Indiana Law Annotated for Jan. 27, 2020 (58:3)
CSO Events
2020 Career Expo
The Career Service Office would like to invite you to participate in our annual Career Expo on Thursday, February 6, 2020, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This is an excellent opportunity to connect with over 30 different employers from private practice, public interest, and government and across a wide variety of practice areas.
We will feature three distinct opportunities for interaction: practice area table talks, résumé critiques, and mock interviews. The table talks are open to all students. For now, the résumé critique and mock interview portions are open to first-year students only. Be sure to RSVP on CareerNet for each event in which you’d like to participate.
Spring 2020 On-Campus Interviewing
Spring OCI for 1Ls, 2Ls, and 3Ls is currently under way. Employers are added on a rolling basis, so be sure to regularly check the OCI tab in CareerNet. Note that the date listed is the interview date, and applications are typically due two weeks prior to the interview date. Each position will list required materials (résumé, cover letter, references, etc.). If you have any questions or need assistance with bidding on OCI slots, please stop by CSO or contact us.
Christian Legal Society Bible Study
We will be discussing Romans 8:2 this week. Room 214, noon-1:00 p.m.
Art Therapy Pop-Up
The Eskenazi Museum of Art's art therapist will be at Baier Hall to provide a one-hour wellness experience for students. Bring your friends, make some art, and take some time to practice self-care. Lobby, noon-1:00 p.m.
Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF) General Body Meeting
The Public Interest Law Foundation will be holding its first general body meeting of the semester. This meeting will cover the next steps for Singing for Summer Salaries, the upcoming events for the semester, and important ways to earn PILF points. Food will be provided. Room 125, noon-1:00 p.m.
Phi Alpha Delta Spring Call-out and General Body Meeting
Newcomers welcome. Food will be provided. Room 120, noon-1:00.
Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program
Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program counselors will be at the Law School to meet with individual students. To make an appointment, call (317) 833-0370 and ask for Amy. Tell her you are calling to set up an appointment with a counselor at the Law School. Amy will provide you with a date, time, and location. For more information on JLAP, visit
The Benefits of Clerkships: A Discussion Featuring Justice Geoffrey G. Slaughter
Please join the Federalist Society in welcoming Justice Geoffrey G. Slaughter, '89, of the Indiana Supreme Court, Professor Ryan Scott, and Matt Land, '18, who is currently clerking for Justice Slaughter. The event will consist of a presentation followed by an audience Q&A. Lunch will be provided. Moot Court Room, noon-1:00 p.m.
Environmental Law Society Spring Meeting
We will be sharing lunch, catching up, and talking about our plans for the semester. Room 122, noon-1:00.
Protective Order Project Returning Volunteer Training
Welcome back POP members! All returning members who want to volunteer this spring must attend this mandatory training. This session is for all POP members who have already taken the POP new volunteer training (including volunteers who have been previously involved in POP but were not members this past fall). Room 120, noon-1:00 p.m.
BLSA General Body Meeting
Room 124, noon-1:00 p.m.
CPT/OPT Information Session for F-1 Students
The Office of International Services will share information about the process of obtaining curricular practical training (CPT) and optional practical training (OPT) authorization for international students studying on an F-1 visa. Room 213, noon-1:00 p.m.
New York Volunteer Summer Internship Program Info Session
Come learn more about the Law School's New York volunteer summer internship program for 1L students. Adjunct Professor Terrance Stroud, '03, who works one-on-one with interested students to secure placements in volunteer internship positions throughout the city, will give a presentation and answer questions.
In past years, Professor Stroud has helped students secure positions with the New York Department of Education, the New York City Bar Association, and Brooklyn College. This year, potential placements also include the New York Law Department and the Brooklyn District Attorney. Students may also secure their own position in New York and participate in the variety of networking opportunities that Professor Stroud arranges for students.
Interested students may apply for this program on CareerNet (job number 17031). Applications are due Wednesday, February 5. Lunch will be served, so be sure to reserve on CareerNet. Room 120, noon-1:00.
Live from Baier Hall: Melanie Mashner, Harpist
Melanie Mashner, graduate assistant instructor in harp at the Jacobs School of Music, will favor us with a performance during the noon hour in the lobby. Stop by and enjoy!
