- Email:
- dnagy@iu.edu
- Phone:
- (812) 856-2826
- Location:
- Baier Hall 329

- Vassar College B.A. 1986
- New York University Law School J.D. 1989
- Member, Phi Beta Kappa at Vassar College
- Articles Editor, New York University Law Review, Elected to the Order of the Coif
- Securities enforcement and litigation associate with Debevoise & Plimpton, Washington, D.C.
- Elected to membership in The American Law Institute
- Past Member, ABA Corporate Laws Committee, Section on Business Law (Sept. 2011-Sept. 2017)
- Past Member, National Adjudicatory Council (NAC), Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) (Jan. 2010-Dec. 2012)
- Served as Executive Associate Dean from 2013-2019 and 2020-21
Professor Nagy joined the law school faculty in 2006 as the C. Ben Dutton Professor of Business Law, and has served as executive associate dean for much of the last decade. She began her teaching career in 1994 at the University of Cincinnati College of Law, where she served as Interim Dean from 2004-05 and as Associate Dean for Faculty Development from 2002-04. In Spring 2001, she was a Visiting Professor of Law at the University of Illinois College of Law, and was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Canterbury School of Law in Christchurch, New Zealand in Spring 2002.
Professor Nagy teaches and writes in the areas of securities litigation, securities regulation, and corporations. Her scholarship includes two co-authored books, one on the law of insider trading (with Ralph Ferrara and Herbert Thomas) and a casebook on Securities Litigation, Enforcement, and Compliance (with Lisa Fairfax and Veronica Root Fairfax). She has written numerous law review articles on matters including, most recently, the selective disclosure of government information; government officials and financial conflicts of interest; and insider trading and fiduciary principles. She is also a frequent speaker on securities regulation and litigation topics at law schools and professional conferences. Professor Nagy is a member of the American Law Institute and served as an appointed member to the ABA Corporate Laws Committee. She also served a three-year term as a member of the National Adjudicatory Council of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and has held many leadership positions with the Association of American Law Schools (including the 2017 chair of the Program Committee for the AALS Annual Meeting and the 2015 chair of the Planning Committee for the New Law Teachers Workshop). She was also a vice president and member of the Board of Trustees of the SEC Historical Society from 2008-11.
Prior to teaching, Professor Nagy was an associate with Debevoise & Plimpton in Washington, D.C., specializing in securities enforcement and litigation.
In the Media
- Quoted in "Hundreds of energy department officials hold stocks related to agency’s work despite warnings," (2/22/2023)
- Mentioned in "Regulating ESG Disclosure," The Regulatory Review (1/28/2023)
- Mentioned in "Biden's ongoing struggle with the utter hypocrisy of stock trading in Congress," MSNBC News (8/8/2022)
- Mentioned in "Qualified blind trust proposal receives chilled reception at congressional stock hearing," Roll Call (4/7/2022)
Selected works
- SECURITIES LITIGATION, ENFORCEMENT, AND COMPLIANCE: CASES AND MATERIALS, 5th Edition (with Lisa M. Fairfax and Veronica Root Martinez) (West Publishing, forthcoming 2022).
- SECURITIES LITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT: CASES AND MATERIALS, 4th EDITION (with Richard W. Painter and Margaret V. Sachs) (West Publishing 2017; previous editions in 2003, 2008, 2012) and accompanying Annual Summer Supplements and Teacher’s Manuals.
- SECURITIES LITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT IN A NUTSHELL (with Margaret V. Sachs and Gerald Russello) (West Publishing 2016).
- FERRARA ON INSIDER TRADING AND THE WALL (with Ralph C. Ferrara and Herbert Thomas) (Law Journal Seminars-Press 2002) (with semi-annual updates for loose-leaf edition).
