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- dfidler@iu.edu
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- University of Kansas B.A. 1986
- Harvard Law School J.D. 1991
- University of Oxford M.Phil. 1988
- University of Oxford B.C.L. 1991
- International Law (B665)
- Cybersecurity Law and Policy: Crime, Terrorism, Espionage, and War in Cyberspace B738)
- International Trade (B759)
- International Business Transactions (B735)
- National and Homeland Security Law (B574)
- International Environmental Law (B783)
- International Criminal Law (B565)
- Seminar in Drone Law (L712)
- Graduated summa cum laude from the University of Kansas with a bachelor's degree in 1986
- Received J.D. cum laude from Harvard Law School
- Received a M. Phil. with distinction and a B.C.L. with first class honours from the University of Oxford
- Associate, Sullivan & Cromwell, London (1991-1993)
- Associate, Stinson, Mag & Fizzell, Kansas City (1993-95)
- Lecturer, University of Oxford (1990-93)
Professor Fidler specializes in international law, national security, and emerging technologies. He is one of the world’s leading experts on cybersecurity law and policy and cyberspace and international law. Professor Fidler is an adjunct senior fellow for cybersecurity with the Council on Foreign Relations, served as the chair of the International Law Association’s Study Group on Terrorism, Cybersecurity, and International Law, and the editor of and a contributor to the award-winning The Snowden Reader (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2015).
Professor Fidler is also an internationally recognized expert in global health and biosecurity threats. He is an associate fellow with the Centre on Global Health Security at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), has been an international legal consultant for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization, and is on the Roster of Experts that advises the Director-General of the World Health Organization under the International Health Regulations. He was a member of the Harvard-London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine’s Independent Panel on the Global Response to Ebola and provided advice to the UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Global Response to Health Crises. He served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Science Board on the threat of bioterrorism and as a member of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s committee on dual-use biological research of concern.
Professor Fidler has also worked extensively on the rule of law in counterinsurgency and stability operations, including his participation in the Interagency Afghanistan Integrated Civilian-Military Pre-Deployment Training Course organized by the Departments of Defense, State, and Agriculture and the U.S. Agency for International Development. He has also published frequently on the globalization of baseball, with a focus on improving how Major League Baseball operates in Latin American countries.
Selected works
- To Declare or Not to Declare: The Controversy Over Declaring a Public Health Emergency of International Concern for the Ebola Outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy (2019).
- Synthetic Brain Technologies: Beyond Artificial Intelligence, in New Technologies and the Law in War and Peace (Cambridge University Press, 2018).
- PEPFAR’s Impact on Global Health is Fading, Council on Foreign Relations Expert Brief (2018).
- Cybersecurity and the New Era of Space Activities, Council on Foreign Relations Cyber Brief (2018).
- Transforming Election Cybersecurity, Council on Foreign Relations Cyber Brief (2017).
- Venezuela: The Passion and Politics of Baseball, in Baseball without Borders (University of Nebraska Press, 2017) (co-author with Arturo J. Marcano).
- President Trump, Trade Policy, and American Grand Strategy: From Common Advantage to Collective Carnage, Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy (2017).
- The U.S. Election Hacks, Cybersecurity, and International law, 110 American Journal of International Law Unbound (2017).
- Cyberspace, Terrorism, and International Law, Journal of Conflict and Security Law (2016).
- Just & Unjust War, Uses of Force & Coercion: An Ethical Inquiry with Cyber Illustrations, Daedalus (2016).
- Global Health Diplomacy and the Ebola Outbreak, in The Global Management of Infectious Diseases after Ebola (Oxford University Press, 2016).
- The Snowden Reader (Indiana University Press, 2015).