Indiana Law Annotated Vol. 32 No. 4 (February 5, 2007)
Table of Contents
Professor Joseph Hoffmann will appear on a PBS special titled "The Supreme Court," which airs at 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 7, on WTIU. A former clerk for Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Hoffmann was interviewed for the series' final program titled "The Rehnquist Revolution," which details the court's rise as the institution most responsible for resolving central questions of American life.
Federalist Society Hosts Roger Pilon
The Federalist Society sponsors Roger Pilon of the Cato Institute at 12:15 p.m. in the Moot Court Room. Pilon, whose speech is titled "Should Judges Secure Unenumerated Rights? From Lochner to Lawrence," is the founder and director of Cato's Center for Constitutional Studies. He holds a BA from Columbia University, an MA and a PhD from the University of Chicago, and a JD from the George Washington University School of Law. Pizza and pop will be provided.
CSO Spring Break Trip Planning
There will be two planning sessions for the Career Services Spring Break Trip from noon to 1 p.m. (room TBA). We will plan our annual trip to Washington, D.C., and new trips to New York, Texas, and California. These trips are open to all students and offer outstanding opportunities to meet and network with potential employers. An identical session will be held from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 7.
Students need only attend one session.
International Law Society Meeting
The International Law Society will meet at noon in room 124. Discussion will include upcoming speakers, events, and elections. Member input is greatly appreciated.
PDP Meeting
Phi Delta Phi (PDP) will be having its first meeting of the semester at noon in room 120. We will be discussing the semester's events including the blood drive, the 5k race, spring recruiting, Ethics Week, and inn/graduate of the year. We look forward to seeing all members there! And, as always, non-members are welcome to attend and find out about PDP.
Resume Writing Workshop
The Career Services Office invites all students to a resume writing workshop will be held from noon to 1 p.m. (room TBA). This is a great chance to work on and improve your resume.
LLSA Hosts "Food For Thought"
Come join the Latino Law Student Association (LLSA) as we hold the second installment of our "Food for Thought" program from noon to 1 p.m. in room 216. Food will be provided and we will be showing the film Escuela. The show provides a view into the lives of contemporary Mexican-American migrants and their struggles to educate their children while obtaining employment. Filmmaker Hannah Weyer follows the back-and-forth movement of a family between their home in Texas near the borderlands and the California agricultural fields. We will be viewing the movie in light of the recently settled case E.C. v Obergfell (No. 1:06-cv-359, U.S. Dist. Ct. Indianapolis), which addressed the Indiana State Student Assistance Commission's requirement that the parents of applicants for the 21st Century Scholars program be citizens or legal aliens. Come and join us as we view the movie and discuss this current issue.
Bar Exam Informational Session
Richard Douglas, Midwest Assistant Director for BAR/BRI, will discuss the Indiana bar exam from noon to 1 p.m. in room 123. He will cover the bar exam deadlines, fees, and application process as well as information on other states bar exams. Douglas will also spend time on what students can do now to prepare for the summer and alleviate some stress in the final months of their law school career. All students are welcome to attend. Pizza will be provided.
Lunch With a Lawyer
Lunch with a Lawyer features NCAA's Scott Bearby, JD'92, and Michael Mangarelli, JD '00, who will discuss Sports Law from noon to 1 p.m. in the Student Lounge. Open to all students. Please sign up on Symplicity so we have an idea of how much food to order.
CSO Spring Break Trip
Attend a planning session for the Career Services spring break trips from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 7, (room TBA). We will plan our annual trip to Washington, D.C., and new trips to New York, Texas, and California. These trips are open to all students and offer outstanding opportunities to meet and network with potential employers. Students need only attend this session or Monday's session; both will be the same.
Lawyers at the Lion
The Federalist Society will be sponsoring Lawyers at the Lion at 7 p.m. at the Irish Lion on Kirkwood. All law students are invited to hear Professor Joshua Fairfield discuss the new laws passed by Congress which are designed to limit online gambling in the U.S.
