Indiana Law Annotated for October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
- This Week in the Law School
- Monday, October 26
- Tuesday, October 27
- Wednesday, October 28
- Thursday, October 29
- Friday, October 30
- Faculty News
- Announcements
This Week in the Law School
Recognize Our Pro Bono Stars
Celebrate the outstanding example of your classmates in providing service to our community. Tuesday.
Professor Hughes Goes to Washington
And so can you. Find out how on Tuesday.
Lots of Free Food This Week…
Dinner over lethal injections Monday; cookies with the Dean on Tuesday; Halloween goodies for the young'uns on Thursday.
…And Yoga to Help You Burn the Calories
With Virginia (Hojas, not Woolf) Wednesday. Part of our wellness program. Don't be afraid; give it a try.
Composite photos taken Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Immortalize yourself with a 1 x 1 glossy on our hallowed walls.
Winter[session] Is Coming
See "Announcements."
ILA and his missus welcomed baby Harrison Boyd into the world on Wednesday, October 21. All three are doing well. ILA's boss is taking over editorial duties for a couple of weeks. Apologies in advance if your newsletter lacks its usual verve and sparkling wit.
Monday, October 26
Julian Roberts, University of Minnesota School of Law
Professor Julian Roberts, a visiting research professor in the faculty of law at the University of Minnesota, will speak on "Paying for the Past: Exploring the Role of Previous Convictions in the U.S. and England." The presentation compares and contrasts the ways that U.S. and English sentencing treats previous convictions. The U.S. guidelines adopt a relatively inflexible and mechanical approach, while the English courts provide greater discretion to courts. The consequence is that defendants in the U.S. pay a much heavier price for their prior misconduct. Co-sponsored by the Department of Criminal Justice. Room 125, noon.
Dinner and an Argument: Lethal Injection
Join us over dinner as we listen to the U.S. Supreme Court oral arguments from the recent death penalty case Glossip v. Gross, which examined whether Oklahoma's lethal injection protocol caused cruel and unusual pain. We will have the transcript scrolling alongside the audio, with John Oliver's Supreme Court dog video on the side (because puppies dressed up as Justices make everything better). Hosted by the American Constitution Society. Dinner will be provided. Room 124, 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 27
Pro Bono Awards Ceremony
The Access to Justice Program is pleased to invite you to its annual pro bono awards ceremony. At the ceremony, we present pro bono awards to students with the most pro bono hours from the classes of 2015, 2016, and 2017; the student with the most hours from summer 2015; and outstanding community members. We are pleased to announce that this year's winners are: Patrick Green, Erin Buerger, Paul Newendyke, Megan Lawson, the Tenant Assistance Project (TAP), and the Community Justice and Mediation Center (CJAM), respectively. Lunch from Qdoba will be provided. Dean Parrish will present the awards, and Indiana Legal Services executive director Jon Laramore will give a short talk on pro bono and public interest work. Spots are limited, so RSVP on CareerNet today. Faculty Lounge, noon.
Steve Sharpe: Public Interest Discussion
Steve Sharpe, ̓05, is a staff attorney with the Legal Aid Society of Southwest Ohio and a former Skadden Public Interest Fellow at Indiana Legal Services. While in law school, he helped found the Tenant Assistance Project. Come join him to learn more about legal services and public interest careers, post-graduation fellowships, and sustaining public interest commitment during law school. Room 214, 1:30-3:00.
Washington, DC Externship Advising
Questions about the DC Externship Semester for fall 2016? Students who have questions about the DC Externship Semester (B 538) and the associated Lawyering in the Public Interest course (B 539) should email Professor Sarah Jane Hughes,, to arrange a time to talk. As this affects spring course planning to some degree, Prof. Hughes expects to be available from 9:30 to noon and 1-1:45 in room 266 to take questions about the program.
Advising on Negotiable Instruments Course
Students who have questions about Negotiable Instruments/Payment Systems (B 623) for spring 2016 should email Prof. Hughes,, to arrange a time to talk. Prof. Hughes expects to be available for questions on Tuesday, October 27th from 9:30 to Noon and 1:45 on a first-come, first-served basis in Room 266.