- Commentary on “United States v. Chestman” in FEMINIST JUDGMENTS: CORPORATE LAW REWRITTEN (Anne Choike et al., eds.) (Cambridge Univ. Press, forthcoming 2022)
- Insider Trading Law in the United States and Australia: Fiduciary Breaches, Market Abuses, and the Harshness of Penalties, with University of Sydney Business School Professor Juliette Overland, in CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK ON INVESTOR PROTECTIONS (Arthur Laby, ed.) (Cambridge Univ. Press, forthcoming 2022)
- ESG and Climate Change Blind Spots: Turning the Corner on SEC Disclosure, 99 Tex. L. Rev. 1453-85 (2021) (with Professor Cynthia A. Williams). To be reprinted in 2022 SECURITIES LAW REVIEW (ed., Donald C. Langevoort, West Publishing)
- Chiarella v. United States and its Indelible Impact on Insider Trading Law, 15 Tenn. J. L. & Pol. 6-47 (2020) (Insider Trading Stories” symposium issue). Reprinted in 2021 Securities Law Review § 3.1 (ed., Donald C. Langevoort, West Publishing)
- Misleading Silence as the Basis for Insider Trading Liability Under the Federal Securities Laws in Misleading Silence: A Collection of Essays (Elise Bant and Jeannine Paterson, Eds.) (Hart Publishing, 2020)
- The Statutory Authority for Court-Ordered Disgorgement in SEC Enforcement Actions, 71 SMU L. REV. 895-926 (2018), reprinted in 2019 SECURITIES L. REV. § 4.1 (ed., Donald C. Langevoort).
- Congressional Officials and the Fiduciary Duty of Loyalty—Lessons from Corporate Law in FIDUCIARY GOVERNMENT (Evan Criddle et al. eds.) (Cambridge Univ. Press 2018).
- Beyond Dirks: Gratuitous Tipping and Insider Trading, 42 J. CORP. LAW 1-57 (2016).
- Salman v. United States: Insider Trading’s Tipping Point, 69 STAN. L. REV. ONLINE 28-36 (2016).
- The Costs of Mandatory Cost-Benefit Analysis in SEC Rulemaking, 57 ARIZ. L. REV. 129-160 (2015).
- Plugging Leaks and Lowering Levees in the Federal Government: Practical Solutions for Securities Trading Based on Political Intelligence, 2014 ILL. L. REV. 1521-1572 (2014) (co-authored with Richard Painter).
- Owning Stock While Making Law: An Agency Problem and a Fiduciary Solution, 48 WAKE FOREST L. REV. 567-623 (2013).
- Selective Disclosure by Federal Officials and the Case for an FGD (Fairer Government Disclosure) Regime, 2012 WIS L. REV. 1285-1365 (2012) (co-authored with Richard W. Painter).
- Insider Trading, Congressional Officials, and Duties of Entrustment, 91 B.U. L. REV. 1105-1163 (2011) (selected by the Corporate Practice Commentator’s annual professor poll as one of the Top Ten Corporate and Securities Articles of 2011; reprinted in 44 SECURITIES L. REV. (2012) (ed., Donald C. Langevoort) and 54 CORP. PRACTICE COMMENTATOR (2012) (ed., Robert B. Thompson).
- Is the PCAOB a “Heavily Controlled Component” of the SEC?:An Essential Question in the Constitutional Controversy, 71 PITT. L. REV. 361-402 (2010).
Law Reform Efforts Amicus Curiae Briefs
- Letter to U.S. House and Senate Leadership urging passage of a federal statute prohibiting members of Congress and their senior staff from owning securities of individual publicly traded companies (Dec. 11, 2020, with Univ. of Minnesota Law Professor Richard W. Painter).
- Brief of Securities Law Professors in Support of Respondent, Liu v. Securities and Exchange Commission, 140 S. Ct. 1936 (2020) (No. 18-1501), with co-counsel IU Maurer Law Professor Shana Wallace.
- Brief of Securities Law Professors in Support of Respondent, Liu v. Securities and Exchange Commission, __ U.S. ___ (No. 18-1501), Jan. 20, 2020.
- Written Testimony for Hearing on H.R. 1148 – The Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act – Before the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services, December 6, 2011.
- Written Testimony for Hearing on Insider Trading and Congressional Accountability Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, December 1, 2011.
- Brief of Law Professors in Support of Petitioners in Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, 561 US 477 (2010) (No. 08-861).
Areas of expertise
- Corporate law
- Securities law