Indiana Law Annotated Vol. 30 No. 1 (January 9, 2006)
Table of Contents
The Indiana Law Annotated would like to welcome everyone back from break.
Reminder: To submit items to the ILA, please include the title of the event, who is participating, who is invited, when and where it will be held, and any cost associated. Submit ILA items to by noon each Thursday.
Best of luck this semester!
Judging Alito
A panel discussion titled "The Supreme Court: What's at Stake?" will be held from noon to 1 p.m. in the Moot Court Room. Sponsored by the School of Law, People For the American Way, American Civil Liberties Union, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and others, the forum will examine the nomination of Samuel Alito and what impact it may have on your rights and liberties. Speakers include Barbara Bolling, president of the NAACP - Indiana; Fran Quigley, executive director of the ACLU of Indiana; Paul Newman, JD'03, board member of the ACLU of Indiana; and Sheri M. Miller, director of the Indiana Coalition for a Fair and Independent Judiciary State. There will be free pizza and soft drinks.
CACR Speaker Series: Sonia Fahmy
The Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research (CACR) Speaker Series continues with a talk at noon in the Faculty Conference Room (335). Sonia Fahmy, associate professor of computer science at Purdue University, will give a talk, "An Experimental Study of Denial of Service Attacks," investigating the applicability of simulation and emulation for denial of service (DoS) attack experimentation. Students, faculty and staff are invited to attend.
Professor Jim Barnes participated on a panel titled, "The Environment in Indiana," at the 14th Annual Legislative Conference on Dec. 8 in Indianapolis. Co-hosted by Bingham McHale LLP and Indiana Legislative Insight, other panelists included Tom Easterly, director of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, and Sen. Tim Lanane, Democratic Leader Pro Tempore.
Professor Roger Dworkin delivered a paper, "The Process Paradigm: Rethinking Medical Malpractice," at the conference on Rethinking Health Law, held at Wake Forest Law School Dec. 8-10.
Annual Law School Trial Tournament
Impress your friends! Gain courtroom experience! Pad your resume! Find out if you're the next Perry Mason! Plan now to participate in the Law School Trial Tournament to be held Jan. 7 through 11, just before the start of next semester. The rules are simple. The tournament is open to all 2Ls and 3Ls who have not previously competed. You do not need to be taking trial advocacy or any other course. For more information and instructions on how to register, visit the tournament Web site at Contact Professor Alex Tanford ( if you have questions.
BLSA Hosts Barrister's Ball
The Black Law Student's Association (BLSA) will host the 18th Annual Barrister's Ball at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 17, in the Indiana Memorial Union, Alumni Hall. The event is a formal dinner and dance that celebrates the excellence of the Law School. Aside from being a time to honor the Law School and alumni, the Barrister's Ball is also a formal (black tie optional) dance. Join students, friends, faculty, administrators, and alumni for this amazing event, and dance the night away. Tickets will be available for purchase early next semester.
Trial Competition Team: Spring 2006
There are several openings on the trial competition team for the spring semester. For more information about the trial team, visit 2Ls and 3Ls are eligible. Students will be invited to join the team based on their performances in the Law School Trial Tournament, so participation in the tournament is necessary for consideration. Contact Professor Alex Tanford ( if you have questions.
Get Involved with the Pro Bono Project
Would you like to network with attorneys? Do you need more real-world legal experience in order to find a job or to decide what area of law to pursue? Is there a specialty area of law that you would like to pursue, but do not know how? The Pro Bono Project is pleased to announce that students can accomplish all of the above while earning one B710 credit. By becoming involved with the Pro Bono Project, students can work with local attorneys and/or pro se litigants on a variety of cases in a variety of specialty areas. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Diane Walker, District 10 Pro Bono Project coordinator, at
Scheduling Events
All e-mail about reserving classrooms must be sent to BL-LAW-EVENTS. Mail must be sent to the correct address, bl-law-events (for Outlook users) or (for non-Outlook users). Please include the date and time of event, the length of time room will be needed, the classroom requested, and the number of people attending the event. Requests should be sent at least one week before the event and should include the name of the person requesting, the organization planning the event, and an e-mail address. Confirmations will be sent by reply e-mail. Thank you!
Audio-Video Services
Requests for AV services may be sent to Beth at Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time, and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by e-mail.
The Indiana Law Annotated (ILA) is published every Monday while school is in session with news about the coming week. Information and articles for the ILA should be submitted to by Thursday at noon for inclusion in Monday's edition. If you have questions about an item appearing in the ILA, please contact Debbie O'Leary (e-mail at, or phone 855-2426). To view past issues, visit