This week in the Law School
Welcome back! And welcome to the new faculty and graduate programs students who have joined the Indiana Law community this semester. This is Indiana Law Annotated, our weekly newsletter of events, news, and announcements. Enjoy this light week.
No events.
Organize your law school life with Asana
Noon - 1 p.m. in 124
Learn how to use Asana to take control of your law school workload! This interactive workshop will teach you to organize tasks, manage deadlines, and track progress using this powerful tool. You’ll receive step-by-step guidance, examples tailored to law school, and customizable templates for assignments, outlining, and extracurricular activities. Walk away with a ready-to-use workspace to help you stay on top of your responsibilities and achieve academic success.
Space is limited. RSVP on CareerNet.
POP returning volunteer training
5:30 - 7 p.m. in the DeLaney Moot Court Room
This training is mandatory for all Protective Order Project volunteers. It will cover key updates and important changes for the upcoming semester. Food will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there!
Spring externship orientation (B545 and B547)
Noon - 1 p.m. in 213
Students enrolled in B545 Criminal Law Externship or B547 Public Interest Externship for the spring 2025 semester must attend this mandatory orientation session with their academic supervisor, Director Katie Beck. We will review the syllabus, discuss expectations, and answer any questions that remain about the academic component of your semester externship.
Bring your own lunch.
If you are unable to attend, you must notify Director Beck as soon as possible.
Maurer IP Virtual Networking Event
6 - 7:30 p.m. on ZoomDon’t miss out on this chance to meet Maurer IP alumni, talk about IP (careers, new trends, etc.) and practice your networking skills … all in an informal, online setting. Join us for the second annual Maurer IP Virtual Networking Event organized to bring Maurer IP alumni together to meet current students!
Email to register.
Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program
In Baier Hall by appointment
Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Care-giving or grieving? Maybe you are concerned for someone else. Don’t wait; help and support are available.
The Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program will be in Baier Hall meeting individually with students. All meetings are free and confidential.
Please make an appointment in advance by calling 317-833-0370. Tell them you’re calling to set an appointment with a counselor at the Maurer School of Law. You will be provided with a date, time, and room number.
Post-graduation clerkships (session 1)
Noon - 1 p.m. in 213
The annual process for students seeking post-graduation federal and state judicial clerkships to begin in fall 2026 begins this month. The Law School’s judicial clerkships program will offer a series of presentations during the spring semester about the benefits of clerking and the range of clerkship opportunities available.
All 2Ls and 3Ls who are thinking about even the possibility of pursuing a clerkship are strongly advised to attend this year’s kick-off information session. Dean Anne McFadden and Professor Steve Sanders will provide an overview about judicial clerkships and the application process, including materials you need to prepare and resources for researching clerkships that may be right for you.
Pizza will be provided. Please RSVP on CareerNet to ensure an accurate count.
No events.
CAPS counselor-in-residence available Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Brad Dieter, our counselor-in-residence from IU Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), will meet students individually in Baier Hall on Tuesdays and Wednesdays when classes are in session. To make an appointment, call CAPS at 812-855-5711 and ask to meet with the Law School counselor. CAPS counseling services are provided at no charge to IU students who have paid the student health fee.
Faculty and Staff News
Prof. Leandra Lederman's most recent article, "The Untold Tale of a Tax Rulings Haven," was reviewed in French in Cahiers de Fiscalité luxembourgeoise et européenne (the Luxembourg/European Journal of Tax Law) by Dr. Fatima Chaouche. Dr. Chaouche's review, titled "Les rulings luxembourgeois vus d’Amérique" ("Luxembourg rulings seen from America"), is available at Lederman's article is available at
Indiana Law in the media
Follow our Faculty in the Media.
About ILA
Indiana Law Annotated is published Sundays during the school year with events and announcements for the coming week.
Submit announcements and faculty news to and event requests to our online tool by noon of the Thursday before publication. Entries may be edited for consistent presentation.