Hoffmann to Appear in PBS Special on Supreme Court
Professor Joseph Hoffmann will appear on a PBS special titled "The Supreme Court" at 9 p.m. on WTIU. Hoffmann who clerked for Justice William Rehnquist was interviewed for the final program in the series,"The Rehnquist Revolution." The segment investigates how the court rose in importance to become the institution most responsible for resolving the central questions of American life. The program also addresses the right to privacy, a key component in 1973's Roe v. Wade, as well as the surprising actions of an activist court in Bush v. Gore.
CACR Speaker Series: Marian Blanton
The Center for Cybersecurity Speaker Series' featured speaker is Marian Blanton, PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University. Blanton's talk, titled "Secret Handshakes with Dynamic and Fuzzy Matching,"will be given at noon in the Faculty Conference Room (335). It is open to faculty, staff and students. Pizza and drinks will be available, or bring your own lunch. The talk will focus on the need for communication privacy over public networks, which is of growing concern in today's society. As a result, privacy-preserving authentication and key exchange protocols have become critical primitives in building secure distributed systems. Secret handshakes provide such a service by allowing two members of the same group to secretly and privately authenticate to each other and agree on a shared key for further communication.
BCG Attorney Search Workshop for Chicago and Midwest
Learn how to job search in Chicago and the Midwest from noon to 1 p.m. in room 124. during a BCG Attorney Search Group workshop. BCG is a member of the National Association of Legal Search Consultants. All students are welcome to attend.
Resume Roundtable
There will be a resume roundtable from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Student Lounge. This is an excellent chance to have your resumes critiqued by hiring professionals in the field who review resumes everyday. Any law student may participate, but due to a limited number of openings for this event, please sign up on Symplicity.
2007 WLC Charity Auction
The Women's Law Caucus (WLC) will host its Annual Charity Auction. Proceeds benefit the Middle Way House, a shelter for domestic violence victims, and the Law School's own Protective Order Project. Check out the tables in the Law School lobby for a peek at what awaits bidders and gawkers at this Law School tradition. The festivities start at 7 p.m. at Jake's (formerly Walnut Street Tap), and only you can decide...Deal or No Deal!
ILS at the David Bowie Tribute
Members of the International Law Society (ILS) will be informally convening at 10 p.m. at Uncle Fester's on Kirkwood for a night of good music and fun. Local Bowie band, "Lads Insane," will headline an evening of bizarre international rock 'n roll. This will be the Society's first social event of the Spring and a good excuse to go out on the town while it's still early in the semester.
BCG Attorney Search Workshop for Washington, D.C.
Learn how to job search in Washington, D.C. from noon to 1 p.m. Friday, Feb. 9, in room 124. BCG is a member of the National Association of Legal Search Consultants. All students are welcome to attend.
Professor Christiana Ochoa presented "The Underappreciated Externalities of the Odious Debt Doctrine" at Duke Law School's Law & Contemporary Problems Annual Conference. The conference, held Jan. 26, explored the topic of odious debts and state corruption.
Urban Lawyer, the ABA journal for land use lawyers, just published Professor Rob Fischman's essay entitled "Habitat Federalism." It is a different perspective on his existing cooperative federalism work for this new audience. The essay is based, in part, on Fischman's contribution to the 2006 AALS environmental law section panel.
Federal Judge to Speak About Hurricane Katrina's Legal Impact
The American Constitutional Society and the Public Interest Law Foundation are proud to co-sponsor a speech by U.S. District Court Judge Jay C. Zainey (E.D. La.) about the impact of Hurricane Katrina upon the legal system and the importance of pro bono work. Judge Zainey will speak at noon on Monday, Feb. 12, in the Moot Court Room. Pizza will be served.
Barrister's Ball
The Black Law Students Association presents the 19th Annual Barrister's Ball. The ball will take place rom 7 p.m. till midnight on Friday, Feb. 16, at the Indiana Memorial Union Alumni Hall. This year's special honoree is Rapheal M. Prevot Jr., JD'84. Complimentary beer and wine will be served between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Dinner will be served promptly at 8 p.m. Tickets are available for purchase in the Law School lobby from noon to 1 p.m. until the day of the ball. Tickets are $30 per person. Come enjoy this fun and elegant evening with dinner, drinks, and dancing!
