Note: Unless otherwise indicated, all events are being held via Zoom. Many of them require advance registration; consult listings for details. All times listed are Eastern Daylight Time.
Loyola PLIP Office Hours
Questions about the bidding process for Loyola this year? Stop by the CIPR’s Loyola Patent Law Internship Program Office Hours, hosted by Kate Caldwell, Prof. Norm Hedges, and students who have been through Loyola before.Office hours are open to all. Students are encouraged to RSVP through CareerNet in advance, but pre-registration is not required.
Visit CareerNet or email for the Zoom connection information. 11:00 a.m.-noon. Repeats Wednesday, September 30 at noon.
Student Ambassador Call-out Meeting
Find out a little more about the student ambassador program and how we've made changes to continue to make it effective this year. We look forward to your joining us this year! RSVP to Kendra Abercrombie at to get your Zoom link. Noon-1:00 p.m.
Connect with Director Beck
Do you have questions for Director Beck or just want to chat? Feel free to schedule an appointment with her or stop by her Zoom drop-in hours. Noon-1:00 p.m. Repeats Wednesday, noon-1:00 p.m. and Thursday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
IP Pro Bono Training Session
If you are interested in participating in the Intellectual Property Association's IP pro bono project (VIPs), you must attend this mandatory training session. Learn how the program operates and our best practices from Professor Norm Hedges and current student participants. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please email Register to attend here. 12:30-1:30 p.m.
DC Externship Program Info Session
2L students interested in the Law School's DC Semester Program for fall 2021 (and 1L students interested in fall 2022) are invited to this information session where Professor Hughes, Professor Morgan, and Dean McFadden will discuss the details of the program. RSVP on CareerNet and can find Zoom information there. 7:00-8:00 p.m.
International Opportunities: Stewart Fellows Global Externship Program
Join Dean Lesley Davis and Lara Gose for an information session about the Stewart Fellows Summer Overseas Externship Program. Hear from previous participants and learn about plans for virtual internships if the situation requires. Deadlines and application process explained. 5:00-6:00 p.m. Please register in advance for this meeting.
Perspectives on Race, Law, and Equality: A Speaker Series Offered by the Big 10 Law Schools
Eleanor Brown, Penn State Law in University Park: "Some Thoughts on Demsetz, Property, and Differential Approaches to Feeding Slaves in the British West Indies and the Antebellum Southern United States." 6:00-7:00 pm. Register here.
No events scheduled.
IP Colloquium: Uma Suthersanen (Queen Mary University of London)
Join the Center for IP Research and Professor Marshall Leaffer for the 2020 IP Colloquium featuring speakers addressing international issues in intellectual property.
Today’s speaker, Uma Suthersanen (Queen Mary University of London), will present “The Brompton Bicycle Decision: EU Copyright Jurisprudence on Shapes.” The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has been active in developing a functionality doctrine under design and trademark laws in order to limit the protection of functional shapes. Copyright law, in contrast, has never had specific statutory exclusions under Member States’ domestic laws, nor under EU copyright law. Brompton Bicycle sees the CJEU extending its doctrinal mandate and devising a functionality doctrine under the originality criterion in order to resolve the issue of functional (or utilitarian) shapes and designs.
Two hours of Indiana CLE credit are available for this talk. To register or for more information, please email 1:05-3:05 p.m.
Beyond the USPTO: Practicing IP in the Federal Government
Join the IP Association and the Center for IP Research as we host a panel discussion about practicing intellectual property law in the federal government. Hear from practitioners with experience practicing IP for the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, NASA, and more.
- Mark Dvorscak, Professor of Acquisition Management-Intellectual Property, Defense Acquisition University
- Richard Gray, Director-Intellectual Property Cadre, U.S. Dept. of Defense
- Jennifer Mahalingappa, Senior Patent Attorney, U.S. Dept. of Energy
- Brian Lally (’01), Assistant General Counsel for Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property, U.S. Dept. of Energy (moderator)
A WebEx link for this event will be emailed to those who register via CareerNet or email RSVP by 9/30. Email with any questions.
Zoom Shabbat Featuring Dean Aviva Orenstein
Join JLSA to observe Shabbat via Zoom on Erev Sukkot with others in the IU Maurer community. This week will feature Dean Aviva Orenstein. All are welcome to attend.
What is Sukkot?
Sukkot (pronounced SUE-coat, Hebrew) or Sukkos (pronounced SUH-kis, Yiddish) is a harvest festival celebrated five days after Yom Kippur—a day of atonement, and one of the holiest days in Judaism. Sukkot begins today at sundown and continues for seven days. 5:00-6:00 p.m. Register here.
Social Justice in America: Defending Democracy, featuring Law School Faculty
Profs. Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Jeannine Bell, Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson (Highlander Research and Education Center), and Abby Ang (No Space for Hate) will be speaking at a Town Hall as part of the “Defending Democracy: Confronting Voter Suppression and White Supremacy in the New Millenium”, sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs. More information and registration here. Thursday, Oct. 1, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program
Don't forget it is ok to ask for help for yourself in these trying times. JLAP is open for business remotely, so you can still call 317-833-0370 during business hours and talk to one of their staff. If you prefer, they can schedule a phone or video-chat appointment. As always, JLAP services are free and confidential.
JLAP is also providing the following online peer support groups. Call for details on how to join:
- Weekly Connection group – Wednesdays at noon
- Weekly Law Student and New Lawyer group – Mondays at noon
- Addiction Issues – 1st Wednesday and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.
- Caregiver Support – 2nd Thursday of each month at noon
- Mental Health/Wellness – 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m.
ABA First Amendment Diversity Moot Court – Finalists Earn Summer Employment
The ABA Forum on Communications Law hosts a First Amendment and Media Law Diversity Moot Court competition. It is virtual this year. The four finalists in the January 2021 competition will be offered the opportunity of summer employment opportunities with a top law firm, media company, or First Amendment nonprofit, thanks to the generous support of ABA Forum sponsoring organizations.
Eligibility: Students must be members of a chapter of the National Black Law Students Association; the National Latino/a Law Student Association; the National Asian Pacific American Law Student Association; the National Native American Law Students Association; or a comparable minority law student organization at their school. The deadline to apply is October 15, 2020. Details here. Prof. Tomain is also available to answer any questions (
Attendance Policy on Election Day
In recognition of the importance of voting and promoting the ability of others to vote, and in accordance with ABA recommendations, the faculty has decided on the following policy for election day. Although classes will transpire on Tuesday, November 3, the faculty has decided that students may miss class if needed to vote, serve as poll workers, or otherwise participate in election day activities. Students can watch the video of the class asynchronously and will still be counted as attending on election day. Please let your professors know if you will be absent. If you do not need the class hour to vote, work at the polls, or otherwise participate in civic events on election day, please attend your regular classes.
With best wishes and appreciation for everyone who supports our democracy,
Dean Aviva Orenstein
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An online form is available to plan and schedule meetings. Please use this form to request a room, notify Indiana Law Annotated, and send other information about your event. You will receive confirmation that your room has been reserved after your request has been processed. When filling out your event description, please provide all information possible, especially if you are requesting that the event be publicized.
Indiana Law Annotated is published every Sunday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Submit information and articles for ILA to by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Sunday's edition. Length of submission is limited to 150 words, unless otherwise approved. Entries may be edited to ensure consistent presentation. If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact Ken Turchi (