Indiana Law Annotated Vol. 34 No. 9 (March 17, 2008)
Table of Contents
The Tax Court will visit the Law School from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 17, in the Moot Court Room. This case addresses how to properly value the Meijer store in Richmond, Ind., for property tax purposes.
The Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies will host a symposium titled "Operationalizing Global Governance" in the Faculty Conference Room on Thursday, March 20, and Friday, March 21.
For more information, visit
PILF Meeting
The Public Interest Law Foundation will meet at noon in the Moot Court Room. Come to hear about the Dodgeball Tournament, fellowships, clinics, and board position elections.
ILS Meeting
International Law Society (ILS) will hold a meeting from noon to 1 p.m. in room 124. ILS will be having elections for all positions.
Tax Court to Argue Case at Law School
The Tax Court will visit the Law School from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Moot Court Room. This case addresses how to properly value the Meijer store in Richmond, Ind., for property tax purposes. Local assessing officials provided evidence that they complied with all applicable rules in developing the assessment. The taxpayer provided evidence, in the form of a professional appraisal, of how much the property would sell for if it were put on the market today. The administrative agency adjudicating the appeal adopted neither party's approach, accepting only a portion of Meijer's appraisal evidence. The agency concluded that the current comparable sale price was not the appropriate measure of value because the property is not currently on the market. The agency accepted the portion of the appraisal showing the property's depreciated value but rejected the portion of the appraisal further decreasing the value to reflect the market for empty "big box" stores. The Tax Court must determine whether the assessor's approach, the taxpayer's approach, or the agency's approach is correct.
Health Law Panel Lunch Provided
The Health Law Society welcomes Hall Render, an Indianapolis firm specializing in health law, from noon to 1 p.m. in room 122. Four attorneys will discuss life as a young associate as well as topics in health law. Lunch and practice credit will be provided.
Operationalizing Global Governance
The Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies will host a symposium titled "Operationalizing Global Governance" in the Faculty Conference Room. Global governance scholarship has thus far remained in the realm of ideas, identifying new lawmaking authorities and networks of enforcement while analyzing the ramifications for democracy and the rule of law. This conference strives to advance that line of scholarship by identifying patterns in the ways that various actors states, corporations, civil society, and resulting networks are confronting complex problems resulting from globalization. The aim is to discover more effective solutions for such problems, including, for instance, poverty, environmental degradation and terrorism, and to explore common principles that may cut across substantive contexts. For more information, visit
Operationalizing Global Governance
The Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies will host a symposium titled "Operationalizing Global Governance" in the Faculty Conference Room. For more information, visit
Humane Treatment: The Prevalence and Prevention of Torture
Beth Simmons, Clarence Dillon Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs of the Department of Government at Harvard University will speak from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25, in Swain East, Room 240. Simmons' talk is based on a chapter from her forthcoming book, International Human Rights: Law, Politics, and Accountability, which examines why governments sign legally binding human rights agreements, and the conditions under which they are likely to comply with agreements.
The Federalist Society Presents: Professor Richard Sander
Does affirmative action hurt those it purports to help? The Federalist Society welcomes Professor Richard Sander of the UCLA School of Law, who is here to discuss the mismatch effect of affirmative action from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26, in the Moot Court Room. Students receiving large admissions preferences enter law school with lower credentials (GPA, LSAT) than their fellow students. The central argument of the mismatch effect theory is that these "mismatched" students have worse outcomes in terms of graduation, bar passage, and the post-school salaries than if they had gone to a less elite school where their credentials better matched their fellow students. This mismatch effect is not caused by race. It can affect any group that receives a large preference. But it correlates to race because racial minorities are the most common beneficiaries of admissions preferences. Lunch will be provided.
Health Law Moot Court Competition
Are you interested in competing on the Health Law Society's external moot court team? We will be participating in the Health Law Moot Court competition at Southern Illinois University in November. Applications are due soon. Please contact Aimee,, ASAP for details.
