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- heidt@iu.edu
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- University of Wisconsin--Madison B.A. 0
- University of Wisconsin--Madison J.D. 1972
- Earned his J.D. and graduated second in his class from the University of Wisconsin—Madison; elected to the Order of the Coif
- Trial Attorney, United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division (1973-1978)
- Clerk, Hon. John W. Reynolds, Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin (1972-1973)
- President, Indiana Association of Scholars
Professor Heidt began his teaching career at the University of Nebraska, joining the faculty at Indiana Law in 1982. He teaches Antitrust, Torts, Law and Economics, Insurance Law and Products Liability.
A recipient of the Charles Whistler Faculty Fellowship, Heidt writes in the field of antitrust as well as other areas. He has served as a consultant for the Asia Foundation with the National Law Development Agency of Indonesia and with other third world organizations. As a part of that consultancy, he taught legal drafting to third world governments. He attended the founding meetings of both the Conference on Critical Studies and the American Association of Law and Economics. He retired in 2013.
Selected works
- Damned for Their Judgment: The Tort Liability of Standard Development Organizations, 45 WAKE FOREST LAW REVIEW 1227 (2010).
- The Unappreciated Importance, For Small Businesses, of the Duty to Settle, 62 MAINE LAW REVIEW 75 (2010).
- When Plaintiffs Are Premium Planners For Their Injuries: A Fresh Look at the Fireman's Rule, 82 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL, 745-808 (2007)
- The Avid Sportsman and the Scope for Self-Protection in Torts: When Exculpatory Clause Should Be Enforced, 38 UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND LAW REVIEW, 381 (2004).
- A Redrafted Section 1 of the Sherman Act, 66 NOTRE DAME LAW REVIEW, 603 (1991).
- Industry Self-Regulation and the Useless Concept "Group Boycott," 39 VANDERBILT LAW REVIEW, 1507 (1986).
- Don't Talk of Fairness: The Chicago School's Approach Toward Disciplining Professional Athletes, 61 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL, 53 (1985).
- The Conjurer's Circle: The Fifth Amendment Privilege in Civil Cases, 91 YALE LAW JOURNAL, 1062 (1982).