Indiana Law Annotated for Mar. 9, 2009 (36:8)
Diana Mercer, JD’88, founder of Peace Talks Mediation Services in Los Angeles, will talk to students about job search strategies during a recession from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 9, in the Moot Court Room. She will conduct one-on-one career coaching sessions from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Tuesday, March 10, in room 347. Sign up for an available time slot through OCI on Symplicity.
The Student Bar Association (SBA) Town Hall Meeting with Dean Lauren Robel will be held at noon on Wednesday, March 11, in the Moot Court Room.
The Alternative Legal Careers: Politics & Government event previously scheduled for Wednesday, March 11, 2009, has been postponed. A new date will be announced soon.
Westlaw/Lexis Employment Search Workshop
Westlaw/Lexis is presenting a seminar on cost-effective searches for employment from noon to 1 p.m. in room 120. Starbucks gift cards, 1,000 WestlawRewards points, and pizza will be provided. Please RSVP on Symplicity.
Christian Legal Society Panel Discussion
The Christian Legal Society (formerly the Legal Christian Fellowship) will host a panel of attorneys who will discuss Christianity in the legal workforce at noon in room 124. Panelists include Joshua Abel, JD'05, managing attorney at the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic in Indianapolis; Michael Carmin, JD'80, partner at Andrews Harrell Mann Carmin & Park in Bloomington; and Joe Miller, partner at Baker & Daniels in Indianapolis.
Job Search Strategies During a Recession
Bottom 90 percent of the class? Having no luck with on-campus interviews? Please join Diana Mercer, JD'88, for an interactive workshop from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Moot Court Room. Mercer will help you formulate a guerilla marketing plan to find your dream job despite the recession. From how to label your resume to personal brand disruption strategies, you'll learn how to make an impression on employers and take control of your future. Mercer, founder of Peace Talks Mediation Services in Los Angeles, is the co-author of Your Divorce Advisor: A Lawyer and A Psychologist Guide You Through the Legal and Emotional Landscape of Divorce (Fireside, 2001). After 12 years of practicing as a top divorce litigator (1988-2000), she now devotes her practice solely to mediation. She has conducted more than 2,000 mediations and has received more than 250 hours of specialized, professional Family Law Mediation training. The workshop is open to all law students. RSVP on Symplicity.
Individual Career Coaching with Diana Mercer
Diana Mercer, JD'88, will be on campus again from 10:30 a.m. to noon in room 347 for individual 20-minute coaching sessions with students. Sign up for an available time slot through OCI on Symplicity.
PDP Meeting
Phi Delta Phi (PDP) International Legal Fraternity is having its March member meeting at noon in room 120 and will hold officer elections for the next academic year. All members please attend.
SBA Town Hall Meeting with Dean Robel
The Student Bar Association (SBA) Town Hall Meeting with Dean Lauren Robel is at noon in the Moot Court Room. Dean Robel will address the most current and pressing issues impacting law students today, including the Matching the Promise campaign, faculty hiring updates, student tuition, diversity concerns, LLM/SJD issues, and more. Student questions and participation are welcomed and encouraged, and food will be provided. This is your chance to speak directly with Dean Robel about the topics and issues that concern you the most. We look forward to seeing you there! For more information or to submit questions for Dean Robel in advance of the meeting, please e-mail SBA Chair Larry Hagerman at
PAD Spring Initiation
The Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) Spring Initiation will be at 7 p.m. in the Moot Court Room. If you would like to apply, contact Kelli O'Neil by e-mail at
On March 13, Professor Kevin Brown will appear as a panelist on "Innovative Practices and Opportunities: Justice Barriers to Equal Education Opportunity" at the Hamline Law School's Journal of Public Law and Policy Symposium. Friday's session is titled "Barriers to Justice: Responding to the Needs of America's Low-Income Population."
