Indiana Law Annotated Vol. 30 No. 3 (January 23, 2006)
Table of Contents
A mandatory professionalism session for 1Ls will be held at noon on Wednesday, Jan. 25, in the Moot Court Room.
Professor Paul Thompson, Dartmouth College, will be the featured speaker for the Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research Speakers Series at noon on Thursday, Jan. 26, in the Faculty Conference Room (335).
On Friday, Jan. 27, Jim Griffin from the Cook County Public Guardian's Office in Chicago will be at the Law School to recruit 1L's and 2L's for the organization's 2006 summer program
Mandatory Professionalism Session for 1Ls
There is a mandatory professionalism session for ILs at noon in the Moot Court Room. Professor Pat Baude and Dean John Applegate will discuss the meaning of professionalism and some issues pertaining to bar admission.
CACR Speakers Series: Paul Thompson
Paul Thompson, associate research professor at Dartmouth College, will speak on "Semantic Attacks and Security" at noon in the Faculty Conference Room (335). Semantic attacks are attacks to a computer's decision processes or automated systems. This talk will describe semantic attacks and countermeasures to defend against them. Students, staff, and faculty are invited to attend this one-hour talk sponsored by the Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research (CACR).
TAP Refresher Training Session
A spring refresher training session for the Tenant Assistance Project (TAP) will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in room 216. All volunteers are required to attend for the first hour. Only future certified legal intern's (second semester 2L's) are required to attend for both hours. Pizza and refreshments will be provided. If you have questions, please email Amanda at
Recruiter Visits Law School
Jim Griffin from the Cook County Public Guardian's Office in Chicago will recruit 1L's and 2L's for the organization's 2006 summer program. If you are interested in interviewing for a summer position, please submit an electronic copy of your resume to Bruce ( by 8 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 26, AND attend the information session at noon, location TBA. Interviews will be scheduled for the afternoon based on your submitted resume and attendance at the program. For more information concerning this public interest organization, go to
On Martin Luther King Day, Professor Jeannine Bell was a guest panelist at DePaul College of Law in Chicago. She discussed how race and class will affect New Orleans efforts to rebuild in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. In early December, she presented a memo on torture to the Political Violence and Terrorism Task Force of the American Political Science Association.
Fuchs Lecture: Victor Streib
Victor Streib, JD'70, will present the Fuchs Lecture at noon on Monday, Jan. 30, in the Moot Court Room. Streib is the Ellen and Ernest Fisher Professor of Law at Ohio Northern University and an influential voice in the discussion over capital punishment for juveniles. His lecture is titled "Representing Kids Who Kill."
GPSO and Hoosier Heights Present Indoor Rock Climbing
The IU Graduate and Professional Student Organization (GPSO) and Hoosier Heights are presenting indoor rock climbing from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 30, for $5. You will never find prices so low!! Price includes gear rental and optional lessons for beginners. Hoosier Heights is located on 5100 South Rogers. The climbing area is open exclusively to graduate and professional students and their friends and families. Fun for all levels of experience, from first-time climbers to 5.13 lead climbers. Free refreshments will be served in the party room.
Show Me the Money!!!
The Women's Law Caucus (WLC) invites students, faculty, staff, and administrators to the Annual Auction, which will be held from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 10, at the Walnut Street Tap (formerly known as Axis). Free admission. Free beer. Auction packages must be paid for with cash or check. More information regarding auction packages and event details will be forthcoming.
BAR/BRI Offers Reminders for Taking the Bar Exam
As the bar exam is quickly approaching, here are some very important reminders. You should receive an invoice from BAR/BRI (via mail and e-mail) by the end of the month. If you do not, please stop by the table in the Law School lobby. Make sure your read through the invoice and accompanying info carefully as there are a lot of important details you should know about. Please note: If you are taking the bar exam in any other state, your invoice will be mailed shortly. If you do nothing else, start thinking about payment immediately. BAR/BRI offers a variety of opportunities to help students with their balance. If you wait too long before applying for scholarship funds or financial assistance, the funds may not be available. If you have not yet taken the MPRE, the filing deadline to sign up for the test at is Tuesday, Jan. 31. The late filing deadline is Wednesday, Feb. 16. You can sign up for the BAR/BRI class to prepare for the MPRE by completing the form at the BAR/BRI table or downloading it from The MPRE exam is on Saturday, March 11. The next exam is Friday, Aug. 4. If you have accepted a job with a law firm that will pay for your bar review tuition, you must notify BAR/BRI to bill the firm by April 15. If you haven't done so, please do so ASAP. If you haven't enrolled in BAR/BRI, don't delay! Stop by our table in the lobby between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. You may also enroll online at Remember, any funds paid toward another full-service bar review will be fully deducted from your balance. For more information, contact Lucas White ( or Geoff Smith (, your head student BARBRI representatives at IU Bloomington. For a comprehensive description of BARBRI, visit
Law Library Offers Training for Research Assistants
While these sessions will refresh the research skills that might have become rusty since your first-year Legal Research & Writing course, they will also cover more advanced research skills and subject-specific resources that were not covered in that class. Our goal is to make it easier for each R.A. to find the information that his or her faculty member needs. R.A.'s can sign themselves up for a session, or faculty members can do it for them. If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please contact Liz Goldberg by e-mail ( or phone (855-1886). She would appreciate at least a few days' advance notice. Also, please specify any particular resources or subject areas that you would like covered in the training session.
BLSA Hosts Barrister's Ball
The Black Law Student's Association (BLSA) will host the 18th Annual Barrister's Ball at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 17, in the Indiana Memorial Union, Alumni Hall. The event is a formal dinner and dance that celebrates the excellence of the Law School. Aside from being a time to honor the Law School and alumni, the Barrister's Ball is also a formal (black tie optional) dance. Join students, friends, faculty, administrators, and alumni for this amazing event, and dance the night away.
Get Involved with the Pro Bono Project
Would you like to network with attorneys? Do you need more real-world legal experience in order to find a job or to decide what area of law to pursue? Is there a specialty area of law that you would like to pursue, but do not know how? The Pro Bono Project is pleased to announce that students can accomplish all of the above while earning one B710 credit. By becoming involved with the Pro Bono Project, students can work with local attorneys and/or pro se litigants on a variety of cases in a variety of specialty areas. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Diane Walker, District 10 Pro Bono Project coordinator, at
Scheduling Events
All e-mail about reserving classrooms must be sent to BL-LAW-EVENTS. Mail must be sent to the correct address, bl-law-events (for Outlook users) or (for non-Outlook users). Please include the date and time of event, the length of time room will be needed, the classroom requested, and the number of people attending the event. Requests should be sent at least one week before the event and should include the name of the person requesting, the organization planning the event, and an e-mail address. Confirmations will be sent by reply e-mail. Thank you!
Audio-Video Services
Requests for AV services may be sent to Beth at Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.
The Indiana Law Annotated (ILA) is published every Monday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Information and articles for the ILA should be submitted to by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Monday's edition. If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact Debbie O'Leary (e-mail at, or phone 855-2426). To view past issues, visit