Indiana Law Annotated for Mar. 4, 2019 (56:8)
March 4, 2019
This Week in the Law School
PILF would like to extend an enormous thank you to all the students, faculty, and staff who made this year's Singing for Summer Salaries event such a success! Though donations are still coming in, this year we are pleased to announce that your generous support allowed us to raise $12,779 so far that will go toward funding student public interest work over the summer. Again, this could not have been possible without your participation!
Congratulations to Nick Wheeler, Xingyi Tao, and Weichih Hsu, the Indiana Law team winning the 2019 International Patent Drafting competition last weekend. They beat 14 teams from the U.S. and Canada to claim the Law School's second championship in four years. Thanks go to Prof. Norm Hedges for advising the team.
Congratulations to Carolyn Griffith, Ben Wade, and Christian Townsend (overall champions) at the Fourth Transactional Negotiation and Drafting Competition, and to Mary Morris, Alexa Wilson, and Robert Silman, who earned the best buyer counsel award.
There will be no ILA next week. Enjoy your spring break!
Monday, March 4
International Women's Day: Think Equal, Build Smart, and Innovate for Change
Come join the International Law Society to celebrate International Women's Day 2019 with a panel discussion. Law professors will speak about a range of topics under the theme "Think Equal, Build Smart, and Innovate for Change." Moot Court Room, noon.
Bloomington Expungement Help Desk Call-out Meeting
Indiana Legal Services is opening an expungement help desk. In Indiana, an expungement is a way for someone to hide their past arrests or convictions from public view. Expungement eliminates some of the obstacles individuals with criminal convictions face when searching for housing or applying for jobs. The petition process can be a confusing and time-consuming process. The Bloomington Expungement Help Desk is working to ease the challenges unrepresented individuals face when filing for expungements. Are you interested about learning more about expungements and volunteering for the help desk? Join us for this call-out meeting. Lunch will be provided. If you have any questions, please email Room 124, noon.
Reproductive Justice 101
What exactly is reproductive justice? It includes more than you think. Join if/when/how to discuss how reproductive justice impacts our everyday life and how we advocate for our clients through this framework. Make a difference, advocate for change! Lunch will be provided. Room 122, noon.
ELS Executive Board Elections
The Environmental Law Society will hold elections for next year's president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer positions. If interested, please send an email to current President Alli Benshoof at Lunch will be provided. Room 120, noon.
CLS Bible Study
Room 222, noon.
Tuesday, March 5
Indiana Blood Center Blood Drive
The Indiana Blood Center will be in the Student Lounge from noon to 4 p.m. for its annual blood drive at the Law School.
Indiana Bar Exam Information Session
Learn about the Indiana bar exam application and character and fitness with the staff of the Indiana Bar Admissions Office. This is essential for 3L Indiana applicants and useful for 2L students who think they will take the Indiana bar. After the presentation there will be time for questions. Lunch will be served to students who RSVP through CareerNet. Room 125, noon.
The Career Stress Obliterator
Come join the CSO for some creative time. We have supplies on hand for coloring and origami, or BYO portable project. All are welcome. CSO, noon.
1L Academic Planning Session
This is the second academic planning session by the Office of Student Affairs, which handles all things classes. The purpose of these sessions is to provide important information about graduation requirements, bar preparation coverage, and registration procedures to help you plan your course schedules for your remaining semesters. Although attendance at any one of these sessions is highly encouraged, you must attend one in order to schedule an individual follow-up advising appointment with one of us. This foundational information will be most immediately helpful for you as you plan your fall class schedule; registration for 1Ls will be in early April. The same material will be covered in each session, which should last about an hour. Please join us to learn about class registration. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Alexis Lanham ( or Ms. Liz Bodamer ( Moot Court Room, noon.
Wednesday, March 6
Town Hall with Dean Austen Parrish
The Student Bar Association presents the spring town hall meeting with Dean Austen Parrish. Come hear the latest news about the school, raise any questions or concerns you have, and share ideas on how to make the Law School better. Lunch provided. Moot Court Room, noon.
Thursday, March 7
Expanded Stewart Fellows-India Fellowship Program Information Session
We're pleased to announce our expanded Stewart Fellows-India externship program beginning this fall. Combine your interest in studying and working abroad with this unique opportunity. Earn six to eight externship credits plus two course credits abroad and two course credits at the Law School (for a total of 10 credits) while studying at Jindal Global Law School and interning with one of several Stewart Fellows Overseas Externship Program partners. Placements include both law firms and NGOs. This opportunity is open to rising 2Ls and 3Ls. To learn more, including logistics and application process, attend this information session with Prof. Jay Krishnan and Ms. Lara Gose ( Room 222, noon.
