- Email:
- dworkin@iu.edu
- Phone:
- (812) 855-7995
- Location:
- Princeton University A.B. 1963
- Stanford University J.D. 1966
- Private Practice, San Diego, Calif., 1967-68
- Professor of Biomedical History, University of Washington School of Medicine, 1980-82.
Roger Dworkin was a member of Phi Beta Kappa at Princeton University. He earned his J.D. at Stanford University, where he served on the board of editors for the Stanford Law Review and was elected to the Order of the Coif. A graduate of Princeton and Stanford universities and a nationally recognized expert on the responses of the legal system to medical and biological technology, Professor Dworkin is the author of three books and dozens of articles.
In his 39 years of teaching at Indiana Law, Dworkin taught courses including Torts, Advanced Torts, Law and Medicine, and Law and Biomedical Advance. He is a winner of the Wallace Teaching Award and a Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching. Students for decades have named him among the finest teachers in their lifetime, citing his ability to teach them to think carefully and critically about the substance of the law.
He is a Nelson Poynter Senior Scholar and director of medical studies at the Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions.
Selected works
- The Process Paradigm: Rethinking Medical Malpractice, 41 WAKE FOREST LAW REVIEW 509 (2006).
- Anything New Under the Sun?: Trying to Design A New Legal Institution to Deal with Biomedical Advance, 155 WELTINNENRECHT 165 (2005).
- An Idea Whose Time Should Never Have Come, 13 JAHRBUCH FUER RECHT UND ETHIK/ANNUAL REVIEW OF LAW AND ETHICS 437 (2005).
- Definition of Death (with Ralph Gaebler), in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FORENSIC AND LEGAL MEDICINE (Jason Payne-James, et al., Eds.). London: Elsevier Academic, 2005.
- Bioethics?: The Law and Biomedical Advance, 14 HEALTH MATRIX 43 (Winter 2004).
- EARLY WARNING: CASES AND ETHICAL GUIDANCE FOR PRESYMPTOMATIC TESTING IN GENETIC DISEASES (with David H. Smith, et al.). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1998.
- LIMITS: THE ROLE OF THE LAW IN BIOETHICAL DECISION MAKING. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996.
- CASES AND MATERIALS ON LAW AND MEDICINE (with Walter Wadlington and Jon R. Waltz). Mineola, NY: Foundation Press, 1980.