Professor Feisal Istrabadi presented a lecture, "Iraqi and U.S. Politics at a Crossroads," to the Meadowood Retirement Community in Bloomington on March 2. He also presented "Iraq: Policy Making in Transition" at a symposium titled Multidisciplinary Perspectives on International Public Affairs: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice. The event, which was held March 6, was sponsored by the IU School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
Judicial Clerkships-Prior Clerk's Panel: March 24
Alumni with clerkship experience will talk about and answer questions on the ins and outs of clerkships from noon to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, March 24 (room TBD). RSVP on Symplicity.
Judicial Clerkships - Nuts and Bolts: March 25
Learn details about the entire process of getting clerkships and find out the extent to which the Office of Career and Professional Development will go to help you with your clerkship applications from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25 (room TBD). RSVP on Symplicity.
U.S. Bankruptcy Court: March 25
The United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division, will hold a hearing to consider confirmation of the bankruptcy plan for ATA Airlines, Inc., at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25, in the Moot Court Room. ATA Airlines, at one time the nation's 10th-largest carrier, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in April 2008. When it ceased operations, the low-cost airline was based in Indianapolis and had more than 2,200 employees.
IBA Take a Law Student to Lunch: March 26
You won't want to miss out on one of the most enjoyable Indianapolis Bar Association (IBA) lunches. Attorneys and law students are paired for the luncheon to share insight and stories about the practice of law. The luncheon will be from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 26, at the Hilton Indianapolis, 120 W. Market St. RSVP on Symplicity.
Women in Law Day: March 26
The Feminist Law Forum is hosting Women in Law Day on Thursday, March 26. The event welcomes Bloomington High School South students to the Law School to learn more about careers in law. There will be a lunchtime career panel open to law students in the Moot Court Room from noon to 1 p.m. Panelists will include Judge Viola Taliaferro, JD'77, a former judge on the Monroe Circuit Court, Suzannah Wilson Overholt, JD'92, vice president of finance and administration of Planned Parenthood of Indiana, and Catherine Stafford, a Bloomington family law attorney.
Harris Lecturer Judith Resnik: March 31
Judith Resnik, the Arthur Liman Professor of Law at Yale Law School, will present this year's Harris Lecture, "Building the Federal Judiciary (Literally and Legally): The Monuments of Chief Justices Taft and Rehnquist," on Tuesday, March 31, in the Moot Court Room. Resnik teaches about federalism, procedure, feminism, and local and global interventions to diminish inequalities and subordination. Her writings include "Law as Affiliation: 'Foreign' Law, Democratic Federalism, and the Sovereigntism of the Nation State" (International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2008); "Representing Justice: From Renaissance Iconography to Twenty-First Century Courthouses," (with Dennis E. Curtis) (Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 2007); and "Law's Migration: American Exceptionalism, Silent Dialogues, and Federalism's Multiple Ports of Entry" (Yale Law Journal, 2006). Her book, Migrations and Mobilities: Gender, Borders, and Citizenship (co-edited with Seyla Benhabib), has recently been published by New York University Press. Resnik is also an occasional litigator; she argued the case involving women's admission to the Rotary Club before the U.S. Supreme Court. She has also testified before Congress, rulemaking committees of the federal judiciary, and the House of Commons of Canada.
Congratulations Moot Court Winners
Congratulations to the 2008-09 Sherman Minton Moot Court winners Eric Rey (2L) and Jeff Stemerick (2L). Rey and Stemerick were named the Sherman Minton Moot Court champions on Friday, March 6, in the Moot Court Room after participating in the finals along with fellow 2Ls David Munkittrick and Jeremiah Williamson. This year's competition included 148 competitors and nearly 200 alumni, attorneys, and judges who generously volunteered their time to serve as judges. Thank you to all Moot Court board members, alumni, faculty, staff, competitors, and other students who contributed to this year's competition.
