This week in the Law School
BARBRI virtual tabling
Visit our Zoom “table” any time, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
In lieu of tabling in Baier Hall, BARBRI will hold its training virtually. Get any questions you have about bar prep answered, such as how to get a BARBRI public interest scholarship for bar prep or how to change the jurisdiction for your course.
The first 15 visitors get a gift card!
LLSA general body meeting
Noon - 1 p.m. in 121
Join the Latinx Law Student Association for our first in-person general body meeting of the semester. We look forward to introducing our new officer team, passing out our new stickers, and sharing with you all the amazing events in store this semester.
Anyone interested in joining LLSA this semester should feel free to attend!
The Second American Founding
Noon - 1 p.m. in the Moot Court Room
Ilan Wurman, associate professor at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, argues not only that we should reclaim the original meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment, but that doing so would lead to many desirable and surprising results. Professor Wurman argues that the Privileges and Immunities Clause is not, like many originalists claim, a fundamental rights provision, but is instead an anti-discrimination provision. The implications for incorporation, economic liberty, school desegregation, and gay rights may surprise you.
This talk is based on Wurman’s new book, The Second Founding: An Introduction to the Fourteenth Amendment. A limited number of copies will be available for sale at the event. Professor Steve Sanders, an expert on questions arising out of the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantees of equal protection and due process, and whose special focus includes issues affecting LGBTQ persons and same-sex couples, will be the response speaker.
Sponsored by the Federalist Society.
FLS February social
6 - 7 p.m. on Zoom
Join the Family Law Society for a Virtual Jeopardy Night!
Any questions? Contact us at
Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program
10 a.m. - 3 p.m. in Baier Hall
JLAP will be in Baier Hall meeting with students. Please make an appointment in advance by calling 317-833-0370. Tell them you’re calling to set an appointment with a counselor at the Maurer School of Law. You will be provided a date, time, and room number.
Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Caregiving or grieving? Maybe you are concerned for someone else. Don’t wait; help and support are available now. When lawyers don’t care for their mental well-being, we can’t do our best for our clients, and we can’t be the person we want to be for our community and family.
All contact with JLAP is confidential under Admission and Discipline Rule 31 §9 and Rules of Professional Conduct 8.3 (c).
Federal clerkship application and OSCAR overview
Noon - 1 p.m. in the Moot Court Room
For 2Ls and 3Ls interested in applying for federal clerkships, the Faculty Clerkship Committee, CSO, and current students who have accepted post-grad clerkships will walk you through how to make use of OSCAR, the system for applying for Federal clerkships, and provide additional tips to maximize your chances of obtaining one of these opportunities. Students who are interested in clerkships should set up a time to talk to their CSO advisor to help with application materials and logistics.
Register on CareerNet.
CLS weekly Bible study
Noon - 1 p.m. in 122
The Christian Legal Society will meet for community, fellowship, and to study the Word each week.
Space law: What it is and how you can get involved
2:20 - 3 p.m. in the Faculty Conference Room and on Zoom
With the booming space sector, you might have wondered if there are laws out there in space. Well, the short answer is, yes!
Join us for the inaugural meeting of the Space Law and Governance student interest group to hear about space law, an exciting new research project being launched at IU on the governance of space activities, and how you can get involved — in the project and in the upcoming lecture series.
WLC all-caucus meeting
7 - 8 p.m. on Zoom
Join Women's Law Caucus for an all-caucus meeting. We will discuss membership responsibilities for our annual auction and upcoming events this semester. We look forward to seeing you!
CCD Speaker Series: Kevin Brown
Noon - 1:30 p.m. in the Henderson House Conference Room and on Zoom
Prof. Brown's talk title: "Employment Discrimination Law and Caste Discrimination."
In-person attendance limited to CCD fellows and affiliated faculty.
Maurer Fellows info session
Noon - 1 p.m. in the Moot Court Room
Learn more about student fellowship positions available in Law School offices for the 2022-2023 academic year:
- Practice Group Advisors
- Career Services Office Fellows
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fellows
- Admissions Fellows
- Development Fellow
- Access to Justice Fellow
- Office of Student Affairs Fellow
Supervisors and current student fellows will be available to share information and answer your questions.
Professional development: CareerNet and job search resources
Noon - 1 p.m. in 213
We will provide an introduction to CareerNet, the job search tool administered by the Career Services Office. Your CareerNet account is free, and provides a way to connect with professional development resources at Maurer School of Law. We will also introduce you to many other resources available to you. This session will be helpful to any student in the graduate and exchange programs, especially anyone who is thinking about looking for an internship or job to start after graduation or end of program.
Faculty and Staff News
Indiana Law in the media
Follow our Faculty in the Media.
About ILA
Indiana Law Annotated is published Sundays during the school year with events and announcements for the coming week.
Send announcements to And use our web tool to request an event: request a room, publicity, or support, and give other details about your request. You will receive confirmation that your room has been reserved after your request has been processed.
Concise submissions should be sent by noon of the Thursday before publication. Entries may be edited for consistent presentation.