- Email:
- meretsky@iu.edu
- Phone:
- (812) 855-4944
- Location:
- 1315 E. Tenth St.

Professor Meretsky is a conservation biologist with research interests at both the single species and landscape scales. Previously she has conducted research on California condors, Egyptian vultures, and endangered species of Grand Canyon, Arizona, including humpback chub and Kanab ambersnail. She coordinated the vertebrate portion of the Arizona GAP biodiversity analysis. Professor Meretsky's research interests include ecology of rare species, demographic and spatial population models, temporal patterns in biodiversity as a function of physical and biotic environmental variables, and integrating ecosystem research and endangered species management with adaptive management.
Current research includes modeling processes relating to deforestation and reforestation of Indiana a co-PI on an NSF Biocomplexity grant, demographic modeling of California condors, ecosystem conservation of an acid seep system in southern Indiana, study of short- and long-term patterns of vegetation change at seeps and springs on the Colorado Plateau, and research on conservation potential of reclaimed mines. Professor Meretsky teaches applied ecology, conservation biology, and field techniques in ecology. She holds an adjunct appointment in IU's Department of Biology and in Northern Arizona University's Department of Biological Sciences. She is also a research associate with the Center for the Study of Institutions, Population, and Environmental Change (CIPEC).
In the Media
- Mentioned in "Safeguarding Endangered Species," The Regulatory Review (7/27/2024)
Selected works
- Meretsky, V.J. and T.S. Melis. 1997. "Integration of Grand Canyon physical and biological information." Pages 192-213 in C. van Riper, III, and E.T. Deshler, eds. Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Conference on Research in the Colorado Plateau National Parks. National Park Service Transaction and Proceedings Series NPS/NRNAU/NRTP-97/12.
- Zengel, S.A., V.J. Meretsky, E.P. Glenn, R.S. Felger and D. Ortiz. 1995. "Cienega de Santa Clara, a remnant wetland in the Rio Colorado delta (Mexico): vegetation distribution and the effects of water flow reduction". Ecological Engineering 4:19-36.
- Meretsky, V.J. and N.F.R. Snyder. 1992. "Range use and movements of California condors". Condor 94:313-335.