Patent Bar and Loyola Patent Fair Info Session
Members of the Intellectual Property Association -- and 1L and 2Ls interested in IP law -- are invited to come learn more about the patent bar. Learn about the USPTO requirements to sit for the exam and hear from students who have already passed the patent bar as they share studying tips and strategies. IPA students will also share their tips and strategies for navigating the Loyola Patent Interview Program. 1L and 2L students who are interested in attending Loyola Patent Interview Program this summer are encouraged to attend and to bring questions. Lunch will be served. Room 213, noon.
U.S. Air Force JAG Presentation
An active duty Air Force attorney will provide information on the scope of the world-wide military legal practice, including criminal law, legal assistance, civil and administrative law, labor and employment law, international and operational law, space and cyberspace law, contract and fiscal law, medical law, and environmental law. See CareerNet for further details. Lewis Building 211, noon.
Graduate Colloquium
Room 124, 1 p.m.
1L Academic Planning Session
This is a repeat of Tuesday's event. See that entry for full details. Moot Court Room, 2:45 to 4 p.m.
CLSC Speaker Series: Jay Krishnan
Our own Prof. Jay Krishnan will discuss his recently published book, The Story of Dubai International Financial Centre Courts: A Retrospective. Faculty Conference Room, 4 p.m.
Friday, March 8
The Judiciary: Behind Closed Doors
This is a joint Judicial Clerkship Program and LRW program. A panel of Judge David Hamilton and recent Law School alumni Sarah Dame, '07; Sarah Doty, '17; and Alexander Spindler, '18, who are currently working as judicial clerks will introduce you to the work in judicial chambers done by the judge, the judge's clerks, and judicial externs. They will answer your questions about your own planned judicial externship this summer, and/or questions about careers in the court system. RSVP on CareerNet by noon Thursday. This session will follow immediately after the joint LRW program in the Moot Court Room at 10:45 a.m.
Faculty and Staff News
We'd like to welcome Paul Styles as our new technology guru! Paul has spent more than 30 years with Indiana University and brings a wealth of experience to Carl James' old position. Welcome, Paul.
Prof. Sarah Jane Hughes will participate in the UCLA School of Law's "Blockchain and the Law" panel discussion on Friday. Alumni in the area are invited to attend, but must register in advance.
Recent faculty media appearances are displayed at The Docket.
CSO Notes
Indianapolis Bar Association 2019 Diversity Job Fair
The Indianapolis Bar Assoc. 2019 Diversity Job Fair will take place on August 5-6 at the Hilton (Indianapolis). Student Registration is open. Scholarship Application deadline is July 10. Get more information on registration and the job fair.
Access to Justice Program Intern (CareerNet ID 15187)
Applications are now being accepted by the Access to Justice Program for a pro bono fellow to work in the 2019-2020 school year. The fellowship is a two-year commitment during your time here. A 1L or joint-degree candidate with two years left at the Law School will be chosen to help coordinate the school's student pro bono program with the returning 3L and graduate student fellows. Applications consist of a short cover letter with a statement of interest and a resume. See CareerNet for further details.
Judicial Intern Position: Immigration Court (CareerNet ID 15192)
The United States Department of Justice has one opening for a judicial intern with the Executive Office for Immigration Review’s Port Isabel Immigration Court (Los Fresnos, Tex.) for summer 2019. All law students who are United States citizens are eligible to apply. Prior knowledge of immigration law is helpful, but not necessary. However, strong research and writing skills are required. Students generally volunteer 40 hours per week during the summer. See CareerNet for further details.
Opportunity for Rising 2Ls and 3Ls: Become a Dean’s Writing Fellow
The legal writing faculty are seeking students who will be 2Ls or 3Ls in 2019-20 to be selected as Dean’s Writing Fellows. Successful candidates will receive a $1,500 scholarship per semester. The position description and application requirements are posted on CareerNet. The deadline is Tuesday, April 9.
Raising the Bar: Action and Advocacy for LGBTQ Communities
Join the LGBT Project for Raising the Bar: Action and Advocacy for LGBTQ Communities March 25-30. We will be hosting a capacity-building training, keynote speaker, creative community events (crafts, archival exploration and movie!), and our annual name and gender marker change fair. More details to come, but put these dates in your calendar now.
About ILA
An online form is available to plan and schedule meetings. Please use this form to request a room, notify Indiana Law Annotated, and send other information about your event. You will receive confirmation that your room has been reserved after your request has been processed. When filling out your event description, please provide all information possible, especially if you are requesting that the event be publicized.
Indiana Law Annotated is published every Monday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Submit information and articles for ILA to ( by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Monday's edition. Length of submission is limited to 150 words, unless otherwise approved. Entries may be edited to ensure consistent presentation. If you're requesting a room, submit all information (including the room request) by emailing ( If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact James Boyd (
Audio-Video Services
Send requests for AV services to Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.