
Communications and marketing resources

Indiana University maintains detailed and strict brand guidelines for the university. As part of IU, the Maurer School of Law, its faculty, staff, and students are required to follow these guidelines to ensure consistency across all of our platforms, from printed materials to promotional items.

Every member of the IU community is the face of the IU brand—students, alumni, employees, and more.

To put it simply, our brand is our distinct identity.

Traditionally, we tend to think of our brand as being objective. The IU trident or our brand colors might come to mind first. And while visual branding elements are part of it, they’re far from the whole picture. The IU brand is the entirety of our ecosystem—every touchpoint, every relationship, every interaction. It exists through our people, our impact, and our exchanges. It includes our strengths and our weaknesses.

More importantly, we don’t get to unilaterally define our brand. The IU brand lives in the mind of our constituents. Who we are is who our constituents believe we are, compared to our competition. And those perceptions are formed through countless experiences across a variety of platforms and channels. Together, we call these platforms and channels, along with the tools for building and using them, our brand ecosystem.

Logos and lockups

Indiana University utilizes what it calls "marketing lockups" to provide a consistent and easily identifiable mark that represents our schools, offices, and organizations. It can be used on all marketing materials, both on screen and in print.

For design flexibility, the lockup has horizontal and vertical options, and either black or white text depending on background image or color. The key is making sure the lockup is distinguishable and legible.

The Law School and all of its offices, research centers, and other formal programs (e.g. Law and Technology) have their own specific marketing lockups. Only Maurer faculty or staff are allowed to use the Law School's official lockups for promotional or formal use.

Student organizations

Student organizations at the Law School are categorized as either:

  • University Student Organizations (USO) or
  • Self-Governed Student Organizations (SGSO)

How your student organization is categorized determines the type of logo or mark you are allowed to use.

University Student Organizations

A small number of student organizations are considered University Student Organizations and are treated as operating units of Indiana University. USOs at the Law School include: Black law Students Association, Incarcerated Individuals Legal Assistance Project, LGBTQ+ Project, Outreach for Legal Literacy, Protective Order Project, Public Interest Law Foundation, and the Student Bar Association. USOs are entitled to administrative services as a university unit and additional use of IU branding, however, USOs have to comply with all university policies. Most Law School USOs have marketing lockups already created. Please contact James Boyd ( to obtain yours.


Student-governed Student Organizations

Most student organizations at the Law School are considered Self-Governed Student Organizations (SGSOs). SGSOs are not departments or administrative units of Indiana University. We encourage SGSOs on all IU campuses to use the official student organization mark on marketing materials and merchandise if they would like to include the IU trident. Use of this mark indicates that an organization is an official SGSO at IU. The purpose of the SGSO marks is to ensure that outside organizations understand that their dealings are with the club or group and not with the university itself.

Promotional and retail item guidelines

Indiana University's Licensing and Trademarks office serves as the final signoff for any product (whether you intend to give it away or sell it) that uses an IU logo, trademark, or motto. If your project doesn't meet the guidelines outlined below, it will be rejected and your vendor will not be able to produce your items. When in doubt, refer to the guides below.


Photography captures the beauty and activity of our Law School and campus. An archive of high-resolution photos is available for your project.

Adobe Stock

As a member of the IU community, you have access to Adobe Stock imagery, an extraordinary database of graphics for your projects. To use Adobe Stock:

  1. Visit
  2. Click "Sign in" in the upper menu
  3. Use your IU email address to log in. You must use your, even if you have an "" address.
  4. Search for imagery, vector graphics, audio, video, illustrations and more
  5. Click on "License" to download a high-resolution copy

*Some Adobe Stock assets, usually labeled "premium," are not available through IU's contract.