Indiana Law Annotated Vol. 17 No. 9 October 25, 1999
Table of Contents
The Harris Lecture is the Indiana University School of Law's most prestigious endowed lecture. Over the years, the lecturers have included William Eskridge, Richard Posner, Barbara Babcock, Martha Minow, Guido Calabresi, Robert Bork, Owen Fiss, Jules Coleman, and Charles Fried.
The 1999 Harris Lecture will be given by Professor Margaret Jane Radin on Tuesday, Oct. 26 at Noon in the Moot Courtroom. The lecture is entitled "Humans, Computers, and Binding Commitments." Professor Radin is the William Benjamin Scott and Luna M. Scott Professor of Law at Stanford University, and Co-Director of Stanford Law School's Program in Law, Science and Technology.
Professor Radin is a noted property theorist. Her current research involves intellectual property, information technology, electronic commerce and the jurisprudence of cyberspace. She is also a frequent speaker on issues involving intellectual property and the emerging law of cyberspace. For example, she has made presentations at the IEEE Hot Chips Conference and at Xerox PARC's forum, and was a keynote speaker at the 1995 Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy. In 1998 she was a Fellow of the World Economic Forum at its Davos Conference.
This Harris lecture is a special opportunity to hear an important scholar speak on a legal subject of great significance. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
Greg Carter, co-prosecutor in the just-concluded Orville Majors murder trial, will be speaking in the trial court room on Wednesday, Oct. 27, at 6:15 p.m. for Professor Funk's trial process class.
Others are invited to attend on a space-available basis.
Part 2 Strategies
by Professor Susan Stuart, Career Services Committee Member
As set out in Part 1 of this subject, you should have a clear purpose in mind when you begin your out-of-state job search. We are hopeful that Part 2 will provide you with some strategies to consider in finding such a job.
First of all, 2Ls must, if at all possible, find a position in your targeted locale for the summer. Even if the position is yet another unpaid internship, you can spend the summer networking and further researching the job possibilities in the area. Such a position does two things: it demonstrates to prospective employers your commitment to the locale, and it will help you decide if you really want to make the move.
For both 2Ls and 3Ls, you need to consider that the hiring cycle in each state is going to mirror that which occurs here. Large firms will interview in the early fall while medium-sized firms will interview later. As always, small firms will usually only hire on an as-needed basis and landing a job with them is catch- as-catch-can. Out-of-state job opportunities are no different in that regard than in the Midwest. Therefore, you need to not only determine your locale, you need to determine your employment parameters large, mid-sized or small firm, government agency, or non-profit or public sector employer.
And do not give up on larger firms just because the season "closes" on Dec. 1. Every year, some major employers, especially in smaller markets, do not hire their "quota" of clerks, and they find themselves with openings. This situation happens nearly every year in Indianapolis and Washington, D.C. Often, perhaps because of "pride," these positions are not advertised, and the firms do not engage in any more OCI's. However, the openings must be filled by SOMEBODY. And it might as well be you. This strategy doesn't always work and perhaps works better for 3Ls than for 2Ls, especially if you start your search in December. At least one recent graduate committed herself to sending out her resume as a 2L in January and February to such firms and landed the job of her dreams in another state.
Next, you should commit yourself to spending time and resources to actually interview in that locale. Setting aside a long weekend to devote to several interviews not only shows your commitment to finding a job but demonstrates your commitment to finding a job in that area.
Some markets are very difficult to enter, such as Denver and Seattle, so begin networking now. Find out if any other IU law students or recent graduates are from or have worked in a particular locale. They will likely be more than willing to give you tips on how they entered the market and what prospects may be available.
For those of you 2Ls who prefer to have a job in hand for the summer, a clerkship with a large firm in another, preferably large, market is probably more useful than any other alternative. Having a job offer in hand from such a firm, while going through 3L interviews, at least demonstrates your skills as you try to sell yourself to another employer. In addition, it is typically easier to go "down" in size rather than "up." However, you should still commit a couple of weeks at the end of the summer to visit and interview in the locale where you wish to relocate.
Last, one of the best alternatives to help you move to a particular area is a judicial clerkship, at either state or federal level, in that state. Firms usually like to hire clerks because they have significant writing experience as well as the recommendation of a judge before whom they practice. Of course, a federal clerkship in the circuits has a significant impact wherever you go. And, not all judges nor all employers will care one way or the other. However, clerking in the state where you wish to settle can be impressive.
As you can see, interviewing for out-of-state positions offers a few more complications to your job search. CSO does post opportunities from out-of-state employers. Check those opportunities weekly. However, a great deal of your success will depend upon your own commitment to and preparation for such a move.
