomes all ability levels. After the games, which will end at approximately 7:00 p.m., we will have a cookout in the area adjacent to the soccer fields. Participants, fellow students, and family are all welcome to attend. If you are a JD or LLM student interested in playing, please e-mail Rhea May (, and indicate your ability level (based on the following categories) and your shirt size (Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, 2XL) (note, these shirts have an athletic fit):
A. I played competitively in college or high school
B. I know how to play and have some athletic ability
C. I can still run and kick things
D. I can kick things
E. Can you play goalie?
Hoosiers Outrun Cancer: Join Team Fromm
Join other members of the Law School community on September 17 for one of the best events of the fall - Hoosiers Outrun Cancer. Anyone interested in participating in the event (which features both a 5k and one-mile run) is welcome to join Team Dean Fromm in honor of the late Len Fromm, our former dean of students. Be sure to click "Join Team" first, rather than the "Donate Now" button, which helps Team Fromm remain one of the best fundraising teams of the event. (Team Fromm has raised the most money outside of corporations and large businesses and doctor's offices for the past two years.) We look forward to seeing you on September 17.
How to Schedule an Event
An online form is available to plan and schedule meetings. Please use this form to request a room, notify Indiana Law Annotated, and send other information about your event. You will receive confirmation that your room has been reserved after your request has been processed. When filling out your event description, please provide all information possible, especially if you are requesting that the event be publicized.
ILA Submissions
Indiana Law Annotated is published every Monday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Submit information and articles for ILA to by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Monday's edition. Length of submission is limited to 150 words, unless otherwise approved. Entries may be edited to ensure consistent presentation. If you're requesting a room, submit all information (including the room request) by emailing ( If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact James Boyd (; phone 855-0156). Indiana Law Annotated is archived online.
Audio-Video Services
Send requests for AV services to Carl James ( Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.