March Madness Fund Raiser
The Sports and Entertainment Law Society is hosting an NCAA Tournament pool with half the proceeds going to the (approved) charity of the winner's choice! The Sports and Entertainment Law Society will also name next year's pool after this year's winner. Brackets can be picked up at the Sports and Entertainment Law Society table in the Law School lobby during lunch on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to participate. Updated standings will be posted in the Law School every Monday throughout the tournament, and the winner will be announced the Tuesday following the championship game.
Baker & Daniels Pro Bono Fellowships: Applications being accepted
Applications are now being accepted for the Baker & Daniels Pro Bono Fellowships. Two fellows a rising 2L and a rising 3L will be chosen to coordinate the School's student pro bono program. Responsibilities include coordinating a pro bono fair, liaising with student organizations and the Office of Career and Professional Development, student outreach, and liaising with attorneys and the Pro Bono Coordinator at Baker & Daniels on pro bono projects supervised at the firm. The fellowship stipend is $5,000 per academic year. Applications consisting of a cover letter with a statement of interest and a resume should be sent electronically to Carwina Weng ( by March 28.
Professor Ochoa Seeks Research Assistant
Professor Christiana Ochoa is looking for a research assistant to assist in the development of new degree programs in the field of Global Governance and Human Rights. The ideal candidate will have completed graduate work in a field of study outside of law and will have an interest in the subject matter, but ALL interested students are encouraged to apply. This research assistant can expect to work between 5-10 hours a week for the remainder of the semester. Please submit a resume and one short paragraph expressing your interest in this project by email to
Stories from the Margins
In an effort to encourage a greater appreciation for the obstacles our peers have overcome to reach law school and to help gain a broader understanding of how pervasive and subtle prejudice and discrimination is and continues be, the Student Bar Association (SBA) is seeking narrative submissions from students and faculty members on the question, "When have you felt marginalized for a personal characteristic (i.e., for your religious or spiritual beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, race or ethnicity, physical or mental disability, political beliefs, etc.) How has this experience affected you?" Submissions should be no more than 250 words in length and can be emailed to or dropped off in the SBA mail-slot on the ground floor. Anonymity will be protected for those who wish it, but is otherwise optional. These stories will be reproduced as part of an ongoing effort by the SBA to increase awareness of diversity in the Law School. It also represents a less conventional way to get know each other outside of the library and the classroom. Submissions will be accepted for the rest of the semester.
BarBri Tabling Hours
Your fellow BarBri student representatives will have tabling hours every week at the following times: Mondays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please come by our table if you have any questions regarding Bar prep. Please forward your questions to
Kaplan PMBR Hiring Student Representatives
Kaplan PMBR is dedicated to preparing law students for law school and professional success as a provider of final exam and bar exam preparation materials and courses. Student representative commitment is approximately 20 hours per semester. Benefits include free Kaplan PMBR 6-day and 3-day courses plus monetary compensation. 2L and 1L students may apply. Students planning to work in government or public interest are particularly encouraged to apply. Write to Camille Johnson at or Shalonda Guy at for an application.
SBA Open Meetings
Do you have concerns or ideas that you would like for the Student Bar Association (SBA) to address? If so, please feel free to stop by our weekly open meetings Wednesdays at 8 p.m. in the SBA bookstore. You may also voice your concerns any time to your class representatives.
Career Counseling Appointments
Per NALP guidelines, 1L students may now schedule Career Counseling Appointments with the Office of Career and Professional Development. Schedule in-person only in room 020.
Scheduling Events
All e-mail about reserving classrooms must be sent to BL-LAW-EVENTS. Mail must be sent to the correct address, bl-law-events (for Outlook users) or (for non-Outlook users). Please include the date and time of event, the length of time room will be needed, the classroom requested, and the number of people attending the event. Requests should be sent at least one week before the event and should include the name of the person requesting, the organization planning the event, and an e-mail address. Confirmations will be sent by reply e-mail. Thank you!
Audio-Video Services
Requests for AV services may be sent to Beth at Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.
The Indiana Law Annotated (ILA) is published every Monday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Information and articles for the ILA should be submitted to by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Monday's edition. If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact Debbie O'Leary (e-mail; phone 855-2426). To view past issues, visit