Indiana Law Annotated for Mar. 25, 2019 (56:10)
March 25, 2019
This Week at Indiana Law
The LGBT Project has organized several interesting and thought-provoking (and fun) events this week. Be sure to check them out!
Are you interested in speaking at Commencement or singing the Alma Mater before an auditorium filled with fellow graduates and their families? Auditions are April 3. See "Announcements" for instructions.
The annual teaching awards will be presented at noon on Friday.
The Law Alumni Board will be here on Friday, and Admitted Students Day takes place on Saturday. Say hello to our guests and give them a warm welcome.
A Reminder about ILA Submissions
Please submit items for ILA by Thursday noon of the previous week. Your editor compiles them on Thursday afternoon, so your timely submission guarantees inclusion. Thank you!
Monday, March 25
Loan Repayment Counseling
During the session, we will discuss the loan repayment timeline, repayment strategies, consolidation and refinancing, public service loan forgiveness, income-driven repayment options, and postponing repayment. Room 125, noon.
ChIPs Coffee Break
Room 214, noon.
PGA Office Hours: How to Plan Your Fall 2L Semester – A Follow-up to Academic Planning
Join your PGAs as they talk about the differences between 1L year and 2L year! They will go over the realities of balancing classes, moot court/journal, and leadership work. RSVP on CareerNet. Room 120, noon.
OUTlaw Elections
OUTlaw is electing its exec board for the 2019-2020 academic year, including a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Upcoming 2Ls are preferred for the positions, but other years are also welcome to apply. Each OUTlaw member gets to vote in the elections, so we welcome all OUTlaw members to participate in selecting next year's e-board. Room 222, noon.
Health Law Job Panel
Health Law is a growing and ever-changing field. Please come and listen to 2Ls and 3Ls talk about their past and future experience in the realm of health law. They will discuss both the content of work that they have done or will be doing and how they secured those positions. In addition, they will talk about how they knew they were interested in or passionate about health law and whether that happened before law school, during law school, or on the job. Open to all students. Room 213, 12:15-1:00 p.m.
Feminist Law Forum Elections
Join us to elect the 2019-2020 executive board. All students running for a position should plan to be at the meeting. If you cannot attend, email Betsy at Room 124, 12:30 p.m.
LGBT Project Capacity Training
Join the LGBT Project to kick off a week of events with a capacity training focused on LGBT identities, ethical and professional conduct guidelines surrounding gender and sexuality, and advocacy skills. Dinner will be provided. Room 125, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, March 26
CLS Bible Study
Room 222, noon.
IP Association Elections and Overview of IP Courses
Do you have questions about which IP courses you should take next semester? Are you wondering how you can take part in an IP moot court competition next year? Join the CIPR and IPA as we answer all your questions and share our recommendations with you over lunch. The meeting will conclude with elections for the 2019-20 Intellectual Property Association executive board. All IPA members are encouraged to attend and vote. Room 124, noon.
Business Law Society Elections and 2L Summer Job Search Panel
Join BLS for our last event of the semester. The first half of the meeting will be a panel on the 2L job search, focusing on strategies for the summer and giving you a general timeline of when, where, and how to apply. The second half will be elections for the next BLS executive board. If interested in running for a position, please email a statement of interest to Non-pizza lunch will be provided. Room 122, noon.
The Evidence of “Progress”: What Happens After Marriage Equality?
In the years leading up to and following the landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, many public figures declared that marriage equality was the answer for LGBTQ people achieving equal status in broader society. This dominant narrative of progress has veiled the persistence of inequality that LGBQ and T people experience within intersecting forms of oppression outside, beyond, and through marriage equality. By what evidence are people making these assertions of “progress,” for the LGBTQ community and to what consequence? In this talk, Stef Shuster, assistant professor, Lyman Briggs College and the Department of Sociology, Michigan State University, will explore these questions across a range of U.S.-based social domains (e.g. legal and medical systems), issues (e.g immigration rights and geographical location), and identities (e.g. disability, race, and class).
Co-sponsored by the LGBT Project, American Constitutional Society, OUTlaw, Center for Law, Culture and Society, and the IU LGBTQ+ Alumni Association. Moot Court Room, noon.
LGBT+ Issues Discussion
Join the LGBT Project and Prof. Shuster for a small group discussion on LGBTQ+ Issues "Beyond Marriage." Refreshments to be provided. Space is limited, so please contact Pat McGovern ( for more information. Faculty Lounge, 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 27
Labor and Employment Law Society 2019-20 Board Elections
All dues-paying members are welcome to attend and vote for candidates for board positions. Room 124, 5:00 p.m.
