This week in the Law School
LP judicial career exploration lunch
Noon - 1 p.m. in the DeLaney Moot Court Room
Join CSO for a conversation with Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Steve Sanders (who is also the faculty director of our clerkship program) and Abby Akrong '23 for a discussion of career opportunities in the judiciary - summer internships, term-limited post-grad clerkships, and other longer term positions in the judiciary are great opportunities for lawyers. We will discuss what these opportunities are and how students access them.
About Ms. Akrong: After graduation, Abby clerked for Judge Benita Y. Pearson in the Northern District of Ohio for a one year term. Now (or soon), she is a temporary term law clerk for magistrate judge Mario Garcia in the Southern District of Indiana, and will be a temporary law clerk for magistrate judge Kendra Klump in the Southern District of Indiana.
PILF general body meeting
5 - 6 p.m. in 121
Join the Public Interest Law Foundation for its fall general body meeting. Attendance is required for PILF members. Attendees will receive one PILF point for attending.
AFL call-out meeting
Noon - 1 p.m. in 214
The animating principle behind Advocates for Life is simply this: All human life is sacred from conception to natural death. Adhering to this principle in a public law school can feel isolating at times. AFL exists so that pro-life students can meet and build relationships with each other. Come introduce yourself, sign up for our email list, and help us continue building up this part of the Law School community.
BLS call-out meeting
Noon - 1 p.m. in 125
Attend the Business and Law Society’s first meeting to hear about events for the year, getting involved, and a career in business and law.
Lunch will be provided. We hope to see many of you there!
OLL volunteer training
Noon - 1 p.m. in 121
Outreach for Legal Literacy will host mandatory volunteer training for new and returning members to volunteer with OLL this year. Email if you have questions or cannot make the training.
PLA call-out meeting
Noon - 1 p.m. in 122
Join us for lunch and discussion about what you can expect as a member of Plaintiffs' Law Association. This is an exciting opportunity to be part of a groundbreaking student organization at the Law School.
POP Presents: Law & (Protective) Order Series
Noon - 1 p.m. in the DeLaney Moot Court Room
Join Protective Order Project to learn more about the federal Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). This event is open to everyone, not just POP volunteers! If you are a POP volunteer, you will receive a POP point for attending.
Moot court programs at the Law School
Noon - 12:30 in the DeLaney Moot Court Room
Professor Lane McFadden, director of our appellate advocacy program, will talk about moot court opportunities available over your next three years. Topics include: Opportunities for 1Ls to shadow, bailiff, and otherwise assist with moot court; the Appellate Advocacy course and Sherman Minton Competition for 2Ls; national competitions, the Advocacy Board, and the Order of the Barristers for 3Ls.
Pizza provided.
This program is for our 1L class.
Wednesday Wanders: Record stores and music venues with the McFaddens
4 p.m. by the Student Lounge exterior doorThursday
Law School Constitution Day: Religious Liberty and the Roberts Court
Noon - 1 p.m. in the DeLaney Moot Court Room
To celebrate Constitution Day, the Law School, the American Constitution Society, and the Federalist Society will present a dialogue between two of the nation’s most prominent constitutional scholars on the present and future of religious free exercise in the United States – Andrew Koppelman, John Paul Stevens Professor of Law and professor of political science at Northwestern University, and Michael Moreland, University Professor of Law and Religion and director of the Eleanor H. McCullen Center for Law, Religion and Public Policy at Villanova University.
Lunch provided.
CACR Speaker Series: Taylor Reynolds
11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. in the Faculty Conference Room and on Zoom
IU's Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research will host Taylor Reynolds, research director of MIT's Internet Policy Research Initiative, for "Mind the Gap: Securely Modeling Cyber Risk Based on Security Deviations from a Peer Group."
Lunch will be provided for in-person attendees.
RSVP for lunch or attend on Zoom
BLSA general body meeting
Noon - 1 p.m. in 120
Join our first meeting of the year to discuss updates for the school year and meet new members.
International IP Seminar: Hon. F. Scott Kieff
1:15 - 3:15 p.m. in 216 and on Zoom
The Center for Intellectual Property Research will host F. Scott Kieff, Stevenson Bernard Professor of Law and C-LEAF Faculty Director at George Washington University School of Law, who will present “Professionalism in the Blustery Days of Intellectual Property, Trade and Security” as a part of Professor Marshall Leaffer's International IP Seminar Lecture Series.
The event is approved for two hours of CLE credit.
Register for Zoom
Affinity group mixer
5 - 7 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge
Join us for an exciting evening of networking and community building. Hosted by APALSA, BLSA, LLSA, and MELSA, this event is a fantastic opportunity for members of the community to come together, share experiences, and foster cross-group collaboration. Don't miss this chance to connect with fellow students and faculty to make lasting professional relationships.
Graduate Colloquium: Gender Equality in the Labor Market
Noon - 1 p.m. in 120
Timea Bugarova, an SJD candidate and visiting scholar at the Law School, will present "Gender Equality in the Labor Market," which focuses mainly on the Visegrad countries and EU law.
ILS call-out meeting
1 - 1:45 p.m. in 121
Learn more about the International Law Society.
International opportunities overview
Noon - 1 p.m. in 122
Get an overview of international opportunities from the Office of Graduate Legal Studies and International Programs, including application processes and deadlines. Pizza provided.
Wills and Advanced Directives Program training
Noon - 4 p.m. in 214
IU's Office of the Vice President & General Counsel, in collaboration with Law School students, offers will and end-of-life document preparation services at no charge to qualified University employees, retirees, students and parents.
Law students who have completed pro bono ethics training requirements are invited to volunteer with this program and must attend this training with attorney Steve Latterell '05 from Ice Miller.
RSVP on CareerNet to attend. Pizza lunch provided.
BLSA annual Gong Show auditions
Do you have what it takes to be the 2024 Gong Show winner, or simply want to showcase your talent? Submit an audition to show us what you got! The deadline for submissions is October 4, 2024.
Research assistant opportunity in environmental commons knowledge commons book production
Professors Mike Mattioli, Angie Raymond, Scott Shackelford, Jess Steinberg are seeking an RA to help with an upcoming edited volume publication with Cambridge University Press on environmental knowledge commons. The RA will assist with the production process, including proof reading, cite checking, copyright clearance for figures/illustrations, and creating an index. The successful candidate(s) will start work immediately at a rate of $20/hour, up to 10 hours/week. Candidates should email their CV and a short statement of interest to Scott Shackelford at Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
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About ILA
Indiana Law Annotated is published Sundays during the school year with events and announcements for the coming week.
Submit announcements and faculty news to and event requests to our online tool by noon of the Thursday before publication. Entries may be edited for consistent presentation.