Visiting Scholar Seeks Childcare
Professor Laura Ronchetti, a researcher at the Institute for the Study of Regionalism, Federalism, and Self-Government in Rome, will be a visiting scholar at the Law School from April 1-16. She is looking for a person to help with childcare for a 2-year-old for approximately five hours each day. The caregiver will need to supply his or her own transportation to Ronchetti's home. Please apply directly to Ronchetti at
Remember to Report Your Pro Bono Hours
Reporting your hours is important because Pro Bono Awards are given each year to the law students who reported working the most pro bono hours throughout the year. The Pro Bono Awards are sponsored by Baker & Daniels and will be awarded in the fall. Hours are considered pro bono if you did not receive credit or pay for the work performed. Volunteer work with the Protective Order Project, the Tenant Assistance Project, the Inmate Legal Assistance Program, Outreach for Legal Literacy, or similar community organizations should be included in your pro bono hours. To report your hours, click on the link in the e-mail sent to you from E-mails are sent every two weeks. If you forgot to report your hours in the past, just add them in to the hours for the current week. It is not important to record the hours in the exact week you worked them. If you have any questions, please e-mail
Contact SBA
The Student Bar Association (SBA) would like to hear from you. Please send your questions and concerns to or join our Facebook group!
GPSO Calls for Nominations
The Indiana University Graduate and Professional Student Organization (GPSO) and the University Graduate School are proud to announce the IU Bloomington Pari Prerana Award 2009. Deadline for applications is Friday, March 20. The Pari Prerana (Essence of Inspiration) Award at Indiana University was established through the support of sponsors from the Indian subcontinent. The award strives to recognize and honor students who have overcome a severe physical, cognitive, or other health-related challenges and have demonstrated academic excellence. All advisors, graduate students, and faculty at Indiana University Bloomington are invited to nominate those students that they feel deserve special recognition for exemplary courage and determination under adverse and challenging conditions. For eligibility, nomination rules, and more information please visit:
All graduate and professional students are invited to give their support to faculty members that they feel deserve special recognition for exemplary behavior. Nominations should be in the form of a letter. The letter(s) should be e-mailed to by Friday, March 20. All nominees, graduate and professional students and faculty, as well as the award recipient, will be invited to attend the award ceremony.
GPSO Events
The Graduate Professional Student Organization (GPSO) invites you to check for Bloomington and Graduate Student Community announcements at Upcoming events include: Relay for Life, Native American Graduate Student Association Native Film Series, Lotus Blossoms World Bazaar -Spring Volunteer opportunity. For GPSO news and announcements, check out
PDP Thank You Cards
Phi Delta Phi International Legal Fraternity has Indiana Law Thank You cards for sale. These cards are ideal to send to prospective employers after an interview. Please contact Amanda Meglemre at to purchase.
GPSO Communications Coordinator
Tired of taking out student loan debt? Consider applying to be the communications coordinator for the Graduate and Professional Student Organization (GPSO). The GPSO ( serves more than 8,000 graduate and professional students at IU-Bloomington by providing academic support, advocacy, community-building, and resources. The coordinator is a 20-hour per week (50% FTE) position. Compensation includes full tuition remission for 12 credits per semester and 6 credit hours during summer session (excluding non-remittable fees), subsidized Student Academic Appointee Mandatory Health Insurance, and a $12,000 stipend. The communications coordinator may also work as many as 200 summer hours at a paid hourly rate of $10/hour. The assistantship is considered taxable income. Applications are due April 1. Please see the job posting at: If you have any questions about the GPSO or this advertised position, please contact Amanda Meglemre at
Register for BarBri
BarBri reps will be tabling every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you have any questions, please email the Head Rep, Jazmine, at
Scheduling Events
All e-mails about reserving classrooms must be sent to BL-LAW-EVENTS. Mail must be sent to the correct address, bl-law-events (for Outlook users) or (for non-Outlook users). Please include the date and time of event, the length of time room will be needed, the classroom requested, and the number of people attending the event. Requests should be sent at least one week before the event and should include the name of the person requesting, the organization planning the event, and an e-mail address. Confirmations will be sent by reply e-mail. Thank you!
Audio-Video Services
Requests for AV services should be sent to Max Exter at Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.
The Indiana Law Annotated (ILA) is published every Monday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Information and articles for the ILA should be submitted to by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Monday's edition. If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact Debbie O'Leary (e-mail; phone 855-2426). To view past issues, visit the ILA online.