Indiana Law Annotated for October 21, 2013
- This Week in the Law School
- Monday, October 21
- Tuesday, October 22
- Wednesday, October 23
- Thursday, October 24
- Friday, October 25
- Saturday, October 26
- Sunday, October 27
- Faculty News
- Announcements
This Week in the Law School
Welcome back!
SCOTUSblog Editor Lecture
Amy Howe, Tuesday.
The Jerome Hall Lecture
Malcolm M. Feeley, Berkeley Law, Wednesday
Dean Search Finalist to Present at Town Hall
Prof. Marion Crain, Washington University School of Law, Thursday.
OCPD Student Tip
A new ILA feature from OCPD beginning this week.
Looking for alumni interested in speaking with you about careers? Check out the "Networking" tab in Symplicity. All alumni listed here have expressed an interest in helping students with their career development. When you find an alum you want to contact, click on the "interested" button. You will then see a screen allowing you to send a short email to the alum. Your email will be attached to an email from the OCPD as a part of an official introduction. Click here to give it a try.
Monday, October 21
Law Students for Reproductive Justice Meeting
We will be discussing how to become a member, our new alumni database, national conference opportunities, and opportunities to become 1L reps. All are welcome. Room 120, noon.
Drones in the Middle East: Necessary Weapons or Unethical Tools of Destruction?
As U.S. troops withdraw from the Middle East, the Obama administration is increasingly turning to drones to target suspected terrorists. Critics of drones have become more vocal, pointing out that drones have been used to kill American citizens or have accidentally killed innocent civilians. Are drones an ethical and necessary instrument in the war on terror? Or do they cause too many ethical and moral dilemmas?
To help us discuss this issue, we are hosting Professor Michael Lewis from Ohio Northern University. Professor Lewis has significant military experience, having flown F-14 fighters in Operation Desert Shield. Amb. Feisal Istrabadi, Indiana Law professor and former Iraqi ambassador to the United Nations, will provide commentary. Free lunch will be provided. Sponsored by the Federalist Society. Moot Court Room, noon.
Phi Alpha Delta Adams Chapter Initiation
Please wear business attire. A celebration will follow after conclusion of the ceremony. PAD is looking forward to welcoming our new members. Moot Court Room, 6:15 p.m.
Pro Bono Lawyers in the Library
Hosted by D10 Pro Bono, this walk-in clinic at the Monroe County Public Library, 303 W. Kirkwood Avenue, Bloomington, IN, offers the public legal advice and help with paperwork. Students are needed to assist organizers and attorneys. Shifts are 1 - 3 p.m. and 3 - 5 p.m. E-mail Access to Justice ( to sign up.
Tuesday, October 22
Amy Howe: Supreme Court Overview
Amy Howe, the editor of SCOTUSblog and a partner at Goldstein & Russell, P.C., will be presenting a preview of the Supreme Court's 2013-2014 docket. She will discuss the cases the Court has agreed to hear and the significance of those cases. Howe has been editor of SCOTUSblog since 2003, and can provide excellent insight into the Supreme Court's docket and what it means for law students, professors, and everyone else. Sponsored by the Maurer chapter of the American Constitution Society. Indiana CLE credit is available. Moot Court Room, noon.
Sports and Entertainment Law Career Panel
Join the OCPD and the Sports and Entertainment Law Society for a panel featuring:
- Andy Humes, Director, Compliance Monitoring, IU Athletics Compliance, Bloomington
- Jen Phelps, General Counsel, USA Football, Indianapolis
- Grant Manship, General Counsel, Secretly Label Group, Bloomington
Lunch will be provided to those who RSVP at least 24 hours in advance. Room 122, noon.
Environmental Law Society - Indian Diplomat and Ambassador Rajendra Abhyankar
Ambassador Rajendra Abhyankar will discuss "How India confronts environmental issues domestically and internationally." Amb. Abhyankar retired from the Indian Diplomatic Service in August 2005 as India's Ambassador to the EU, Belgium, and Luxembourg after more than 36 years of multi-faceted diplomatic experience of people, places, and issues. He was Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India from 2001 to 2004; India's High Commissioner to Cyprus (1987-90); Ambassador to Syria (1992-96) and to Turkey and Azerbaijan (1996-98); India's Deputy High Commissioner in Sri Lanka (1982-84); and Consul General of India, San Francisco, from 1998 to 2001. Food will be provided. Noon, room 120.
