Indiana Law Annotated for Sept. 17, 2012
- This Week in the Law School
- Monday, September 17
- Tuesday, September 18
- Wednesday, September 19
- Thursday, September 20
- Friday, September 21
- Saturday, September 22
- Announcements
- Faculty News
This Week in the Law School
Monday is Constitution Day
See the announcement regarding a timely and interesting panel on voter ID laws.
Note-taking and Briefing
Student Affairs is holding a session on how to maximize your effectiveness in these important activities. Sessions will be held Tuesday and Friday.
Federalist Society Presentation on Health Care Law
Noted author Ken Klukowski will be here Wednesday.
Socctoberfest Time is Almost Here!
See "Announcements."
The Harris Lecture is September 27
Mark your calendars for noon; seating and lunch begin at 11:50. This year's speaker: Reva Siegel, Yale Law School, on "The Woman Question: From Suffrage to Abortion and Beyond." More details in next week's ILA.
Monday, September 17
Constitution Day Panel: Indiana Voter ID Law
In observance of Constitution Day, the Law School is hosting a panel on voter ID laws in America. It is being organized by the student chapter of the American Constitution Society and is co-sponsored by the Black Law Student Association, the Latino Law Student Association, and the Asian Pacific American Law Student Association. The panel will explore the Indiana Voter ID Law and the challenge to it in Crawford v. Marion County Election Board; the constitutionality of voter ID laws; and the impact of voter ID laws on democracy and society.
The panel will include Tom Fisher, JD'94, the current solicitor general of Indiana, who successfully defended Indiana's voter ID law in front of the Supreme Court in Crawford; Bill Groth, a partner in the Indianapolis law firm of Fillenwarth Dennerline Groth & Towe, who was one of the attorneys for the plaintiffs in Crawford; and Marjorie Hershey, professor at the IU Bloomington Department of Political Science, who submitted a brief exploring the impact of Indiana's Voter ID law on voter turnout for the plaintiffs in Crawford's sister case.
Prof. Luis Fuentes-Rohwer will moderate the panel. His work focuses on the intersection of race and democratic theory, as reflected in the law of democracy in general and the Voting Rights Act in particular. Moot Court Room, noon. Seating begins at 11:50. Pizza will be served.
Army JAG Informational Session
CPT Laura O'Donnell will be coming to campus for an informational session on the Army JAG Corps. RSVP on Symplicity. Room 216, noon.
Tuesday, September 18
Meet the OCPD Fellows
This year OCPD has engaged three fellows — Darrian Campbell, Diana-Marie Laventure, and Jon Levy — who are working directly with students and can assist in the job search for any class. This will be a question-and-answer forum. No reservation necessary. Lunch. Room 121, noon.
Note-taking and Case-briefing
As part of the Law School's academic enhancement program, Student Affairs fellows will present "Getting the Most Out of Classes." Student Affairs fellows are 3Ls who have had academic success in law school and work with 1Ls in large groups and all students one-on-one to provide academic tips and advice. During this first session, you will review your skills at case briefing and get tips on analysis, learning strategies, and more. This session will be offered twice; you are invited to attend either one.
Tuesday, September 18, 3:30-4:30, Room 222
Friday, September 21, 1:15-2:15, Room 214
Weekly Bible Study and Discussion
Join us as we talk about how our faith influences our daily life in the Law School. Room 213, noon.
Call-out: Phi Delta Phi
Pizza. Room 124, noon.
Outlaw 1L Representative Election and Event Planning
Looking to become more involved in a great student group? Want to see your ideas put into motion? Need a free lunch? If so, come to Outlaw's next meeting, where we will be electing our 1L representative, planning this semester's events, and enjoying a delicious spread of Papa John's. Room 120, noon.
Wednesday, September 19
Overseas Opportunities Information Session
An overview of Maurer opportunities abroad. 1Ls and 2Ls interested in learning about opportunities to spend a semester or summer studying abroad, or a summer interning abroad through the Stewart Fellows program, should attend this meeting. It will be followed the next two Wednesdays by meetings for each of the overseas opportunities. For more information, contact Dean Davis in the International Programs Office ( Room 122, noon.
The Great Dissent: A Conversation on Enumerated Powers, Severability, and Originalism in the Roberts Court after NFIB v. Sibelius (the Health Care Decision)
The Federalist Society welcomes best-selling author, policy consultant, and frequent media contributor Ken Klukowski, who will address the implications of the monumental NFIB v. Sibelius (Obamacare) decision. Join us for an in-depth discussion of what the Court's holding means for enumerated powers, severability, and the originalist interpretation of the Constitution. Refreshments. Moot Court Room, 4:45-5:45.
Thursday, September 20
International Law Society Student Panel Discussion
ILS will be hosting a student panel discussion on opportunities abroad for law students. Students will discuss the application process and their experiences working in a variety of capacities for firms, businesses, and non-governmental organizations. Lunch. Room 122, noon.
Résumé Writing for LLM Students
Join Michael Keller, Assistant Dean, Office of Career and Professional Development (OCPD) to learn how to prepare a Western-style resume. Please note that law graduate students who plan to participate in the NYU School of Law International Student Interview Program (ISIP) (see "Announcements") are required to attend this session. Room 213, noon.
