Indiana Law Annotated for Jan. 18, 2016
- This Week in the Law School
- Monday, January 18
- Tuesday, January 19
- Wednesday, January 20
- Thursday, January 21
- Friday, January 22
- Staff News
- Announcements
This Week in the Law School
Welcome back! We hope you had a relaxing break, binge watching "Making a Murderer" like we did. As you've undoubtedly noticed, the Law School's website underwent some ch-ch-ch-ch-changes while you were away. And while your old favorite bookmarks may have disappeared like El Chapo, rest assured they can be recaptured. We admit the rollout has been challenging (the creator of called it the "best website launch ever"), but are eager to polish up the rough edges. Have questions or suggestions? Email us.
This shortened week kicks off with a judicial clerkship session at noon. We're thrilled to welcome Yale's Rebecca Wexler on Thursday for a screening of her film We Break Things, which is about hackers and not a documentary about building our new website.
Learn about clerkships and externship opportunities on Tuesday and Wednesday, and meet with Rachel Dawson on ways you can kick-start your career.
Monday, January 18
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Discover opportunities to participate.
Tuesday, January 19
Transactional Drafting Competition Orientation
Room 124, noon.
Protective Order Project Refresher Training
In order to continue volunteering for POP this semester, returning members must attend a mandatory refresher training. The session will be quick and easy. No lunch provided. Room 121, noon.
Judicial Clerkships: Are You Ready to Start the Application Process?
Prof. Inge Van der Cruysse will lead a review of the application process and assistance that can be offered by the school if you are pursuing a judicial clerkship. This includes getting you ready for electronic and paper applications, mock interviews, research on judges, and other advice. Room 216, noon.
Federalist Society Call-out
Come hear about the Federalist Society speakers planned for the spring semester. Free lunch from Chick Fil' A will be served. Room 214, 12:05 p.m.
Wednesday, January 20
Student Ambassador Information Session
As an Indiana Law JD student ̵1L, 2L, or 3L ̵ you have the opportunity to play a significant role in recruiting efforts, and the Office of Admissions would appreciate your help. As a student ambassador, you will meet with prospective students, provide them a tour of the Law School, and bring them to a class. Being a student ambassador is a commitment of a few hours over the course of the semester. Your efforts help show prospective students the depth and breadth of the students, the faculty, and the programs here at Indiana Law. The informational meeting will cover the requirements for being a student ambassador and the information you will need to know. Lunch from Dagwood's will be provided. Please RSVP to: Room 124, noon.
Introduction to the Washington, DC Fall Semester Externship Program
Come hear about this amazing opportunity to enhance your legal education and further your career goals from Prof. Sarah Jane Hughes and past participants. This program is open to all 2Ls. Lunch will be provided to those who RSVP on CareerNet. Room 120, noon.
Career Choices: Kick-start Your Career with Rachel Dawson
Rachel Dawson, '99, director of professional development at Faegre Baker Daniels, will present "Kick-Start Your Career" as the first Career Choices offering of the spring. At FBD, Ms. Dawson oversees all aspects of the firm's training and development programs, including lawyer and consultant orientation, professional development, and mentoring and evaluation processes. She also directs paraprofessional, administration and operation professional development programs. Pizza will be provided. Moot Court Room, noon. Students also have the opportunity to attend the small group informational interviews which are from 11-11:45 am and 3-3:45pm in room 340.
Thursday, January 21
Composite Photos
All JD students graduating in December 2015 and May 2016 and all graduate students (LLM, MCL, SJD, PhD) graduating in 2016 are invited to take a photo for inclusion in the Law School's annual composite photo. Room 340, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (except 1-2 p.m.).
Study Abroad and JD/LLM Programs Abroad Information Session
This is the last chance for 1Ls and 2Ls to hear more about semester study abroad and year-long programs abroad (including earning LLM degrees abroad) before the February 5 application deadline. If you are interested in studying abroad next year and absolutely cannot attend, please contact Dean Lesley Davis ( to set up an individual appointment. Room120, noon.
