a. "Reserve" books (formbooks and treatises listed below) are on the shelves behind the referencecirculation desk.
b. Professional ethics. KF 305-09
c. Interviewing and client counseling. KF 311
d. Running a law office. KF 318
e Civil procedure generally KF 8800-49
f. Motions. KF 8875
g. Discovery: KF 8900
h. Litigation generally KF 8915
i. Evidence KF 8930-39
j. Fact investigation KF8935 (see also main library HV8073)
k. Expert witnesses KF 8960-64
l. Summary judgment KF 8999
m. Negotiation. KF 9084
Am Jur Legal Forms (Reserve) - 60 vols
Nichols Cyclopedia of Legal Forms (Reserve) - 40 vols
West Legal Forms - 45 vols (Reserve)
AmJur Pleading & Practice Forms (Reserve)
Bender's Federal Practice Forms (Reserve)
Federal Procedural Forms (Reserve)
UCC Pleading and Practice Forms (Reserve)
West's Federal Forms (Reserve)
Cyclopedia of Federal Procedure Forms (Reserve)
Bender's Forms of Discovery (Reserve)
Page on Wills (reserve)
Williston on Contracts (reserve)
Rabkin & Johnson, Current Legal Forms (Tax) (Reserve)
Cook & Sobieski, Civil Rights Actions (Reserve)
Indiana Practice (Harvey) (R)
Anderson's Probate Forms (R)
Henry's Probate Law & Practice (R)
Indiana Pleading and Practie (R)
Indiana Civil Trial Guide (R)
Law of lawyering (handbook on model rules) (reserve)