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Comparative Law: Comp Legal Systems

B748 is taught by H Buxbaum, J. Krishnan

Our goal for this course is to place United States& 039; legal system in a comparative context. We shall approach this issue by focusing on the judicial processes and legal professions of certain countries in Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia. We will also comparatively examine the intersection between legal institutions, legal actors, and notions of rights within the countries we study. We will then return to evaluate the overall merits of how the United States fits into this analysis.

There will be books available in the bookstore.


1/3 of your final grade will be participation in and preparedness for class

1/3 of the final grade will be a 2,000-3,000 thought-piece due the day of the final exam (The paper will be based on a review of a book, article, series of articles, or foreign case recently decided. Your selection must be cleared first by the instructor.)

1/3 of the final grade will be a two hour, in-class essay exam