Bloomington PRIDE Trivia Night
Bloomington PRIDE Program: Trans & Allies Support Community (TASC) is a supportive organization in Bloomington that advocates for transgender and nonbinary gender-diverse people. TASC will be holding a trivia night at the Back Door, a local “queer bar in Bloomington serving all members of the LGBTQ community and their allies.” At the event, there will be pizza, prizes, and a show once trivia is over. Tickets will be $5, so come buy one during the lunch hour. Sponsoring organization: if/when/how (formerly Law Students for Reproductive Justice). The Back Door, 8:00-9:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 28
APALSA Affirmative Action Panel
In light of a lawsuit pending in federal courts regarding Harvard’s admissions process, Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. Harvard, APALSA invites you to join us for a panel discussion that will address the history of affirmative action in education and civil rights, along with the issues of the case, arguments both for and against, and its consequences. APALSA is hoping to provide a forum for an intellectual discussion of how this decision might affect the future of our nation, and we are looking for diverse opinions and experiences with this issue. Panelists are Professor Steve Sanders, Attorney Susan Shan, VP of APABA-IN, Judge Jose Rodriguez, Jr., ’80, and Assistant Dean Frank Motley of the Health Professions and Prelaw Center. Moot Court Room, noon.
Jerome Hall Law Library's Top 15
Come to the Jerome Hall Law Library to learn tips on using each of the library’s top research databases. This workshop will focus exclusively on sources other than Lexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg. Register here. Light refreshments will be served. Library Room 206E, 2:30.
Graduate Colloquium
Room 124, 1 p.m.
IP Colloquium
Annemarie Bridy (University of Idaho College of Law) will present “Remediating Social Media: A Layer-Conscious Approach” as part of Professor Mike Mattioli’s IP Colloquium. Two 2 hours' Indiana CLE credit available. See abstract on CIPR website. Room 216, 1:15-3:15 p.m.
Center for Law, Society & Culture Speaker Series
Kaushik Sunder Rajan, "The Judicial Ethic and Spirit of Constitutionalism: Law, Health and Democracy in South Africa (and India)". Faculty Conference Room, 4:00 p.m.
LGBT Project Movie Night
Queer movie night at La Casa; title TBA. 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Friday, March 29
2019 Annual Teaching Awards
The Trustees and Leon Wallace Teaching Awards are one of the ways we recognize and celebrate faculty excellence in the classroom. The awards help draw attention to the value of excellent teaching and serve as an indication of the importance the Law School accords to student learning and classroom instruction. The event also enables our students—through the student selection committee—to nominate and recognize those faculty (both adjunct and full-time) who have made a difference.
As in recent years, the student committee members will assist with presenting the awards. This year, for the first time, we are hosting the teaching awards as part of our Alumni Board meeting. A number of alumni leaders will attend the ceremony, and a Falafels lunch will be served. Moot Court Room, noon.
Archives Visit with LGBT Project
Join the Law School's LGBT Project in conjunction with the IU Libraries Diversity Committee to explore LGBTQ+ History in the University Archives. We'll look at the records of IUB's own LGBTQ+ Culture Center dating back to the 1970s, as well as other materials from the Archives reflecting overlooked and erased queer histories. Wells Library, Hazelbaker Hall, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 30
Admitted Students Day
Prospective members of the Class of 2022 will be in Baier Hall all day. Please welcome them!
BLSA Law Journal Write-on Training and Info Session
For BLSA members only. Room 216, noon-4:00 p.m.
Name and Gender Marker Change Fair
This is a community event for people interested in information preparing for to file for name and gender marker changes in Indiana. Students and supervising attorneys will be available to assist attendees in learning about the process, determining what documents are necessary, and answering questions about filing pro se. Student Lounge, 3:00-6:00 p.m.
CSO Notes
Successful Summers (Wednesday, March 27, Room 122, noon) Join CSO and a panel of practicing attorneys for tips for success during your summer job. From what to wear to how to produce quality work product, we will offer suggestions and answer your most burning questions. Open to all students. Please see CareerNet for further details and to RSVP.
Crafting with the LGBT Project (Wednesday, March 27, Room 020, noon) CSO is collaborating with the LGBT Project for a special edition of the Creative Stress Obliterator. Bring your own craft project or decorate postcards to send to your representatives regarding LGBT issues.
Speed Networking with the Law Alumni Board (Friday, March 29, Faculty Lounge, 1:45-2:45 p.m.) The Law School's 11,000 alumni are all a part of your network! Come and meet members of our dedicated Alumni Board and practice your networking skills. Business attire, please. Friday, March 29, 2019 from 1:45 to 2:45 in the faculty lounge. Space is limited; RSVP on CareerNet.
Jobs of the Week
2L Summer Associates at Defur Voran (CareerNet 2019 Spring OCI Week #9) The law firm of Defur Voran is seeking 2Ls for summer associate positions in both their Fishers and Muncie offices. If you are interested in applying, you must do so before 11:59 p.m. on Sunday on CareerNet under 2019 Spring OCI Week #9. Please be aware that the OCI date is listed as April 4, but they have not yet confirmed that date and it may change. They will be on campus sometime the first 2 weeks of April.
Pro Bono Internship, City of South Bend (CareerNet ID 15280) Position consists of legal research, including issues relating to government and policy as well as standard research. Also drafting of motions for summary judgment, dismissal, discovery; preparing and reviewing transactional documents, contracts, leases; assisting as needed in litigation. See CareerNet for further details.
