Indiana Law Annotated Vol. 16, No. 14 April 26, 1999
Table of Contents
Professor Kevin Brown presented a paper entitled "Critical Race Theory as a Multiperspective Analysis: Reflections on Race in America from an African-American Journeying Through India" at the First National People of Color Legal Conference held at John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois on March 27. Professor Brown also was a panelist discussing the current legal issues involving affirmative action which was part of a panel discussion entitled "The Truth About Affirmative Action" sponsored by the College Democrats Association on April 14th.
Professor Marshall Leaffer delivered a talk entitled "Intellectual Property, Dispute Resolution, and the World Trade Organization" at the AALS Workshop on Intellectual Property, San Francisco, March 11-13, 1999.
Exam numbers for the spring semester are available in the Recorder' Office. Our office will be open from 8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. during the exam period.
A drop/add deadline schedule for 100% refunds for summer courses is posted in the glass board on the ground floor. Students may process summer schedule adjustments in our office.
As usual, your spring semester grades will be posted (in the Recorder's case by the stairway on the lower level) by your exam number, unless you tell the Recorder's Office verbally, by written note, or voice mail at 855-4809 that you do not want your grades posted.
The grade distribution and average course grade for each course will be posted in the Recorder's case only.
All students are encouraged to use INSITE,, to check their grades on the web. This is the best way to access your grades. This is a free service of the University and students may also check their fall class schedules and financial aid. Students will need to know their PIN number for this transaction. Your PIN number is based on your birth month and birth day (example: Feb 2 0202). If you do not know your PIN number, this is available only at the University Registrar's Office.
As an exception to the posting procedure, grades in selected courses with very small enrollments and grades in directed research projects will not be posted. Such grades may be picked up at the Recorder's Office when the notice of their availability is posted, or viewed on INSITE.
Finally, you can submit a separate envelope for each of your courses to the Recorder's Office by Tuesday, May 11. In submitting envelopes, you must place your name, May and June address, and a stamp on each envelope. As the grades become available for each course, an envelope will be mailed to you. The grades will not be due from the faculty until June 7. This is the slowest method for accessing your grades.
Absolutely no grades will be given out over the telephone, by FAX, or by e-mail.
This year's PILF Summer Fellowship Drive is coming to an end. But, there is still time to contribute! The donation box and forms will be located on the library circulation desk throughout the exam period. You only need to pledge now. Actual donations will not be requested until mid-summer.
Unfortunately, the response this year has been much less than in previous years. In fact we have received more donations from IL students than 2 or 3L's!
The Fellowship Drive is crucial in assisting law students working in public interest positions over the summer, as well as providing continued support to the area of Public Interest Law in general. Please consider donating ANY amount to this fundraiser. All donations are matched by the Law School.
PILF thanks those of you who have already contributed.
Despite the rainy weather, approximately 50 people and a dog participated in this year's 5K Ambulance Chase. As always, a few of the more serious runners arrived in shirt and tie.
Though the lead Ambulance made a wrong turn and made this 5K into a 2.5K for the top 15 runners, the event was a success. This year, Delta Theta Phi raised about $1,000 for the Bloomington Hospital Ambulance Service. Special thanks go out to those who participated and/or purchased t-shirts and to those who helped organize this year's Chase.
Congratulations go out to the winners:
1st Place Women's - Mindy Thompson (1L), 2nd Place - Julie Secor (2L)
3rd Place - Lucy Bednarek (3L).
1st Place Men's - Robert Burns (Non-law) 2nd and 3rd Places - two people who didn't write down their names.
Group Participation Award - Student Legal Services.
Associate Dean Lauren Robel has information on several internships in Florida for students interested in immigration law. Positions are available in Miami, Ft. Pierce, and Imokolee. At Imokolee, there is the possibility of free housing. The positions are with the Florida Immigration Advocacy Center, which works with refugees from El Salvador, Guatamala, Nicaragua, and Cuba. Spanish is a plus, but not necessary.
In addition, the Florida Rural Legal Aid Program in Imokolee, which works primarily with migrant farmworkers, could use an intern this summer. If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact Dean Robel as soon as possible.
1L's and 2L's are needed to work at the Graduation Party in the Law School Library on Friday, May 7, from 6:30 p.m.-1:00 a.m. Pay is $5.40 per hour. If you are interested, please see Kate Buckman in the Library Offices.
Updated: 24 April 1999