Coffee and Cookies with Dean Parrish
Jerome Hall Law Library, 3:30-4:30.
Wednesday, October 28
Stewart Fellows Overseas Externship Program: China, India, Japan, South Korea
The Stewart Fellows Overseas Externship Program sends 1Ls and 2Ls abroad for the summer to complete externships in Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. Learn more about the placements in China, India, Japan and South Korea at this info session with Ms. Lara Gose and Dean Lesley Davis from International Programs and Stewart Fellows Program alumni. Room 124, noon-1:00.
Composite Photos
All JD students graduating in December 2015 and May 2016 and all graduate students (LLM, MCL, SJD, PhD) graduating in 2016 are invited to take a photo for inclusion in the Law School's annual composite photo. Room 340, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (except 1-2 p.m.). Repeats Thursday and Friday.
Yoga with Virginia!
As part of the Indiana Law Wellness Program, Virginia will be leading a free yoga session. This is open to everyone in the building and is designed for all levels (beginners to advanced). If you plan to attend or would like more information, please email Director Liz Ferrufino at Room 310, noon.
AFL Planned Parenthood Training
All volunteers for the Planned Parenthood project must attend this training session. Room 124, 7:00-10:00 p.m.
LSRJ Sex Trivia
Law Students for Reproductive Justice is having its annual sex trivia event downstairs at Dunnkirk. It is like bar trivia, but more fun. Come out with your team, grab a drink, and play. There will be free food. Our emcee this year is the lovely Star Martinez! Dunnkirk, 7:00-10:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 29
Composite Photos
See Wednesday's listing.
1L Environmental Law Course Discussion
Come learn about course opportunities in environmental law for 1L's next semester. Room 120, noon.
OWLS will host its annual Trick-or-Treating event at 4:00 p.m. throughout the Law School. This event is for children of students, faculty, and staff to dress in costumes and trick-or-treat with student organizations and offices. Student organizations are encouraged to set up a table in the lobby and to hand out candy. Costumes are also encouraged. We will also have some arts and crafts activities in the student lounge. If your organization would like to set up a table, please email James Abney at
Friday, October 30
Composite Photos
See Wednesday's listing.
A Nightmare on Walnut Street: Halloween at the Bluebird
Join the SBA for our annual Halloween party at the Bluebird! Doors open at 8:00. Free pizza will be provided from 8:30-10:00. Prizes will be awarded for the best costume, couples costume, and group costume. Tickets will be on sale Monday-Friday in the Law School lobby during the lunch hour. Tickets are $5 in advance and $10 at the door. Check out our Facebook event for more details. Questions? Contact:
Faculty News
Professor Sarah Jane Hughes' co-authored article, "Advancing a Framework for Regulating Cryptocurrency Payments Intermediaries," has just been published in 32 Yale J. on Regulation 496 (Summer 2015). The article was designated as the feature article in this volume. In addition to brief reviews of the competing models for regulating cryptocurrency transactions and entities who deal in cryptocurrencies as commodities and securities, the article makes a case for regulating intermediaries (online wallets, gateways, and exchanges) who process cryptocurrency transfers for others or who offer the functional equivalent of trust-company services to third parties. The article sets forth a vision of what a commercial law to allocate rights and liabilities of providers, their clients, and third parties that tracks provisions of Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code in some respects and moves beyond it in others. This volume also contains a spectacular piece entitled "The Ethics of Nudging" by Professor Cass Sunstein that Ms. Hughes recommends to ILA readers.
Professor Hughes participated in the first meeting of the Drafting Committee for the Uniform Virtual Currency Regulation Act in Washington, D.C. on October 9-11, 2015. Professor Hughes is serving as the reporter for this project, which focuses on potential regulation not of currencies themselves but of the entities that provide intermediary services and transfer-execution to third parties that are denominated on the front or back ends in virtual currencies. The Uniform Law Commission invites observers from among a wide array of potential stakeholders interested in its drafting projects. Anyone interested in following the work of the Uniform Virtual Currency Regulation Act should contact Ms. Hughes at Observers do not have votes on the product, but play important roles advising the Drafting Committee and Reporter on the draft and may attend Drafting Committee meetings. The next Drafting Committee meeting is expected to be in February 2016.
