Intellectual Property Externship
B551 is taught by M. Janis, L. Violi
The Intellectual Property Externship program consists of a series of externship opportunities developed and administered by the law school in connection with the Center for Intellectual Property Research. The number and type of externships will vary from semester to semester, and some may be available during the summer. Intellectual Property externship opportunities will be posted at designated times during the fall and spring semesters. Students will ordinarily apply directly to the externship hosts, who will be responsible for selecting externs. Student externs will then enroll in the Intellectual Property Externship course. Prerequisites will vary, depending upon the externship.
Before signing up for an externship course, please be sure review the Faculty Policy on Field Placements.
For assistance with finding an externship, please work with your CSO Advisor. Faculty approval prior to registration is required.
Once you have secured a position, getting set to work for credit is a fairly simple process: You need to complete the Externship Permission Form on CareerNet, which can be found under the Externships tab on the left side of your homepage. We ll review and approve the externship, and then you ll enroll in the relevant course for the semester during Registration.
Please note: Ordinarily, no student may enroll in a field placement concurrently with a law clinic. Rare exceptions may be made by Dean McFadden.