This week in the Law School
Classes do not meet today. The Jerome Hall Law Library is open for regular hours, 7:30 a.m. till midnight. The Bloomington campus has service adjustments and celebrations to mark the day.
Voices for Change: MLK Jr. Day virtual letter writing
6 - 7 p.m. in 120
Ready to speak up about issues that matter? Join BLSA on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to write letters to your state legislators about what needs to change. We will provide food and supplies. Bring your voice and ideas!
BLSA general body meeting
Noon - 1 p.m. in 120
Join Black Law Students Association for its first general body meeting of the semester!
Welcome Back Pizza with CIE
Noon - 1 p.m. in 121
Join the Office for Community, Inclusion, and Engagement for some start-of-the-semester pizza and casual conversation with Dean Gabriel Escobedo, Director Jamil Ghazal, and your classmates. Be sure to BYOD (bring your own drink).
Post-graduation clerkships (session 2)
Noon - 1 p.m. in 213
In this second workshop, the Faculty Clerkship Committee and CSO will show you how to use OSCAR, the system for applying for federal clerkships, and the Law School's systems for seeking letters of recommendation and applying for state and other non-OSCAR clerkships. We will provide tips to maximize your chances of obtaining one of these opportunities.
(OSCAR opens for the class of 2026 on January 21. Judges who participate in the Federal Hiring Plan may not accept applications before June 10 or extend interviews before June 12.)
Talk with your CSO advisor to get help with application materials.
Pizza will be provided so please RSVP to ensure we get an accurate count.
Spring organization leadership training
Noon - 1 p.m. in the DeLaney Moot Court Room
Annual training for student organization leaders with the Office for Student Affairs to discuss student organization activities, policies, and procedures.
Organization presidents, treasurers, and event/social chairs are required to attend this meeting. Communications or programming chairs are also encouraged to attend.
Lunch will be provided, likely pizza.
RSVP by January 20 to participate
IUB Hudson & Holland Scholars Program admissions visit
6 - 8 p.m. in 122
Indiana Law is hosting students from IUB's Undergraduate Hudson & Holland Scholars Program for an admissions information session and tour.
Lumina Foundation information session
Noon - 1 p.m. in 213
Students are invited to learn about 1L summer clerk opportunities as well as year-round clerk positions with Lumina Foundation’s Tim Robinson, VP of Administration and Partnerships, and Thomas Major, Jr. Associate General Counsel.
CACR Speaker Series: Building Resiliency Where Bits and Bytes Meet Flesh and Blood: Adventures in Applied Healthcare Cybersecurity Research
Noon - 1 p.m. in the Faculty Conference Room or on Zoom
Jeffrey Tully, Associate Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology at UC San Diego and Co-Director of the UC San Diego Center for Healthcare Cybersecurity, presents his healthcare cybersecurity research.
Healthcare cybersecurity incidents are increasing in incidence and impact- with ransomware attacks often resulting in weeks of computer downtime, eight or nine figures worth of institutional financial impact, and, as an increasing literature base demonstrates, potential impact to patient safety in addition to privacy-obliterating data leaks. Despite investing millions in security tools and cybersecurity professionals, hospitals and clinics are still being attacked by criminals capitalizing on an increasingly lucrative business model. What can researchers do about these digital disasters? As it turns out- a lot!
Lunch with new and returning international students
12:15 - 1:30 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge (310)
International students from every program at the Law School are invited to lunch!
RSVP by noon, January 21
Lunar New Year gathering — onigiri social
2:30 - 4:30 p.m. in 124
Join us for a delightful Lunar New Year celebration with a cultural twist! This event combines the joy of New Year festivities with the art of making onigiri (rice balls). It’s also a chance to engage in a fun language exchange with attendees from diverse backgrounds. Practice speaking, share cultural insights, and create connections while learning how to craft your own onigiri!
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Indiana Law Annotated is published Sundays during the school year with events and announcements for the coming week.
Submit announcements and faculty news to and event requests to our online tool by noon of the Thursday before publication. Entries may be edited for consistent presentation.