ChIPs Workshop
Please join ChIPs Maurer in welcoming Deborah Pollack-Milgate (Barnes & Thornburg) and CSO's Kate Caldwell for a discussion about entering and thriving in a male-dominated profession. Room 335, 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Protective Order Project New Volunteer Training
Welcome new POP members! Please plan to attend this session if you are new to POP and would like to volunteer with us this spring. This training is mandatory for all new members who have not been trained. There is no POP callout meeting for the spring semester, so we encourage all interested new members to come directly to the training. Room 121, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Monthly Maurer Movie Night: 12 Angry Men
Join Advocates for Life as we watch 12 Angry Men, a movie about a jury deliberating on a case set in a large city where a guilty verdict means death for the accused. We invite all to also join us before the movie for a discussion about jury selection and jury instruction. Open to all law students only. We look forward to seeing you there! Moot Court Room, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
CSO + PGA Session: 1L Summer Job Search
Come listen to CSO and some of your PGAs discuss the 1L job search and what it entails. We will cover the many ways you can find job postings, timelines, how to apply, expectations, preparing for the interview process and follow up, and we will answer your questions or concerns. We will also address key interview questions most employers are likely to ask 1L students, along with the requirements for international students who will be working in the US during their 1L summer. Facilitators: Thibault Vieilledent, Zachary Peifer, CSO. Room 121, noon-1:00 p.m.
Résumé-writing for Graduate and Exchange Students
Kate Caldwell, senior director for career services, will present information on how to write a US-style legal résumé. Samples will be distributed and questions answered. (Tip: Bring your own résumé with you to compare and make notes.) RSVP in CareerNet. Room 213, noon-1:00 p.m.
Crafternoon with CSO and OSA
In the spirit of making space to explore our creative sides, the Career Services Office and Office of Student Affairs are joining forces to bring you a monthly "crafternoon." Bring your own project to work on while sharing conversation and coffee with fellow makers. Extra yarn, crochet hooks, and knitting needles will always be available for those who want to pick up a new skill. Bring your own lunch and join us in the CSO between noon and 1:00 p.m.
Lunar New Year Celebration and Movie
Please join APALSA for a celebration of Lunar New Year! Food and games will be provided. Student Lounge, 4:00-8:00 p.m. In addition, APALSA will screen Disney's Mulan in the Moot Court Room at 6:00 p.m. All students, faculty, and staff are welcome!
Welcome, Fatjona Hasani
The Law School welcomes Fatjona (rhymes with Tatiana) Hasani as room scheduler and administrative secretary, succeeding Libby Steinbach. Fatjona recently completed her master's in arts administration at the O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs. She also holds a degree from The Media School. Stop by the Dean's Suite and say hello! Her first day is Tuesday, January 28.
Don't Take the Bait: Watch Out for Phishing and Email Scams
Phishing and related scams are increasingly prevalent and more realistic. The university has provided some helpful guidelines on how to avoid falling for these schemes. It's a good read; take a minute to review it.
Griffith Wins Competition at Baylor
3L Carolyn Griffith won the 4th Annual Baylor Law School “The Closer,” a highly-competitive 3-day immersive transactional competition held in Waco, Texas on February 17-19. After a live tour of the construction site of a new physician’s imaging facility near the Baylor hospital, students from 12 law schools around the country negotiated five rounds of a (not so) hypothetical joint venture between the hospital and the physicians’ group, including issues in health care regulation, nonprofit regulation, and more. Congratulations, Carolyn!
Basic Mediation and Restorative Justice Training
The Community Justice and Mediation Center (CJAM) offers a 40-hour training program for community members interested in learning about conflict resolution, mediation, and restorative justice. Participants will enhance their interpersonal skills in communication and listening, problem solving, and negotiation, and they will increase their understanding of restorative justice philosophy and methods, sources of conflict, and processes leading to constructive conflict resolution. The training should benefit any community member concerned with managing conflict and its resolution. The training provides the background and skills necessary to work as a community mediator and restorative justice practitioner and qualifies participants to volunteer in CJAM’s programs.
The winter training will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. over five weekend days, February 15, 16, 22, 23, and 29 at the Law School. The training will be led by senior mediators and restorative justice practitioners. Tuition is $300. Scholarships are available. For more information, e-mail, or phone the office at (812) 336-8677. Go to our website,, to download an application. Payment can be made by credit card at the website or by check with your application.
Faculty and Staff News
Faculty Scholarship
Prof. Tim Waters's new book, Boxing Pandora, has just been published by Yale University Press. It poses a timely and provocative challenge to the foundations of our global order: Why should national borders be unchangeable?
Prof. Ken Dau-Schmidt's newest work, "The Problem of 'Misclassification,' or How to Define Who Is an 'Employee' under Protective Legislation in the Information Age," was published in THE
CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK OF U.S. LABOR LAW: REVIVING AMERICAN LABOR FOR A 21ST CENTURY ECONOMY (Cambridge University Press, Richard Bales & Charlotte Garden, eds., 2019).
Indiana Law in the Media
See recent faculty media appearances at The Docket.
About ILA
An online form is available to plan and schedule meetings. Use this form to request a room, notify
Indiana Law Annotated is published every Sunday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Submit information and articles for ILA to by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Sunday's edition. Length of submission is limited to 150 words, unless otherwise approved. Entries may be edited to ensure consistent presentation. If you're requesting a room, submit all information (including the room request) by emailing If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact Ken Turchi (
Audio-Video Services
Send requests for AV services to Paul Styles ( Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.