Christian Law Society Bible Study
Room 214, noon.
Student Affairs Session: How to Create a Course Outline
Room 120, 5:00-6:00.
Wednesday, October 23
The Jerome Hall Lecture: Prof. Malcolm M. Feeley, University of California — Berkeley Law: "The Unconvincing Case Against Private Prisons"
In 2009, the Israeli Supreme Court held that private prisons are unconstitutional, and ruled that only the state which imposes sanctions has the authority to administer those sanctions. This position was immediately elaborated upon by legal philosophers, and the expanded argument has reverberated around the globe. It is by now the new conventional wisdom. In this lecture, Prof. Feeley takes issue with the position, arguing that the state monopoly theory erroneously asserts that privatization is inconsistent with the modern state. He will conclude with a call for policy makers to embrace an appreciation for local knowledge and time-honored pragmatism. Indiana CLE pending. Moot Court Room, noon; reception following in the Faculty Lounge.
Meeting with Dean Buxbaum
Every Wednesday, Dean Buxbaum makes time to connect with students by stopping by the library lobby from 3:00-4:00. Cookies are provided. Stop by and chat with her this week.
Thursday, October 24
Dean's Search Finalist to Present at Town Hall
Marion Crain, Wiley B. Rutledge Professor of Law at Washington University School of Law; Vice Provost of Washington University; and Director, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Work and Social Capital; will make a presentation and take questions from the Law School community. Lunch. Moot Court Room, noon.
Student Affairs Session: How to Create a Course Outline
Repeat of Tuesday session. Room 120, 4:45-5:45.
LLSA Meeting
The agenda includes hearing and voting on several proposed amendments to the LLSA constitution, and voting on the 2013-2014 1L representative. Candidates will be announced and will speak at the meeting. Room 216, 5:30 - 7 p.m.
Friday, October 25
Student Affairs Session: How to Create a Course Outline
Repeat of Tuesday session. Room 120, noon - 1:00.
Graduate Legal Studies Colloquium
The Colloquium is a weekly meeting of graduate students to discuss common academic concerns and research interests. This week, our special guest speaker is Prof. Timothy Waters. Room 124, noon.
Dog Days Study Break — Halloween Edition
SBA and the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund are co-hosting the third biannual Dog Days Study Break. This semester's theme is Halloween, and there will be a prize for the dog with the best costume! More details on Facebook, and you can also email with any questions. Courtyard, 1:00-2:30.
Pro Bono Training
District 10 Pro Bono Project, Inc, in coordination with Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Middleway House, will sponsor Your Client is a Survivor: Best Practices in Working with Victims of Violence in Family Law Cases, including 3-hours of free CLE (1 hour ethics), 9 a.m. - noon in the Moot Court Room. Contact Access to Justice ( for details.
Maurer Monster Mash
Maurer's Halloween party will take place this Friday at Bluebird. Doors open at 9:00; tickets are $5 in advance or $10 at the door. We anticipate that this event will sell out, so please buy your tickets in advance and plan to arrive early!
Saturday, October 26
Socctoberfest Is Here!
Welcome to the Eleventh Annual JD/LLM Socctoberfest. This year's soccer match will take place on Saturday, October 26th at 5:00 p.m. at Karst Farm Park, on the west side of Bloomington. It is a co-ed event that welcomes all ability levels. After the games, which will end at approximately 7:00 p.m., we will have a cookout in the area adjacent to the soccer fields. Participants, fellow students, and family are all welcome to attend.
If you are a JD or LLM student interested in playing, please e-mail Professor Henderson ( and indicate your ability level based on the following four categories:
- A. I played competitively in college or high school
- B. I know how to play and have some athletic ability
- C. I can still run and kick things
- D. I can kick things
In addition, please note if you have ever played goalie.
