Indiana Law Annotated Vol. 13 No.15 December 1, 1997
Table of Contents
- Student Course Evaluations and Anonymous Grading
- News from Student Affairs Office
- News from Student Organizations
- Announcements
- Calendar
Student Course Evaluations and Anonymous Grading
from Associate Dean Lauren Robel
During the last two weeks of the semester, students are asked to complete evaluations of their courses. The evaluations are used in a variety of ways at the school. First, and most obviously, many professors read the evaluations in order to assess their effectiveness as teachers. Second, the evaluations are used by the school in setting salaries, and are read during the promotion and tenure process as part of the information available to the school about a professor's teaching.
Professors may only see their evaluations after they have graded their exams and submitted the grades to the Recorder's Office.
Examinations at the law school are graded anonymously. Students are required to obtain an examination number each semester. During the exam period, professors are given a list of the exam numbers for students in each of their classes. The list contains no names and is used for two purposes. First, it allows professors to check the numbers on the exam booklets against the numbers on the list to ensure that all students have turned in their exam booklets. Second, by placing the grade next to the examination number on this list, professors report grades to the Recorder. Two copies of the examination grades are given to the Recorder, who initials and keeps one copy. The second copy, along with a key to identify students by name, is then returned to the professors who wish to adjust grades for class participation.
The requirement that initial grades be turned in before members of the class are identified by name ensures that the identities of the class members will not be known until professors have relinquished control over their initial grades. The Recorder keeps the initial grade sheet on file, as well as the sheet adjusting grades for class participation. If a question arises as to whether a change was made to a grade after a student's identity was revealed, the exact nature of the change can be obtained from the Recorder.
As noted earlier, professors cannot read their student evaluations until their final grades have been turned in.
News from Student Affairs Office
The UNHCR will take one or two of our students for the summer of 1998 for a non-paying B710 Clinical Project in Brussels, Belgium. Although primarily for students who have completed two years of law school, students graduating are eligible to apply as well, provided they are able to finance their stay. Fluency in French (both speaking and writing) is required.
The open period for applying is November 10 through December 1. Please see Dean Fromm if you have interest and wish to apply.
News from Student Organizations
SLA will have extended bookstore hours on Friday, December 5 from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Dr. Earl A. Snyder, an alumnus of Indiana University School of Law and Cambridge University, has generously provided support for a student (current 2L or 3L) from Indiana University to work at the Research Centre for International Law of Cambridge University during the summer or early fall of 1998.
Mr. Snyder will provide air fare, a housing and meal allowance, and a stipend, worth together more than $4,000. The Centre contemplates that the Snyder Scholar will be in residence for about three months and will either participate in an ongoing project of the Centre or be assigned a project of his or her own. Because the Centre expects the Snyder Scholar to work on an international law project, applicants must have had international law or equivalent courses. The Snyder Scholar should also be committed to further study of or practice in international law. Applicants can demonstrate this commitment by listing courses taken in the international law area, research in international law topics, employment in the international arena, knowledge of languages, career goals and extracurricular activities.
Applicants should provide the following: (1) a resume; and (2) a statement of commitment to international law and a personal research agenda.
Please provide your name, address and a phone number where you can be reached here in Bloomington. Return your completed applications to Dale Calabrese in Room 024 by Tuesday, January 13, 1998.
The preliminary selection committee will consist of faculty. Interviews may be required. The final selection will be made in late January by Mr. Lauterpacht, Cambridge University professor and one of the premier lawyers on the international front.
...SLA extended bookstore hours, 9:00 a.m-4:00 p.m.
...Clothing and toy drive -- box for contributions downstairs across from the SLA bookstore; continues through December 5.
...UNHCR Clinical Project open application period through December 1. See Dean Fromm.
...Applications accepted for Snyder Visiting Scholar. See Dale Calabrese, Room 024.
...Student applications for ISBA Minority Clerkship Program available in the CSO.