Feminist Law Forum Faculty Mixer
FLF Advisor Prof. Susan Williams is hosting FLF's annual faculty mixer from 4-7. Please come mingle with FLF members and feminist faculty. FLF is happy to provide students with transportation to the event. Interested students should email Amanda Stephens (
Friday, September 21
Bowling at the Indiana Memorial Union (IMU)
Law graduate students are invited to a bowling party at The Back Alley (the bowling alley in the Indiana Memorial Union). Instituted several years ago by Professor Lisa Farnsworth and Professor Aviva Orenstein, this event has become a Graduate Legal Studies tradition! Graduate students are welcome to bring their families or a friend. You don't need to be an expert bowler to have fun at this event — but you do need to wear (or bring) a pair of socks! Lane rental, shoe rental, and light refreshments are provided. The Back Alley, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Older and Wiser Law Students (OWLS) Game Night
An opportunity for fun and socializing while playing board games with other law students and their families. Student Lounge, 6-8 p.m.
Saturday, September 22
Small Group Session with Vince and Kathleen Moccio
Indiana Law alumni Vince and Kathleen Moccio will be hosting a small group session about their career paths. RSVP on Symplicity. If the sign-ups are full, please contact Abby Culbert ( to be placed on the waiting list. Room 335, 10:00 - noon.
Vince Moccio is a partner at Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi L.L.P. He focuses on mass tort and personal injury practice areas. Currently, he is working on litigating cases involving defective knee and hip replacements; involving wrongful death at correctional facilities across the United States; and financial fraud in the securities lending industry. Kathy Moccio is a leading immigration attorney in the Minneapolis area.
Public Interest Law Foundation Softball Tournament
Sign up at the PILF table over the lunch hour for this annual tournament. You can sign up as a team or an individual. The cost is $10 and food will be provided. Bryan Park, noon. Questions? See Ben Gavel: (
Socctoberfest Is Here!
Welcome to the Tenth Annual JD/LLM Socctoberfest. This year's soccer match will take place on Friday, October 5th at 5:30 p.m. at Karst Farm Park, on the west side of Bloomington. It is a co-ed event that welcomes all ability levels. After the games, which will end at approximately 7:30 p.m., we will have a cookout in the area adjacent to the soccer fields. Participants, fellow students, and family are all welcome to attend.
If you are a JD or LLM student interested in playing, please e-mail Professor Henderson ( and indicate your ability level based on the following four categories:
A. I played competitively in college or high school
B. I know how to play and have some athletic ability
C. I can still run and kick things
D. I can kick things
In addition, please note if you have ever played goalie.
For more information, including a map and game format, visit Socctoberfest's website.
NYU International Student Interview Program
Bidding for the NYU School of Law International Student Interview Program (ISIP) runs October 15-November 2. Law graduate students planning to participate in ISIP must notify the Office of Graduate Legal Studies by email ( no later than 4:00 on September 21.
Job Opportunity for 2l and 3l Law Students
If you are interested in being hired to conduct legal research, editing, and bluebooking for a professor in the School of Education, please contact Janet Decker at
Student Bar Association 1L Election
Attention all 1Ls: It's election time! Watch for your 1L SBA representative nominees campaigning throughout the school. Come vote during the noon hour on Wednesday and Thursday in the lobby for three 1L reps.
Symplicity Note
Remember to RSVP at least 24 hours in advance so that you can be included in the headcount for lunch. If you have questions about how to use Symplicity, please drop by OCPD so Kim or Abby can assist you.
CJAM Basic Mediation Training
The Community Justice Mediation Center (CJAM) offers a 32-hour basic mediation training for any community member interested in helping facilitate community mediation. The fall training will take place from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. over two weekends, September 8-9 and 22-23, at the Law School. Participants who complete the training are eligible to work as CJAM volunteer mediators; however, any community member interested in learning basic mediation skills is welcome to participate. The training will be led by senior mediators from the Community Justice and Mediation Center. Tuition is $200, with scholarships available. Registration forms are at For more information or an application, e-mail New this fall, CJAM will offer in September a Restorative Justice Practitioners training which will qualify for participation in CJAM's Community Voices Program (formerly Victim Offenders Reconciliation Program).
The Many Faces of Human Trafficking: Call for Study Group Participants
Human trafficking is a robust and growing business, less profitable only than the illegal drug trade. It is intimately linked to a number of cutting-edge global issues, including social and economic inequalities, labor migration, war and conflict, public health, human rights, and international law. The "Many Faces of Human Trafficking" faculty study group, hosted by the IUB Center for the Study of Global Change, has convened monthly since the fall of 2011 to approach human trafficking research and advocacy from an interdisciplinary perspective. The group welcomes interested faculty, staff and students to its fall 2012 brown-bag luncheons. Second Wednesdays of each month (September 12th, October 10th, November 14th), 11:30-1:00, Seminar Room, Center for the Study of Global Change, 201 N. Indiana Avenue. Contact: or for more information, or to be added to our Oncourse group.
Faculty News
On Monday, September 10, Professor Ajay Mehrotra presented portions of his current book project, Sharing the Burden: Law, Politics, and the Making of the Modern American Fiscal State, 1880 - 1930, at the Washington University Law School's Tax Policy Colloquium in St. Louis.
How to Schedule an Event
An online form is available to plan and schedule meetings. Please use this form to request a room, notify Indiana Law Annotated, and send other information about your event. You will receive confirmation that your room has been reserved after your request has been processed. When filling out your event description, please provide all information possible, especially if you are requesting that the event be publicized.
ILA Submissions
The Indiana Law Annotated (ILA) is published every Monday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Submit information and articles for ILA to by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Monday's edition. Length of submission is limited to 150 words, unless otherwise approved. If you're requesting a room, submit all information (including the room request) via the Plan a Meeting feature of the website. If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact Ken Turchi (; phone 856-4044). Indiana Law Annotated is archived online.
Audio-Video Services
Send requests for AV services to Max Exter ( Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.