Deadline for Submitting Pro Bono Hours
Attention graduating students: The deadline for submitting your pro bono hours for recognition at graduation is Friday, March 29, at 5:00 p.m.! As a reminder, all students who have completed 60 hours of pro bono during their time at Indiana Law and submitted it on Canvas will be recognized at graduation. It's not too late to submit past hours, even from past years. Please enter any past hours in the current assignment on Canvas and make a note that the submission contains late hours. You can submit them by semester (e.g., Fall 2017: 13 hours). If you have any questions, contact us at
Law School Social Media Coordinator
The Marketing Office is looking for a student to document, post and share life at Indiana Law on social media, and to share Dean Parrish's prolific tweets and Facebook posts on the Law School's social media pages. This should require a total of 2-3 hours per week, a few minutes each day. Pay is $10.15/hour. Work can be done anywhere and will extend into the summer. Contact Dean Turchi at for more information.
Commencement Speaker and Singer Auditions
The Office of Student Affairs and the 3L graduation committee will hold auditions for a student speaker and a singer for the graduation ceremony. Our panel of judges will include faculty, staff, and students. The student speaker and singer positions are open to everyone in the graduating 3L class. The role of the student speaker is to give the JD graduating class speech; the singer is going to perform the "Alma Mater" at the ceremony.
Instructions for student speaker applicants: Come to the audition with nine printed copies of a one-page statement of why you would like to be the speaker. Tell us about your motivations and what you hope to contribute to your peers as the chosen student speaker. Bring nine printed copies of a brief bullet point outline of what your speech would be about. On audition day, you will give a two-minute sample of your speech. The graduation speech will be no longer than five minutes.
Instructions for singer applicants: Sing the "Alma Mater" at the audition.
To sign up to audition for either, email by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2nd. If you have any questions, please contact Director Bodamer. Auditions will be held on Wednesday, April 3, in the Moot Court Room from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Job Announcement: Faculty Research Assistant Program
The Jerome Hall Law Library is now accepting applications for the position of faculty research assistant for an ongoing research program at the Law School. Successful applicants will be responsible for conducting research on a variety of topics for members of the faculty. Topics and research methods will vary by project. Past topics have included business and corporate law, bankruptcy, First Amendment law, and international criminal law, among many others. Faculty research assistants will be trained, supervised, and given assignments by the student services librarian. They will be expected to work up to 29 hours per week during the summer. The number of hours will vary with the number of faculty research requests. Hours are flexible. FRAs must be located in Bloomington for the summer due to the occasional need for in-person consultations and research training. The positions are limited to rising 2L and 3L JD students.
To apply, please submit a CV, a one paragraph statement of interest, and the name and email address of one Law School reference to Kimberly Mattioli at Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the positions have been filled.
Access to Justice Pro Bono Fellow Applications
We are reopening applications for an Access to Justice pro bono fellow, and we hope you consider applying. It is traditionally a paid position, and it is not a heavy work load (a few hours per week). It's especially well-suited to students interested in leadership opportunities.
The fellowship is a two-year commitment during your time in law school. A 1L or joint-degree candidate with two years left at the law school will be chosen to help coordinate the school's student pro bono program with Nell C. Collins, the returning 3L fellow, and a graduate student fellow. Responsibilities include coordinating numerous pro bono-centered events throughout the year, tracking student pro bono hours, working with student organizations, and conducting student outreach. Note: we are not associated with Professor Quintanilla's Access to Justice initiatives. We only handle pro bono!
Applicants should have a well-developed sense of professionalism, passion for social justice, strong organizational skills, and extensive networking capabilities. Traditionally, fellows have received full funding to attend the ABA's Equal Justice Conference in May and have also received a stipend. Applications consisting of a short cover letter with a statement of interest and a resume should be sent electronically to Mary Pat Stemnock, Nell Collins and Sam von Ende at by Friday, March 29 at 5 p.m. Please redact GPA and class rank. Interviews will begin in early April.
We hope you consider sending in your application! Please contact us if you have questions.
Faculty and Staff News
Natasha Heines, coordinator in CSO, has accepted a position in the bookstore at the School of Art, Architecture, and Design. Her last day at the Law School will be March 29. Rhea May, coordinator in the Office of Graduate Legal Studies and International Programs, has resigned; her last day is April 2. Best wishes to both!
Recent faculty media appearances are displayed at The Docket.
About ILA
An online form is available to plan and schedule meetings. Please use this form to request a room, notify Indiana Law Annotated, and send other information about your event. You will receive confirmation that your room has been reserved after your request has been processed. When filling out your event description, please provide all information possible, especially if you are requesting that the event be publicized.
Indiana Law Annotated is published every Monday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Submit information and articles for ILA to ( by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Monday's edition. Length of submission is limited to 150 words, unless otherwise approved. Entries may be edited to ensure consistent presentation. If you're requesting a room, submit all information (including the room request) by emailing ( If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact Ken Turchi at
Audio-Video Services
Send requests for AV services to Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.