Indiana Law Annotated for November 18, 2019 (57:12)
Sherman Minton Moot Court Competition Final Rounds
This week marks the culmination of the Sherman Minton Moot Court Competition, with eight students arguing in the semifinals on Tuesday evening and four of those advancing to the finals on Friday, Nov. 22, when they will argue before a distinguished panel of judges consisting of: Judge Karen Moore of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit; Judge Amy St. Eve of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit; Chief Judge Theresa Springmann of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Indiana; Judge Staci Yandle of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois; and Judge Amy Ronayne Krause of the Michigan Court of Appeals. This year’s moot court case, City of Lockton v. Deacon, involves the constitutional issues at the nexus of two technological phenomena with the potential to affect almost every aspect of modern life: the ubiquity of DNA technology and the rise of “big data.” The finals will take place on Friday from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Moot Court Room, followed by a public reception on the first floor.
How to Apply for Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship, Fellowships, and Internships
As the semester wraps up, applications are opening for many diversity and inclusion scholarships, fellowships, and internships. In the hopes of increasing awareness of and interest in these opportunities, CSO will be hosting a short noon workshop for interested students. The following topics will be explored:
• What are diversity fellowships?
• Why do they exist?
• Are these programs for me?
• How do I find these opportunities?
• What are the benefits to participating in diversity programs?
• What support is available if I choose to apply?
Pizza. Room 125, noon.
Live from Baier Hall
A trio of talented musicians from the Jacobs School of Music will entertain us during the lunch hour: Lucas Fain, keyboard; Bruno Gutierrez, bass; and Camila Mennitte Pereyra, drums. Lobby, noon-1:00 p.m.
Christian Legal Society Bible Study
Room 216, noon.
Transactional Drafting Workshop #2
Join Professor Mark Need as he continues the lead-up to this year's transactional drafting competition with an introduction to the important concept of indemnification provisions in an acquisition. This subject matter is directly pertinent to this year's competition problem. Room 121, noon.
LGBTQ+ Project General Body Meeting
Join the LGBTQ+ Project for our last general body meeting of the semester to share our successes, chat about next semester, and eat some yummy snacks!
This meeting is for current active Project members. If you are interested in joining the Project next semester, email and watch for our first 2020 meeting in January. Room 124, noon.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Taxpayer 101 Training
For all VITA Tax Hero volunteers: Come listen to Amy Leyenbeck from United Way explain the various interaction expectations for VITA participants. This event is not mandatory, but will be extremely helpful for VITA Tax Heroes in understanding the expectations and requirements of this awesome program. Room 125, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
The Jerome Hall Lecture
Join us in welcoming Prof. Janie Chuang, American University Washington College of Law, the 2019-20 Jerome Hall Visiting Professor, as she delivers the 2019 Hall Lecture. Prof. Chuang will present “Combating Human Trafficking: Reflections on 20 Years of Law and Advocacy.” One hour of CLE credit has been approved for this session. Lunch will be provided. Moot Court Room, noon.
LLSA Snacks and Finals Questions
Join the Latinx Law Student Association as we answer questions from students regarding finals. Prof. Fuentes-Rohwer will also be on hand to deconstruct a law school final exam question. Room 120, 4:45-7:00.
Using Winter Break to Apply for Summer Positions
Join the Career Services Office and Prof. Van der Cruysse, faculty director of judicial externship and judicial clerkship programs, to learn how to make the most of your winter break to apply for summer opportunities. We will provide tips for researching potential employers and exploring various practice areas, resources to start your search, and advice on how you can use your winter break for networking and preparing your application materials for employment opportunities nationwide. This will include a brief overview of externship programs offered for academic credit, other than Stewart Fellowships. Room 125, noon.
The Graduate Colloquium Discussion: Legal Challenges for Global Environmental and Sustainable Development
With the current development of global environmental issues in regards to sustainable development, what are the innovative actions to cope with those issues? What is the role of the government and the private sector? Join us to discuss with keynote speaker Chan Ho Park, regional director for Latin America and Caribbean at the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and panelist Christian Freitag, executive director of the Conservation Law Center. The event is open to all IU students. Lunch will be provided. Room 121, noon.
Q&A with Moot Court Judges
Join the American Constitution Society and the Federalist Society for a question-and-answer session with this year's Sherman Minton Moot Court Competition final round judges (see listing above).
Moot Court finals will take place at 5:00 in the Moot Court Room.
FLF and If/When/How Fundsgiving for All Options Pregnancy Resource Center
Feminist Law Forum and If/When/How are teaming up to raise money for All Options Pregnancy Resource Center in Bloomington. Get in the giving spirit by donating (cash, check, or Venmo) to the Hoosier Diaper Program or the Abortion Fund, and help members of the Bloomington community support themselves and their families this holiday season. Donations will be accepted in the lobby during the noon hour on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
First Amendment and Media Law Workshop and Conference
If you are interested in the First Amendment and media law, the ABA Forum on Communications Law Annual Conference is a great opportunity to network and gain substantive experience. The conference includes a Media Advocacy Workshop where law students and new lawyers participate in two oral arguments and one pre-publication review exercise. One oral argument involves news gathering and access to prisoners for interviews. The other oral argument involves copyright infringement and fair use (the hypo is based off the viral Tom Brady photo). There is no fee for the workshop. The conference fee for law students is $100. The conference takes place February 6-8, 2020 in Austin, Texas. Here is the link for the conference website and registration. For more information, contact Prof. Tomain (
Faculty and Staff News
Prof. Joe Tomain presented at two conferences during the first week of November. On November 6, he provided remarks on “Teaching Information Privacy Law” at the Washburn Law Journal Symposium. On November 8, he gave a one-hour presentation at the Fraternal Law Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. His talk was titled “Free Speech and Student Privacy: Unifying Principles in Divisive Times.”
See recent faculty media appearances at The Docket.
About ILA
An online form is available to plan and schedule meetings. Use this form to request a room, notify
Indiana Law Annotated is published every Sunday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Submit information and articles for ILA to by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Sunday's edition. Length of submission is limited to 150 words, unless otherwise approved. Entries may be edited to ensure consistent presentation. If you're requesting a room, submit all information (including the room request) by emailing If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact Ken Turchi (
Audio-Video Services
Send requests for AV services to Paul Styles ( Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.