Indiana Law Journal Symposium, Friday, March 5, 2021
Featuring the Addison C. Harris Lecture, with Robert Post, Yale Law School
The doctrine of compelled speech receives less attention than the First Amendment protection of free speech, but it is equally important and deserves close analysis. Join a distinguished panel of First Amendment scholars from throughout the country in a symposium sponsored by the Indiana Law Journal and featuring the Addison C. Harris Lecture. Articles based on the symposium will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Journal. The symposium has been organized by Caroline Mala Corbin, University of Miami School of Law, and Alexander Tsesis, Loyola University Chicago School of Law.
Indiana continuing legal education credit is available: one hour for the Harris Lecture, and up to 4.5 hours for the remaining sessions, which may be joined in individual, 1.5 hour blocks.
Reservations are required; To attend the Harris Lecture or the entire symposium, please register here. This registration is for both the daylong symposium, which begins at 9:45 a.m. EST, and the keynote lecture by Robert Post (Sterling Professor of Law, Yale Law School), who will deliver the Addison C. Harris Lecture, “NIFLA and the Construction of Compelled Speech Doctrine,” at noon EST. Registrants will be able to attend all or part of the day’s events with one Zoom link.