Tax Policy Colloquium: Shu-Yi Oei
Shu-Yi Oei, from Tulane Law, will present "The Tax Lives of Uber Drivers: Evidence from Internet Discussion Forums" (co-authored with Diane Ring) as the first talk of the 2016 Tax Policy Colloquium. The talk is open to the Law School community and will be convened by Prof. Leandra Lederman. If you would like to receive a copy of the paper in advance of the talk, please email Prof. Lederman ( Room 214, 1:15-3:15 p.m.
We Break Things: Film Screening and Q+A with Director Rebecca Wexler
Rebecca Wexler, cofounder of the Yale Visual Law Project, will be screening her film, We Break Things, which documents hackers who build and break technology to defend civil liberties, and showcases gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic, and other kinds of diversity among tech activists. Ms. Wexler will be conducting a Q+A after the screening on Thursday and giving a separate presentation on Friday. Moot Court Room, 7:30 p.m.
Friday, January 22
Ms. Wexler will present "A Rule of Equivalents: Video as Big Data Collection for Purposes of Investigation and Trial." Room 335, noon.
Staff News
Holly Barnes has joined the admissions office as our admissions coordinator. Holly was previously with the Career Services Office. Sarah Armstrong has joined the Law School as a new faculty secretary on the second floor in office #252A. She can be reached at (
Editorial Assistant Position: Law and Society Review
Prof. Jeannine Bell is looking for a graduate student to work as an editorial assistant for the Law and Society Review starting February 2016. The Law and Society Review is the preeminent journal for law and society scholarship in the United States and one of the top publishing venues for this scholarship in the world. Prof. Bell is one of the incoming co-editors of the Review. The job entails assisting with article intake, initial article review, and article tracking through the review process. The position will provide the student with experience in reading and assessing a wide range of law and society scholarship from leading scholars. It will also give insight into the publishing process of a leading law journal and will connect the student with editorial assistants at two American institutions. Expectations are that the assistant will be available for five hours of work each week, starting in the first week of February. This position is paid. Please note in your application if you have editorial experience. The successful candidate must have good organization abilities and discipline. Candidates should submit a cover letter, CV, and writing sample to Prof. Bell (
Research Assistant Position: Environmental Law
Prof. Dan Cole would like to hire a research assistant to do intensive research in Lexis (not Westlaw) compiling a database of a specific set of environmental law cases going back all the way to the 1970s. In addition to research experience using Lexis, experience compiling Excel spreadsheets would be useful (but not strictly necessary). If you are interested, please contact Prof. Cole (
Basic Mediation and Restorative Justice Training
The Community Justice and Mediation Center (CJAM) offers a 40-hour training program for community members interested in learning about conflict resolution, mediation, and restorative justice. Participants will enhance their interpersonal skills in communication and listening, problem solving, and negotiation, and they will increase their understanding of restorative justice philosophy and methods, the sources of conflict, and the processes leading to constructive conflict resolution. The training should benefit any community member concerned with managing conflict and its resolution. The training provides the background and skills necessary to work as a community mediator and restorative justice practitioner and qualifies participants to volunteer in CJAM's programs.
The winter training will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. over five weekend days: February 6, 7, 20, 21, and 27 at the Law School. The training will be led by senior mediators and restorative justice practitioners. Tuition is $300, $250 if received by January 29. Scholarships are available. For more information, e-mail ( or, phone the office at (812) 336-8677. Go to our website,, to download an application. Payment can be made by credit card at the website or by check with your application.
How to Schedule an Event
The "Plan a Meeting" function should be restored to the website shortly to plan and schedule meetings. Please use this form to request a room, notify Indiana Law Annotated, and send other information about your event. You will receive confirmation that your room has been reserved after your request has been processed. When filling out your event description, please provide all information possible, especially if you are requesting that the event be publicized.
ILA Submissions
Indiana Law Annotated is published every Monday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Submit information and articles for ILA to by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Monday's edition. Length of submission is limited to 150 words, unless otherwise approved. Entries may be edited to ensure consistent presentation. If you're requesting a room, submit all information (including the room request) by emailing ( If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact James Boyd (; phone 855-0156). Indiana Law Annotated is archived online.
Audio-Video Services
Send requests for AV services to Carl James ( Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.