Who are those people whose photographs are on the first-floor wall? In this series of profiles, we introduce you to the members of the Academy of the Law Alumni Fellows. The Fellows are the recipients of the highest honor the Law School bestows on its alums. We hope that each profile will help you reflect on the successes of our alumni as well as some possibilities that are ahead for you.
Jesse Eschbach bears the distinction of being appointed to federal judicial positions by both President John F. Kennedy and President Ronald Reagan. That bipartisan support suggests the stellar reputation for scrupulous fairness and excellence this alum has achieved through a long career of public service.
Mr. Eschbach is a Hoosier with graduate and undergraduate degrees from Indiana University.
The expectations raised by his rank as an honor student met early fulfillment in his practice with a private law firm, his stints as city attorney and deputy prosecuting attorney, and his leadership in civic organizations. Military service and brief excursions into business prefaced his appointment to the United States District Court of Indiana by President Kennedy, where he served for nineteen years, seven of them as Chief Judge. His tenure was distinctive for the widespread respect he gained from his scrupulous fairness, thorough knowledge of the law, unwavering integrity, and regard for human dignity. He was elevated to the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in 1981 by President Reagan, where he continues to serve.
Dean Fred Aman participated last week in a conference at Yale Law School entitled "Regulatory and Economic Integration." This conference was jointly sponsored by the Yale Law School and the Institut deEtudes Juridiques Europeennes in Belgium. In addition, Dean Aman's essay entitled "Administrative Law for a New Century" was published as part of a new, edited volume entitled "Globalization and Governance." This volume grew out of a conference organized at Indiana University last year.
Professor David Fidler presented a paper on national and international legal obstacles to the development of drugs and vaccines for infectious diseases prevalent in developing countries at a Conference in Paris on October 14-15. The Conference was sponsored by Medecins Sans Frontieres and the World Health Organization and was held at MSF's Paris headquarters. During the Conference, MSF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize; and Professor Fidler was fortunate to witness the happy chaos that ensued at MSF headquarters when the award was announced.
Professor Fidler was interviewed by Marketplace Radio in Washington, D.C. for a story about the problems facing Palestinian economic development.
Professor Charles Geyh chaired a program of the American Judicature Society's Center for Judicial Independence in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 4, which featured presentations by United States District Judge Harold Baer and Illinois Circuit Judge Daniel Locallo. On Oct. 15, Professor "For God's sake man, find a new hobby" Geyh was a panelist in the Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder symposium at Quinnipiac College, moderated by Professor Arthur Miller, on the subject of (yes) judicial independence.
Professor Emily Van Tassel has been elected to the board of directors of the American Society for Legal History. The ASLH is a national organization dedicated to fostering and promoting scholarship, teaching and study of law and legal institutions, both Anglo-American and international. The Society publishes the journal Law and History Review.
Three of our third-year students are serving in key positions with the American Bar Association's Law Student Division this year.
Angela Karrass, who has been serving our school as the Chairperson of the Student Law Association, is one of three law students in the country who was elected nationally to be a Division Delegate. In this capacity, she has a seat in the regular ABA House of Delegates. According to our records, this is the first time any IU law student has been elected to one of these Delegate positions.
In addition, Angela is the 7th Circuit Executive Lieutenant Governor. Magdalene Przytulska is the Governor of the 7th Circuit, which encompasses several schools and states in the midwest. In this capacity she is responsible for leading, managing, and coordinating the ABA/LSD efforts in all the schools.
Teresa Hill, who is the school's ABA/LSD representative this year, also serves as 2nd Executive Lieutenant Governor of the 7th Circuit and also Liaison to the Pro Bono Committee and Elections Committee.
Congratulations to all three!
There are numerous writing contests for law students to enter. Many of these contests include publication and a lot of prize money. In past years, a number of our students have won prizes, some as much as $5,000, and have had their articles published.
Several of these contests are posted on the Board outside Room 024. A few of these contests, such as the Sig Beck Bankruptcy and Business competition and the Nathan Burkan Copyright competition, automatically ensure that IU students will win cash prizes.
So, if you have been writing a journal, seminar, or B706 note or paper, check out these contests. Let's ensure that IU students get a good share of these prizes.
Also, check the website at
Career Services will host a panel on federal and state judicial clerkships on Monday, Oct. 25, at Noon in Room 124. The program will feature several faculty members, a current clerk, and three 3Ls who have clerkships. Information on timelines, procedures, and resources will be provided.
Indiana State Bar applications for the February 2000 exam are available in the Recorder's Office. The filing deadline is Nov. 15, 1999.