Wintersession Begins January 5
Wintersession is your opportunity (if you're a 2L or 3L) to participate in an intensive, one-credit pass/fail course on a variety of practical, hands-on topics from January 5-8, 2016, just before the spring semester begins. Six courses will offered on everything from The Lawyer as Business Executive to Depositions, all taught by experienced practitioners, all at no additional charge to you (in some cases there will be a nominal charge for reading materials (no more than $30)). Registration information will be available soon; in the meantime, you can read more about the courses.
Hesham Genidy successfully defended his SJD dissertation before his committee on October 22. The title of his dissertation is "Everything New is Old Again: The Impact of Egypt's Political Culture on the Rule of Law and Democracy." Professor Alfred C. Aman was the chair of the dissertation committee, and Professor Donald Gjerdingen and Professor Feisal Istrabadi served on the committee. Congratulations, Dr. Genidy!
Thanks from Professor Hughes and the DC Externships Semester students to Indiana Law alums in DC! Many alumni are assisting the fall 2015 students enrolled in the DC Externship semester and deserve many more thanks than the students and school could possibly give them. Among the volunteers so far this term, special thanks go to Greg Castanias and his firm, Jones Day, for providing a conference room and tele-bridge facilities plus much more to our bi-weekly meetings; to Jeff Pankratz for hosting Johnna Carey, ̓16, for her externship; to Matthew Pfaff for conducting a special session on federal employment applications and honors programs and for coming to class to discuss Presidential Management Fellows applications; to Kate Ahlgren Garcia, Christopher Chamness, Greg Castanias, Matthew Pfaff, Susan Lynch, Troy Liggett, Samira Ahmed, and Elizabeth Lewis Baney for agreeing to come to speak to the group; and to others I have yet to schedule for their help to the group or to individuals in the group. Without these remarkable and generous alumni, this program would not work as well as it can. Additional thanks go to Jennifer Morgan of the Jerome Hall Law Library and Marian Conaty of the Maurer Tech Support team for adding so much to the academic side of the bi-weekly meetings.
Planning an Event: Interim Contact Information
If you'd like to plan a meeting or would like information about an existing meeting or event in light of Bridget Anderson's departure, please contact Mary Edwards (, or 855-5116. A search is under way for Bridget's successor, and Mary and her team are well-equipped to handle your requests in the interim.
CIPR Resume Review/Mock Interview Event Deadline Approaching
The deadline to apply to participate in the Center for Intellectual Property Research's annual IP resume review and mock interview event is today. Please submit a copy of your resume when you submit your application via Indiana Law CareerNet. Space is limited to approximately 20 students; any law student is welcome to apply.
This year's event is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, at 6:30 p.m. Students will have the opportunity to participate in several short mock interviews with IP practitioners. A reception will be held afterward in the Faculty Lounge beginning at 7:30 p.m. Attorneys from Faegre Baker Daniels, Knobbe Martens, Middleton Reutlinger, and Taft Stettinius and Hollister are scheduled to participate. If you are a 2L or 3L and would like to serve as a liaison or ambassador for the mock interview event, please email Your responsibilities will include greeting the attorneys, showing them to their rooms, and assisting students before their interviews begin.
How to Schedule an Event
An online form is available to plan and schedule meetings. Please use this form to request a room, notify Indiana Law Annotated, and send other information about your event. You will receive confirmation that your room has been reserved after your request has been processed. When filling out your event description, please provide all information possible, especially if you are requesting that the event be publicized.
ILA Submissions
Indiana Law Annotated is published every Monday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Submit information and articles for ILA to by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Monday's edition. Length of submission is limited to 150 words, unless otherwise approved. Entries may be edited to ensure consistent presentation. If you're requesting a room, submit all information (including the room request) via the Plan a Meeting feature of the website. If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact James Boyd (; phone 855-0156). Indiana Law Annotated is archived online.
Audio-Video Services
Send requests for AV services to Carl James ( Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.