Trial Competition Team
B584 is taught by A. Tanford
Participation in a Trial Competition is the capstone option for students serious about litigation. To obtain credit (2 hours, pass-fail), students must prepare a case for trial, attend a series of review classes on trial advocacy that meet before regular classes start in January, and participate in a law school tournament during the first few weeks of the spring semester. In addition, up to 8 students will be selected based on their performance in the law school tournament to represent IU in the AAJ Student Trial Advocacy competition held around March 1. Students may participate in the tournament and be eligible for selection to the external trial team without attending the pre-semester classes, but will not receive academic credit.
This course requires a lot of concentrated hard work in January and February. Classes, practice rounds and the tournament often take place on evenings, Fridays and weekends, and students must be available on those days.
The only prerequisite is B723 Evidence. You do not need to have taken B722 Trial Advocacy or B720 Advanced Trial Practice, although both courses are recommended.
For more information, you can check the home page for last year#s Trial Competition at (link)
(2 credits)