For more information, including a map and game format, visit Socctoberfest's website
Pro Bono D10 Annual Recognition Reception
We have moved our annual appreciation party from December so that more could attend! Join us for appetizers and drinks as we celebrate pro bono by thanking our volunteers, donors and friends. 5 - 7 p.m., Windfall Dance Studio, 1101 N. Dunn Street.
Sunday, October 27
Women's Law Caucus Kickboxing Class
Do you need some stress relief? Or have you been rejuvenated from fall break and are ready to kick the stuffing out of finals? If so, join the Women's Law Caucus for a kickboxing class! We have reserved two group sessions on Sunday, October 27th beginning at 11:00 a.m. We will meet at 10:45 a.m. in the law school if anyone wants to meet us there first, or feel free to meet us at 9Round Fitness & Kickboxing, 116 N Indiana Ave. E-mail if you'd like to come along.
Faculty News
Prof. Jeff Stake presented a paper titled "Who Responds to U.S. News & World Report's Law School Rankings?" at the 2013 scholarship conference of the Midwest Law and Economics Association (MLEA) on October 12. Prof. Stake's paper was co-authored by Prof. Alexeev of the IU economics department. (The discouraging short answer is, lots of people appear to respond to USN&WR.) The MLEA organization and the two-day conferences were started here at Indiana Law more than a decade ago by Professors Dau-Schmidt and Stake, along with Professor Ulen of the University of Illinois.
Prof. Ajay Mehrotra presented his paper (co-authored with Steven A. Bank), "Corporate Taxation and the Regulation of Modern American Business" at the 2013 Midwest Law & Economics Association conference at the University of Illinois.
Prof. Dan Cole presented his paper (co-authored with Graham Epstein and Michael D. McGinnis), "Digging Deeper Into Hardin's Pasture: Institutional Interactions Affect Social-Ecological Outcomes" at the 2013 Midwest Law & Economics Association conference at the University of Illinois.
At the Indiana State Bar Association Annual Meeting in French Lick on October 16-18, Prof. Seth Lahn presented to the House of Delegates a proposal to add two new at-large seats to the association's board of governors in order to increase diversity in the organization's leadership, an initiative that was adopted by the House. Prof. Lahn, along with Clayton Miller, '93, also received a special presidential citation from ISBA President Dan Vinovich, '90 for exceptional contributions to the legal profession.
Research Assistant Needed
Prof. Jeannine Bell is interested in hiring a research assistant to help her with two projects. Please contact her at if you are interested.
Research Assistant Needed
Dean Buxbaum is looking for a research assistant, preferably one has taken international business transactions. Please contact her at if you are interested.
Pro Bono Training Recordings
If you missed the Pro Bono Training, you can still watch the recordings. Please check out the Ethics Training video and the video for each group you wish to volunteer for from the library circulation desk. If you have not yet completed the Ethics Training, please watch the video and then email Access to Justice ( for a short questionnaire.
Maurer Monster Mash Tickets Now on Sale
SBA is now selling tickets for this year's Halloween party. The event will be on Friday, October 25th at Bluebird. Tickets are $5, or you can buy an Indiana Law mug and your Halloween ticket for just $15. SBA will be selling mugs, Halloween tickets, and other apparel every day from 12-1. See the Facebook event for more details.
How to Schedule an Event
An online form is available to plan and schedule meetings. Please use this form to request a room, notify Indiana Law Annotated, and send other information about your event. You will receive confirmation that your room has been reserved after your request has been processed. When filling out your event description, please provide all information possible, especially if you are requesting that the event be publicized.
ILA Submissions
Indiana Law Annotated is published every Monday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Submit information and articles for ILA to by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Monday's edition. Length of submission is limited to 150 words, unless otherwise approved. Entries may be edited to ensure consistent presentation. If you're requesting a room, submit all information (including the room request) via the Plan a Meeting feature of the website. If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact Ken Turchi (; phone 856-4044). Indiana Law Annotated is archived online.
Audio-Video Services
Send requests for AV services to Carl James ( Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.