3Ls - Tuesday, Oct. 26 (May & August 2000 graduates).
1Ls - Thursday, Oct. 28 (Students will learn which sections they have been assigned when they go through registration).
2Ls - Monday, Nov. 1.
CERT, MCL, LLM, SJD - Monday, Nov. 1.
In case of over-enrollment of courses, students will have a period to adjust their schedules: 3Ls on Monday, Nov. 8 and 2Ls on Tuesday, Nov. 9.
Registration is in Room 022, 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
If you are unable to register on the assigned day because of illness or being out of town, you should contact the Recorder's Office and register the day prior to the following day.
Oral arguments for the Sherman Minton Moot Court Competition will continue this week through Nov. 5, Monday through Friday, at 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. The competition and all arguments are open to the public. All students, faculty, family, and friends are welcome, and we encourage you to come support the participants in this endeavor.
Please join SLA for Dean Aman's "State of the Law School" address on Wednesday, Oct. 27, at 12:15 in the Moot Court Room. This will be a wonderful opportunity to hear about the exciting programs IU Law has in store and the amazing ground that has been covered in the past year. Dean Aman's talk will be the second in SLA's monthly Town Hall Series. Ideas for another meeting? See your SLA representative or drop a note in our suggestion slot in the Bookstore door!
SLA happily presents our annual Halloween party! This year, Lucifer will be visiting our upstairs-downstairs HEAVEN AND HELL at Terry's Banquets at Ivy Tech, Friday, Oct. 29, from 8:00 p.m. to Midnight. Food! Drink! Dancing! Party! Be sure to buy your tickets This week $8 in advance, $10 at the door. Tickets can be purchased at the SLA table or at the bookstore. Please remember, designate a driver and BEHAVE RESPONSIBLY. More info to come. Hope to see everyone there!
On Friday, Nov. 12, the Indiana University Black Law Student Association will be having it's annual Gong Show at Mars Nightclub. The Gong Show is an event for the entire Law School. It provides an atmosphere for students to relax, have fun, and see their classmates display their talents.
Tickets are $5 in advance and $7 at the door. They will go on sale the first week in November. If you are interested in being an act in the show, please contact Tavonna Harris at
We look forward to seeing you all there.
SLA Bookstore hours for October are as follows: Monday and Wednesday, Oct. 25 and 27, 11:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.
On Tuesday, Oct. 26, a delegation of SPEA (School of Public and Environmental Affairs) professors will visit the law school to talk about course offerings that might interest law students and to discuss the joint degree program. If you are wondering how you will take advantage of the six credit hours from outside of the law school that you can count toward your law degree, this would be a good program for you. If you are interested in learning more about the joint degree program with SPEA, this is an excellent opportunity to meet the students and faculty involved in the program.
The session will begin at 4:30 p.m. in Room 125, where the SPEA professors will describe their programs and courses. After the information session, the group will adjourn to an informal reception in the faculty lounge where you can get to know other interested students and faculty. Refreshments will be provided. If you have any questions about this event, contact Professor Fischman.
Announcing the First Annual IU Legal Lampoon Show to take place on Jan. 27 in the renovated Indiana Theater on Kirkwood.
This event will hopefully become an annual charitable fund-raising event drawing upon the writing and performing talents of the IU Law School community. If you would like to help write comedic/satirical scripts for skits and songs, sing, act - or play piano, bass or guitar in the band (with Deans Aman and Fromm!), please contact on of the following: Robert Meitus at; Carolynn McLaughlin at; Hamish Cohen at
Many faculty and administration have already committed to participating in This show, and we hope that you will contact us if you would like to as well.
Requests for AV services may be sent to Beth at av@exchange. Please include the name of your group and the e-mail address of the contact person, a description of what you want to do, and the date, location, starting time and duration of the event. Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and will be confirmed by email.
Monday - Friday, Oct. 28 - 29, Moot Court Competition, 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 25, Judicial Clerkships Panel, Noon, Room 124.
Tuesday, Oct. 26, Harris Lecture, Noon, Moot Court Room.
Tuesday, Oct. 26, SPEA Joint Degree Information, 4:30 p.m., Room 125.
Tuesday, Oct. 26, 3L Spring 2000 Registration, Room 022.
Wednesday, Oct. 27, SLA Town Hall Meeting, 12:15 p.m., Moot Court Room.
Wednesday, Oct. 27, Greg Carter on Trial Process, 6:15 p.m., Room 219.
Thursday, Oct. 28, 1L Spring 2000 Registration, Room 022.
Friday, Oct. 29, Heaven and Hell Halloween Party, 8:00 p.m., Terry's Banquet Hall.
Updated: 22 October 1999