ABA Hosts Spring Meeting
Join the American Bar Association (ABA) 7th Circuit Student Division's Spring meeting in Chicago on Feb. 16 and 17. The registration form and agenda are available at
SBA Hosts Spring Golf Tournament
The Student Bar Association (SBA) will host a Spring Golf Tournament at 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 14, at Eagle Pointe. The cost will be $30 per golfer. The format will be a four-man scramble. Save the date and watch for more details.
Renovation Update
The work is proceeding well and is on schedule. The construction team will continue to hang dry wall on the east side of second and third floors. The painters are beginning to work on second floor west and the spaces are beginning to look great. The project of drilling a hole in the second floor by the library circulation desk has been delayed but may occur late in the week. This will be done early in the morning or on Friday afternoon so that the fewest people and classes are affected. There will be electrical work continuing throughout the project including in the mechanical room on the ground floor of the library. The noise levels throughout the project will be similar to last week. For questions or concerns, contact Colleen Pauwels at
Professor Bradley's Bobblehead Challenge for WLC Auction
Are you currently in Professor Craig Bradley's classes? Are you thirsting for revenge from last semester? We have the Justice Scalia bobblehead he needs to complete his collection. The more money we throw in together as a student body, the more embarrassing the stunt he'll have to pull to get it. If we raise $700 altogether for the bobblehead, Professor Bradley will do his best Elvis impersonation for us. If we raise $1,000, he will give us a campaign speech...dressed as Hillary Clinton. Make sure to check out the WLC Auction table during the lunch hour for the complete list of stunts and the entire list of professor packages you can bid on!
Professor Lederman Seeks Research Assistant
Professor Leandra Lederman is seeking research assistance. The projects for which she needs assistance generally involve issues relating to (1) income tax law and/or policy or (2) litigation/courts. No particular background is required. The time commitment would be approximately 10 hours/week or as agreed otherwise. Interested students should send a resume and cover e-mail to Professor Lederman at and can contact her by e-mail with any questions about the position.
Snyder Fellowship: Request for Applications
Dr. Earl A. Snyder, a deceased alumnus of Indiana Law and Cambridge University, generously provided support for one student (current 2L, 3L, LLM, or SJD) from Indiana University to work in England for the Research Centre for International Law of Cambridge University during fall 2007 as the Snyder Visiting Scholar. Because the Centre expects the Snyder Scholar to work on an international law project, applicants must have had international law or equivalent courses and show a commitment to further study of or practice in international law. This scholarship provides for air fare, housing, meal allowance, and a small stipend. In past years, selected students have been graduating 3Ls. A current 2L or SJD, if selected, would need to take a leave of absence for the fall 2007 semester. Interested students should submit a resume, statement of commitment to international law, and a personal research agenda to Jeanne Criswell in room 022 by Monday, Feb. 19. Following preliminary selection by faculty committee, the final selection will be made by the Cambridge University Director in March. For more details or information, contact Student Affairs.
SBA Bookstore Hours
SBA will be having Bookstore Hours again this semester. Check the door for our regular hours. Feel free to come in and buy your books or drop off last semester's books to be sold. In addition, some books are not always available at the SBA Bookstore. Therefore, SBA now has an bookstore site. You can purchase new and used books as well as study aids at this Web site. The address for the bookstore site is The Web address for the study aid site is
Scheduling Events
All e-mail about reserving classrooms must be sent to BL-LAW-EVENTS. Mail must be sent to the correct address, bl-law-events (for Outlook users) or (for non-Outlook users). Please include the date and time of event, the length of time room will be needed, the classroom requested, and the number of people attending the event. Requests should be sent at least one week before the event and should include the name of the person requesting, the organization planning the event, and an e-mail address. Confirmations will be sent by reply e-mail. Thank you!
Audio-Video Services
Requests for AV services may be sent to Beth at Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.
The Indiana Law Annotated (ILA) is published every Monday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Information and articles for the ILA should be submitted to by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Monday's edition. If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact Debbie O'Leary (e-mail; phone 855-2426). To view past issues, visit